"What is that? " Endorria asked as they sat around a campfire just outside the forest's edge, Alex glanced at the guitar she was gesturing too. He smiled and removed it from its case.
"I found it"
She blinked. "It looks almost brand new.. " she said, Alex nodded.
"I know it's weird"
"Do you know how to play? " Void asked, biting off a piece of fish from his skewer, Alex nodded.
"I used to play all the time," he said, fixing the tuning knobs before sighing. "Lean back and enjoy" he said softly as he strummed the strings gently letting the strings rattle and echo gently into the sky.
He strummed and sang a song eventually setting Void and Endorria to sleep, Alex smiled and put the guitar to the side before blowing out that fire and laying down on the grass.
He stared at the stars and wondered what exactly did the universe have in store for him… ?
"Alex… ? "
Alex stiffened as he lay on the grass, the voice was in his head not next to him or calling out… he could tell because it was echoing.
He flinched and sat up taking his guitar with him, as he walked away from their makeshift camp he found a hill and sat on it. It was just far enough away to see the camp's smoke from the newly snuffed fire, but far away enough he could talk freely without waking anyone up.
"Ren… ? " he said quietly, almost monotone, his heart skipped a beat.
"Alex! What- how did… when- where"
There was panic in Ren's echoing voice, Alex smiled and tuned his guitar as he sat in the dark.
"Calm down. I'm pretty sure we just fused… Whatever magik we messed with clearly didn't want to be bothered. But don't worry I'll find a way to fix this, I promise. " Alex said, Ren sighed.
"Where are we now then? "
"I don't know… some dimension lightyears away from Poloriian. " he replied, Alex could almost feel Ren smile the area around his mouth tingling.
"It's beautiful" he said, Alex Tensed.
"You can see it? " he questioned, Ren laughed his familiar warm silky laugh.
"We're in the same body, Alex. Of course I can" he said, Alex chuckled gently.
"Are you smiling? " Alex asked, his mouth tingling like crazy, Ren sighed.
"Yes," he replied. "How'd you know? "
"I can feel it… it's weird. Like a tingling sensation… " Alex explained, Ren chuckled.
Alex nodded.
It was silent for a few minutes as Alex fidgeted with the knobs on the head of his guitar when Ren spoke again.
"Sing for me. " he said startling Alex, Alex chuckled.
"Why? "
"Because you're good at it… “ Ren said, Alex smiled and looked out at the sky strumming the chords gently to the tune of Ren's favorite folk song.
"bha uair ann…~"
He started gently, his voice steady and calming.
"'nuair a ghabh duine rami, agus a thug e beò iad.~
bu dhruidheachd a bh' ann, agus rinn e breug iomadh uair do'n t-sluagh 'na bheatha, an uair a dh'fheuch iad, o dh' fheuch iad ri a bhrìbeadh chum a reic, gu bhi reic a chuid eòlais uile.
ach rinn e breug.
agus rinn e breug …
agus thug e doilgheas air fèin, thog e ballacha gus an do stad e fèin~"
"bha e mòr agus làidir agus bha e measail air òrain flirty - bha e beò airson na smuaintean milis, milis mu bhith a 'tuiteam ann an gaol! ach bha e an so, deuchainneach agus fior.
breugach, troimhe agus troimhe ...
b'e Zenith an t-ainm a bh' air. an fhiadhaich, the fate. bha e eòlach air draoidhean, agus dh'fheuch iad ri toirt air a reic... am fiosrachadh aige a reic ris na dearbhaidhean poblach.
ach cha do rinn e …
rinn e breug..
a-rithist ~" Alex sighed and let his hand drop from the guitar. He could feel Ren smiling.
"You still remembered all the words… " he said, Alex smiled sadly.
"Of course I do… "
"Are you… talking to yourself? " a voice snapped him back into reality, he flinched causing him to drop his guitar. He fumbled for it, hitting his head on a rock before turning entirely into someone else.
He locked eyes with Void who's eyes widened, "you-you just-" Alex shifted back and groaned.
"Oh my god… you can shape shift? " he questioned, Alex blinked letting the senses come back.
"I… I can? " he questioned, Void nodded. "Oh my god. I can. " he flinched, grabbing his guitar protectively. Void chuckled, helping him up.
"The Suns’ about to come up.. " Void stated, Alex looked out at the horizon.
"No way… We were just asleep. " he said, Void raised an eyebrow.
"You've been up here for hours, Alex. '' he said, Alex stared before running his eyes. Void eyes him curiously, "what was the song? " he asked.
Alex placed his guitar on his back with a silent smile, "it's called Zenith the Liar of Magiks… it was my friend's favorite song. " he said, Void nodded.
"It was beautiful, well from the tone of voice you put it in" he said with a small chuckle.
Alex grinned and something tapped his shoulder as they neared the edge of the hill which turned into a drop to water.
Alex whipped around and Endorria stood there with a massive grin on her face "hey" she said, Alex jumped causing Void to jump and she chuckled looking out at the cliff.
The cliff dropped right into a river which then ran into a never ending ocean, there were hills and mountains to the east with trees that hung low or grew in curves with vines and flowers hanging from its leaves.
"Guys! Come on! " Endorria whined, Void turned to see Endorria on the other side of the river he glared.
"Stop doing that! " he called, Alex smirked and she disappeared.
"Stop doing what? " she teased as she leaned against a tree behind them, Void rolled his eyes and lunged for her. She laughed, dodging and disappearing before hiding behind Alex.
"Na na na boo boo~" she stuck her tongue out, Void growled but laughed and Alex turned to lunge at her. She giggled and appeared on top of the tree, her legs swinging back and forth playfully. She waved with her fingers with a smile.
Then there was a loud gust, Alex braced himself and Endorria stared "where did-" she was cut off when she was swooped off the tree.
She screamed and Void grinned carrying her above the cliffs edge, her scream turned into bursts of laughter and smiles. He grinned and dove towards the water, Endorria's eyes widened and she kicked and shoved.
"No! Stop! Void! " she screamed, Alex stared noticing the steam starting to rise from her skin as he climbed down.
"VOID! " He screamed, Void flinched, losing his grip before grabbing her at the last minute noticing the burns appearing.
"Oh my god… I'm so sorry" he said landing on the grass, Alex hopped off a stone over the river as Void set her down.
"I got it" Alex said, pulling medical things from his bag, Void watched him treat the burns with worry and fear in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry End… " he said, his wings folding behind his back, almost disappearing. She looked up at him with a small smile.
"It's okay, you didn't know… " she said, he frowned.
"So water burns you? " Alex asked, Endorria nodded.
"All gods have a weakness, mine is water" she said, Void muttered to himself.
"I see.. "
As Alex finished bandaging her Endorria stood and looked at Void, "void… " she said, he looked at her and trembled.
"I'm so sorry… " he said, she smiled gently and hugged him. Void flinched and hesitantly returned the gesture, Alex watched with a grin before Endorria yanked him into the hug.
"We're gonna work great together.. " she said, Alex chuckled and Void smiled.
"Yeah we will" Alex said, Void laughed and so did Endorria.
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