"How can I help you today Miss?" a policeman asks me at the front desk while typing something on his computer.
"I would like report someone for sexual assault, rape" I reply to them while taking a deep breath afterwards. I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder. I look to see who it is and then look back at the policeman. I already know who is right besides me.
"And who would you like to report for something this 'serious', Miss?" he asks me, still typing onto his computer. It's like he is not listening to me.
"She would like to report Mr. Charles Bailey. My father" I hear Cole say to the police while slamming his hands onto the front desk startling the policeman who is typing on the computer.
"Now why would you want to report him? He has been gone for three days now. Please move to the side now or please leave the station" the policeman whispers to Cole while going back to typing on the computer.
I gently put a hand on his chest and move him back a few steps. I ask him to take a few deep breaths because he is about to cause a scene in the police station. Cole goes and sits down a few feet away and sits next to my mother. Ashley is at a friend of my mom's for today. I turn around and go back up to the front desk. The police person is now talking to someone on the phone. I go around the desk, in which we're not allowed to but I don't care, and press the end call which makes the police man look up and see me standing there. He puts the phone back on the charger and stands up making him a few inches away from me.
"You are not allowed back here and I was on a very important phone call there" he says in an angry voice.
"Well, I was talking to you about a sexual report that I need to report about Mr. Charles Bailey" I am not going to take any of this guy's shit. I don't care if he is the police.
"That is not important right now, plus you're just a kid. You probably just want his money and want some attention" he whispers to me.
"Excuse me, I am friends with his daughter and son. And I HAVE THE FRICKIN PROOF THAT HE DID THIS TO ME!!" I say not realizing that I just screamed throughout the whole police station making everyone stop, what they were doing. A few seconds later in which I assume is the chief of police comes out of an office and stands a few feet away from the both of us.
"What seems to be the problem here?" he asks the both of us. I see my mom and Cole come up and stand next to me.
"I came into report something and he told me to leave. So I went around his desk and hung up his phone call" I start until his rookie interrupts me saying, "she is not allowed back here so I was just about to tell her to go back to the front desk before she started yelling at me like a crazy woman"
"You accused me of saying that I just wanted to get attention and wanted Mr. Bailey's money. He did something and deserves to be in jail for what he did to me. I just wanted to talk to your chief of police. And I guess I don't have to ask, because he is right here" I finish saying leaving his Chief thinking and processing all of this.
"Is this true. Miss?" he says while looking over to my mother.
"Yes, sir" she says while nodding and backing up a little bit.
"Aren't you Mr. Charles Bailey's son?" he asks Cole. Cole crosses his arms and takes a deep breath. "Not anymore. Not after what he did to my best friend."
"I see. You can leave for the day and you three, come with me to my office" he says while gesturing to his rookie who grunts quietly and leaves the station. I have a feeling that he is going to be fired soon. I hope so. We arrive in his office and we sit down in the seats provided for us. Cole closes the door and stands in the corner closest to us.
"So what can I help you with today?" the Chief of Police asks all three of us. Cole just ignores his question and keeps his arms crossed. I turn to look at him and give him the 'please cooperate' look. He rolls his eyes and then comes sits down next to me.
"My daughter here would like to file a report on someone" my mom says confidently while gently putting a hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and grab my phone out of my pocket.
"Who, and what for. If I may ask"
"Mr. Charles Bailey. And sexual assault" I tell to the police while opening up the pictures. I give him my phone and he looks at the evidence that I have provided for him.
"Wow, and are any of these bruises still on you at all?"
"The first ones are those on the phone, I do have new ones that have formed"
"New Ones?" he asks in a questioning look and interlocks his fingers together. I see that Cole has a shocking look on his face as well. Oh shit, I forgot to tell him about the second assault. All I told him was that I was assaulted twice. I didn;t tell him when and where. I guess he is still shocked about it.
"Y-yeah" I stutter out while bringing up my legs covering myself and wrapping my arms around my legs. All of a sudden I feel a bit uncomfortable now.
"When did the second assault happen, Miss?" he asks me. I look at my mom, then at Cole and back at the Chief.
"Y-yesterday, morning..." I murmur to myself while feeling a few tears fall slowly down my face.
"I'm sorry miss, can you speak up a little bit?"
I take a deep breath in an out, untwine my fingers and put my legs back down on the floor. I look down at the floor and replay what I just said to the chief, "yesterday, morning around 2 am. In my room." I put my legs back close to my chest and let the tears fall down my cheeks. I feel my mom wrap her hands around me, hoping to comfort me just a little bit.
"Oh my god, my poor baby" I hear my mom whisper to herself. I feel the tears fall down from her face and onto my black high waisted jeans. She unwraps her arms from my shoulders and sees that the Chief is holding a box of tissues close to the both of us. My mother grabs them and blows her nose into one of them.
"So that's why you slept on the couch yesterday. Why didn't you say anything honey?"
"I-I was too scared too. Plus I was protecting you" I say while turning around towards Cole. "He punished me again in my own room. He saw the hickey you left and completely lost it. He tore my insides even more. I am surprised and scared that I might be pregnant now. I was protecting you, but yet, he found out. He whispered to me that he found out and then left my room. I was so scared, I thought he was going to kill me last night."
"My god Kinsley. I can't believe that he trespassed into your own home and did this to you. When the next time that I see him, I'm -"
"That won't be necessary Sir. After hearing all of this, we will talk to Mr. Bailey ourselves."
"What do you mean by that?" Cole asks the Chief.
"I mean, he is in our building and talking to one of our officers now. Giving his side of the story."
"No. No, no, no.." I murmur to myself. I get out of the chair run to the corner of the room and curl into a small ball again. "He's going to hurt me, get him out of here. GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!"
"Kinsley. It's okay. I'm here and I'm going to make sure he doesn't touch you. I promise, remember?" I hear Cole say while crouching down close to me. I look up and see that he is right next to me. I slowly remove myself from my own safety and grab Cole's hand. We get up and he wraps his arm around my waist protecting me.
"Wow..I have never seen this kind of case before. I will defintely make sure that this man gets put into jail. Here is her phone back" he says gesturing to my mother.
"Keep it. That way you have the evidence that is on there. And we will get you back on the rape kit results. Hopefully we will get the results soon. And we will bring it in as soon as possible" my mother explains to the Chief of Police.
We fill out the paperwork and filed a report on Mr. Charles Bailey. Cole stays by my side the whole time and gives the Chief of Police his side of the story for the first assault. I tell them about both assaults and about all the threats he told me. I tell them that my best friend and another friend know about all of this. I show a woman FBI Agent my bruises, marks and cuts from both attempts. They take some more DNA test and got a nurse to look at my, insides. It was uncomfortable but it had to be done. They found some tearing on the inside which indicated that I was indeed assaulted.
It will take a few days, maybe a couple of weeks before I get any results back on who it was. I know who it was, but they can't arrest anyone without knowing who did it. They did test me out for any drugs that might have been in my system. They did find some drugs that were in my system and they will let us know what kinds they are in a few days. All of this lasted for almost the whole day. I did tell them about the hickey and that it was intentional, that I agreed to it. They believed that and moved on with everything else. They recommended that I bring the clothes that I was assaulted in, so they can get some evidence off of them as well. I agree and will bring them in the next day. More like my mom will since they also recommended that I stay at home. And go to classes like normal, but to also keep an eye out for Mr. Bailey and make sure that he stays away from me until we go into court in a couple of weeks. I agree to those terms as well and we leave for the day.
They also gave me a personal bodyguard and a 24 hour surveillance to make sure that he doesn't break into my house again. In which I am so happy they did that. It will make me feel a bit safe knowing that I have someone here to protect me. I can't believe that this happened to me. I wonder how many other girls have been a victim of him or have just been a victim of something like this. States and the government need to something about it and put a stop to sex offenders. They deserve to be locked in jail for the rest of their lives so that the victims don't have to feel like they will be attacked by them again.
All victims need to stand up for themselves and say something. Don't hide it from everyone, it will hurt you emotionally and affect you physically. Tell a friend, a counselor, parents, or a police officer that you are comfortable to talk to. Report it and make sure that you have enough evidence to show them and take a rape test to make sure that you were raped. Don't sit there and let it slide, stand up for yourself, which is what I did. I will no longer be a victim of Domestic Violence. I, Kinsley Rose Beckett am a victim of Sexual Assault. And the man who did to me was none other than my best friend's dad, Mr. Charles Bailey.
The rest of the week goes by fast and I haven't seen Mr. Bailey anywhere near my house or at school. My bodyguard has been taking me and Farrah to school that way we're both protected. Wesley has been by my side ever since I came back to school, and has been making sure that nobody picks on me. There are rumors going around saying that me and Wesley are dating. Wesley just ignores them and I see girls giving me death glares as well. I just ignore them and continue on with my days at school. Until one day, Evelyn does something about it.
I walk into the bathroom to wash my face until, I hear someone scream at me. I turn off the sink and wipe my face until it was dry. I throw away the paper towel and look at who was screaming. It was Evelyn. What does this chick want now?
"You little bitch!!" she screams at me with a furious look on her face.
"Woah. What is wrong with you?"
"What is wrong with me, what is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?" I ask her with a curious look on my face. I have no idea what she is yelling about. She needs to tell me what's wrong before spouting random words at me.
"You took Wesley from me!" she exclaims. Oh, I see it now. Regina George wants her Aaron Samuels but accuses me, which means I would be Cady Heron in this scenario, of stealing him from her. Oh geez.
"I didn't take him away from you, you psycho!"
"Yeah you did and now your gonna pay for this. You little slut"
"Oh great, now I'm a slut. That's cool" I say sarcastically while turning around and grabbing my backpack. I don't want to hear her pitty squabbles anymore. I start walking out until I feel Evelyn's hand touch my back, pushing me down to the ground, hard. I get back up slowly and turn around, facing her. She did not just do that.
"I wasn't done talking to you. You better watch your back, you little whore" she says while getting into my face. Oh great, now I'm a whore. Pick one and stay with it. Which one am I Evelyn?
"I thought I was a slut. Now, I'm a whore. Which one am I?" I ask her, confusing her in the process.
"Your both and like I said, watch your back. Or else."
"Or else what?" I ask her while bumping into her with my arms crossed my chest. This girl needs to learn to grow up and move on. No wonder guys want to break up with her. She's crazy and possessive.
"I will make your life a living hell" she says while grabbing her drink from the counter by the sink and throws it at me. Spilling it all over my jacket. I stare at what she did and take off my jacket, revealing the grey crop top that is also showing the bruises from three days ago.
"My life is already a living hell, give me your best damn shot Evelyn. I frickin dare you!" I exclaim while getting into her face and slapping her cheek hard. I turn back around quickly, put my jacket into my backpack, zip it up and throw it over my shoulder. "As for you, I'd watch your back. I don't think Mr. Wesley would be happy that you touched his..girlfriend" I whisper the last part to make sure that she was the only person who heard it. Maybe she will finally back off and leave me alone.
I walk out of the bathroom, but grab a couple of paper towels to dab away some of the drink that has spilled through my jacket into my grey shirt. I toss them away in the nearby trash can and go meet up with my friends outside for lunch since it is a nice day outside today.
"And she threw her drink at you? What a freak!" Farrah exclaims while grabbing another small Oreo from the bag.
"Yeah, she's crazy. Can't believe that she accused me of dating you. She's crazy" I say while grabbing an Oreo from the bag as well.
"Yeah, me neither. Did you say anything else to her before you left?" Wes asks me while taking a sip of his Coke from a straw. Might as well tell him the truth.
"Yeah, I said, As for you, I'd watch your back. I don't think Mr. Wesley would be happy that you touched his..'girlfriend'. I whispered the last part making her a bit shocked. You should've seen the look on her face when I said, 'girlfriend'. It was hilarious" I reply back while grabbing my diet coke and taking a sip from it as well.
"Wow, my little Kinsley has finally grown up. I am so proud of you" Farrha says while giving me a sarcastically clap and laughing in the process.
"I can't believe that you said that to her. Wow" Wes says in a not so surprised voice. He sets his drink down and eats more of his chips.
"She deserved it and it sure did make her shut up for once. I will not let her walk all over me anymore. She needs to grow up and move on. Picking on people is so boring and not cool" I say in a girly voice which makes all of us laugh.
"You got that right" Farrah and Wesley say. We all pick up our drinks and clink our soda cans together. "To Kinsley and this screwed up school for not doing anything about it" Farrah says and then takes one last sip out of her drinks.
"I'll drink to that" I say while taking a sip.
"Me too" Wes says while taking a sip as well.
We finish our drinks and put the rest of our food into our backpacks and throw the trash away. The rest of the hours go by fast and before we knew it, it was the weekend. Can't wait to get home and have a date night with the couch and Netflix. And with my friends Cole and Farrah of course. Just Like Old Times. I missed those days so much. I am so glad we are able to do that again. Maybe I can invite Wesley over for a few hours. That way we can study for Monday's test and watch a movie marathon as well. Got to ask my mother when I get home, and ask him as well.
"Hey, Wes. Do you want to hang out at my place tonight, at like around 7pm?" I ask him while the three of us walk out of Chemistry class and out the front door of the classroom.
"Yeah, of course. I'll see you tonight" Wesley says while walking away from us, disappearing into the pool of students and teachers.
"Ooh, someone has a crush on Wesley.." Farrah squeals while clapping her hands together. I stand in front of her and point at her nose. "Don't even start okay, were just going to hang out and watch some movies together with you and Cole. Ok?"
"Okay, okay. I won't say it again. But don't deny it either. I can see it in your eyes" she replies back with both of her hands up. I go back next her and she puts her hands back down. We continue on walking and head out to the front doors of the school and meet up with my bodyguard.
We get into the vehicle and head back home. I guess I have to set up everything and make myself look nice for tonight. Wesley is going to be coming over for the first time since he moved here. Got to make my room look nice and make sure that I put on decent pajamas that won't make him leave in disgust. I like him too much to make him leave. I want to snuggle up with him and watch movies together and share a blanket as well. WAIT, WHAT?!
What did I just say?! Did I hear myself correctly? Did I just say that..I like Wesley?!?!