"James...we're having a bit of a problem." Started Sirius, feeling like he should punch himself for being an idiot. At the same time he felt bad for his poor victim who was most definitely going to kill him tomorrow.
"I see that," Potter mumbled, looking at Ophelia as if she suddenly grew another head. "Badge...are you alright?"
Ophelia couldn't focus on his question or on the way his voice sounded so worried. No, the only thing she could think about was the boy next to her who suddenly seemed to glow. Pink hearts appeared all around him and her heart beat faster than ever before. Her palms were sweaty already and the faint blush in her cheeks was a constant.
"Oh, Sirius, you've really done it..."
James knew Ophelia, he really considered himself to be the most knowledgeable in Ophelia-facts and the guarded girl that he had seen was not the type to blush out of nowhere at someone she almost hissed at just a few moments ago.
At the same moment, the portrait door opened and a very giddy blond smiled at the sight of the three Gryffindors.
"Shit, this is going to cost me..." Sirius mumbled seeing how happy Goldstein looked. He was dressed for a party alright and visibly tried to do something to his usually messy hair. "Tim! Tim, Tim, my friend, Tim," Sirius started as he went out.
James was a few feet back, with Ophelia. He frowned seeing how something was definitely happening in her mind. Her focus would blurr and she'd look at the ground in confusion for several minutes. But once she looked up, he knew her eyes went straight for Sirius.
"What are you feeling?" He asked, already kind of expecting her answer. "How does Sirius look?"
She blushed instead of forming words, at which point Potter knew he had to keep an eye on her tonight.
"I'm fine. You don't need to help me like I am handicaped." She added seeing how worried he was.
"At the moment, you are. Mentally." He whispered away from her.
"Hello, Ophelia! Ready for the party?" Goldstein asked, his eyes enlightening at the sight of her face.
"Sure. As long as you're not going to give me alcohol." She said reminding Goldstein how he actually kept the fire whiskies coming at Hog's Head.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to be so blunt. Timothy stared at Ophelia for a bit before he glanced at Sirius.
"Something is off about her."
"She drunk a bit of Amortentia. What a coincidence, right?"
Tim wasn't amused at all.
"Did you give her Amortentia? I know I asked you to coerce her into going to the party with me but I never meant using a love potion. What the heck, Black? "
The Ravenclaw was not really angry with the situation but he wasn't happy with it either. Ophelia that he had a crush on would have already smiled at him and left. This Ophelia was...for starters, her eyes were set on Sirius.
"Everything will be fine. How different can she be, anyway?" Sirius asked having no idea how the night will progress.
As soon as Ophelia entered the Great Hall, the faint blush on her cheeks vanished. Fortunately, her personality was pretty much the same except the subtle and not so subtle innuendos towards Sirius. Thinking that it may end up being better than he expected, he actually let her by herself. But somehow, Ophelia would always find her way next to him which grew some worries from the people around them.
"I'm surprised you came, Pheli. You were keen on hiding tonight," Alice started sitting next to her roommate. Frank was next to her, his eyes sparkling every time he'd gaze his hand by hers.
"You two are so obvious," was Ophelia's blunt remark. The two innocent teenagers blushed but smiled at each other. "I'm trying not to look in Evans' direction but I can feel his eyes even through all this mess."
"It's a party, Molley! Do enjoy!" Was Potter's loud voice before he wrapped a hand around her neck. "But don't drink any firewhisky, please. Let's be safe." He added in her ear, remembering the magic she was under even if she looked normal.
"Tim's been glancing your way, maybe you should go dance with him." Frank said, noticing how the blond was fully staring at their group.
"Is Rosier staring too?" She asked having no desire to look herself.
Frank's eyes widened, "Blimey, he is coming this way. I repeat, he is coming this way," Frank stuttered and grasped Alice's hand tightly.
"Quick, make me vanish, make me-" she started whispering but was cut off by the person she disliked the most.
"Molley! I was worried you won't come! But I guess you managed to find yourself a date," he said obviously meaning Potter. James shook his head and pointed at the Gryffindor snacks table.
"I came with somebody else," said Potter beaming with pride.
Rosier chuckled and took one step closer to her. James raised an eyebrow and tightened his grip around Ophelia but she could sense danger in those evil eyes. She gently pushed her friend away and glared at the Slytherin.
"Are you by yourself then? How pitiful, Molley. Especially after I took the time and asked you to come with me,"
"I'd prefer to be covered in grindylows and thrown into the Black Lake than go anywhere with you."
"Be careful what you wish. It's not out of my power to grant it." Rosier hissed, pleased that she was answering in a way that favoured him.
"Why don't you try? I'd love to see how grave the punishment would be when my father finds out."
"Careful now, Molley. You sound like Lucius. You spent way too much time together," he said seeing how her eyes were growing more and more like a snake ready to bite. "I wonder why that is..."
"Do you have a problem with my date, Rosier?" Sirius interfered, grabbing Ophelia by her hand and pulling into his chest. She was surprised by how overwhelming his touch was. All her anger vanished as if it wasn't there to begin with.
Evan stared at Sirius for a bit, not quite believing his statement, but then he noticed Ophelia's flushed face and found nothing to say. He scoffed and turned back to his Slytherin friends. One of them was Nott, who did not like how close Sirius and Ophelia were. On the other side, Zabini was shaking his head next to his date. He was both amused and worried for Ophelia's safety at Hogwarts.
"Thank for that, I guess," She mumbled once they sat down. "I was fine, though. I can take a Lestrange so I can definitely hold myself with Rosier."
"You did meet Bellatrix before and still live so I guess you're right," he said making her laugh. It was so new to see her so genuine, even if it wasn't real. "Are you having fun?"
"I-yes. I didn't expect to, but it's not so bad." She said looking down at her fingers. "I'm sorry if I seem a bit pushy with you," she started, blushing profoundly at her own words.
Sirius couldn't quite believe how much she looked like a girl in such moments. It was cute.
"I mean, who wouldn't, right?" He joked but it wasn't as if he had a date planned for the party. "You asked James and Remus and would have probably asked Peter too. And yet you never thought of asking me to help you with Rosier."
"I thought you already have a date. You have girls gawking everywhere you go. There are some doing it right now." She said with a tinge of disappointment.
Sirius stared at her with newfound softness. Ophelia was not the most secretive person but she was very careful with her words. Having her speak so freely made him feel like they truly were friends.
"I told you before, Ophelia. We are friends and friends help each other."
"What if I really need you but you have to choose between me and your girlfriend? Will you come or will you let me die?" She asked looking at him expectantly. Sirius was taken aback by her question so he chose the right answer instead of the real one (the one where he really had no idea).
"Friends are important. I'd come for you, of course."
Ophelia stared at him with a poker face before she smiled.
"That's what you tell all your friends. I'm sure you whisper it into Potter's ear every chance you get." She teased him which was a good sign.
"Don't tell him I used it with you too. He gets jealous easily," Sirius leaned in and whispered to her. Ophelia looked up at him and they realized they were incredibly close to each other.
Those green eyes of hers were mesmerising. The more she was growing, the harder it was to fully understand her.
From afar, at the Slytherin table, one boy was watching the two Gryffindors with his fists gripped under the table. Nott was fuming internally and Rosier couldn't help but add fuel to the fire.
"Look at that...Molley actually came with Black. I didn't believe her to be so desperate but I guess anyone works."
"You obviously didn't," was Zabini's blunt retort. He quite liked Ophelia and she was a very good duelist, which pushed her further up on his respect ladder.
"You seem to be quite cozy with her, Enzo. I guess you know more than you tell us." Rosier said narrowing his eyes at his colleague. "Will I see you on Christmas at Malfoy's?"
"Why would I come when I have no desire to be a follower?"
"Because Molley will most definitely be there. She's eager to learn dark arts, she comes to Slytherin parties and she seems to be somewhat of a pet for Lucius. But how can little Ophelia be safe when her shield will have to act as the host? No, she needs a babysitter. You."
The way he was speaking was as if he was talking about a baby. But Zabini knew, he felt it during their duel: Ophelia could be just as ruthless as Evan if she had to.
"Besides, I heard from mother that our family is planning to marry Katie right after she graduates. Mom's eyes are on Rabastan. If the Dark Lord approves, it's as good as done." He added, his whole demeanor changing when talking about his sister.
It was probably an hour or so later, when Ophelia was busy with the girls, that Sirius was approached by none other than Nott.
"Then, are you really dating Molley?" He asked out of nowhere, his eyes set on the girl although his scornful tone was meant for Sirius.
"Jealous much, Nott?"
Sirius really wasn't taking the whole situation seriously. It just so happened that instead of having Ophelia hanging around one blond Ravenclaw, she was pretty much his responsability. It wasn't even that bad because she was not acting in shocking ways, she was just blushing a lot and being a lot bolder in statements regarding him. But even that wasn't surprising since he knew her to be the type to say what she wanted to say.
"You don't know anything about her. You cannot even begin to understand how precious she is." Nott added watching the girl as if she was a goddess. "You have no idea and you don't deserve her, Black." He said turning to glare at the Gryffindor.
"I've been her colleague since day one, in case you forgot. I spend a lot more time with her than you do. I say I know her well enough," Sirius' answer was mostly to annoy the Slytherin. There were many things he didn't know about Ophelia, quite a lot actually.
Nott scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"She has taken Dark Arts lessons all throughout our third and fourth years. She was even at a Slytherin party this summer for all the students who want to be Death Eaters. But I guess you didn't know that," Nott threw the information at a wide eyed Sirius. But only for a moment before he remembered the Christmas party at the Malfoys and how well she seemed to fit there.
"Are you going to mention her friendship with Malfoy and Rabastan too?" Sirius asked bored before he got up and brushed himself off. "Really, if you truly fancied Ophelia you wouldn't go around spreading shit." He said and went to his friends. Although he didn't show his interest, there were a lot of things that Sirius wanted to ask Ophelia about.