So I’ve been listening to this musical lately and goddamn I kinda relate to these songs. Though I guess it’s more Elvis songs because the musical uses his songs. I prefer these people singing them though and there’s like a plot. Anyways There’s like a ballad and it’s about the main character falling for what he thinks is a guy and he’s basically questioning and trying to figure stuff out. Here’s the lyric “I don’t want to love you but I do.” Obviously there’s more to the song that’s all I can be bothered typing though. It kinda reminded me when I had my first proper crush when I entered high school. It was not someone of the opposite sex and my parents hadn’t really explained sexuality’s to me so it was really confusing for a while. Oh and there’s another song. It’s called “there’s always me” it’s about this lady falling for this guy but he likes this other woman and pulls a bit of a Sandy from grease (changing to possibly suit who he’s interested in) but basically she’s singing about not being afraid to wait until he’s ready to accept her feelings. Which kinda reminded me of most of my situations with romance. I’ve always been in her position. The person who never gets her feeling accepted and is kinda just watching from a far. I hope that makes sense? There are a few things but I don’t feel like explaining it all (sorry!). Oh yeah, I should probably tell you the musical? It’s “All shook up”.