Talk about crappy secret santa gifts...
I got a book and a box of cheese crackers. I don't even like cheese crackers all that much. And they were the white cheddar kind which is even worse.
Sure, I'm a little disappointed, but I just feel bad for the person who got them for me because I'm never going to eat them.
At least I'll read the book, though.
But the whole situation is worse because the person who got me for secret santa is/was my best friend. I had to pretend to be all happy and thankful when I really was just disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I'm still thankful that she got me a gift, but I can't keep up this facade.
Everyone else got really good gifts like fancy art supplies or a s'mores kit, but I was just sitting with the box of cheese crackers, trying not to look upset.
I don't have the best experiences with secret santa. The first time my friend group did it, I didn't end up getting a present, but someone else got two presents. And no one bothered to apologize. They just told me that I screwed up the swap so I shouldn't get mad.
And last year, I got a book I already had. We made wish lists, and I didn't have a single book on there, but again, my (ex?) best friend thought that I'd want another book. I literally didn't ask for one.
Now this year, I know who someone has in another group. The person who has her isn't even going to try. We made like online wish lists this year, and gift ideas are specifically listed, but she's not getting anything on the wish list. I tried talking her out of it, but she won't listen so I feel so bad for my friend because she's not going to get anything she likes.
Okay. So you know how I said my sister has a boyfriend? Well, apparently my she is going to "fake date" a guy so she can piss off my dad. My sister is really good friends with him, and my dad is already making sure that she doesn't like him in that way, but I guess my sister is just really desperate to make my dad mad.
Why use quotation marks, you ask? Because she said it may not even be "fake dating" by then. And this guy had a girlfriend, but they broke up, but my dad doesn't know that, so he's going to be a pain.
And here I am, stuck in the middle like always. My parents are going to be asking me about my sister's relationship while my sister is rolling her eyes and asking me about how they're reacting. I don't understand why they think I can handle both sides of the problem.
I swear, she's going to be the reason why this family falls apart. She's doing everything she can to make my dad explode, but that's exactly what she doesn't want at the same time. And everything she does now is just to annoy him. She just doesn't know when to quit.
And yeah, good for her that she may get a boyfriend, but is it really worth the crap that's about to go down? And since she just got back from Disney like five days ago, she's going to wait 2-3 weeks to tell my dad about having a boyfriend. Problem with that is Christmas. Yeah. It's the best present my family could ever get.
One more thing. There's this girl in my science class and I like her. Not in that way, but maybe in that way. I really don't know, but she's really sweet and amazing.
Oh and I'm pretty someone in my math class has a crush on me. Who knows though. We'll see what happens.