Me and him have been getting closer as friends, which is good. He’s genuinely one of the most kind guys I’ve ever met, like he’ll ask me how I am or what my classes are. Which yea, those are small things, but they’re coming from a guy who i like. We also just say hi and bye like all the time, kinda in a joking way.
I’ll be like “byyyee “his name”
And he’ll turn around and wave aggressively and say bye back. He never fails to make me smile, and I wanna be that for him. He’s too hard on himself, and he works so hard. I just want him to know I’m there for him, ya know?
Ok I should probably explain how good looking this guy is, I mean 🥵
He has the deepest voice ever, he’s tall and has muscles for days. He’s got a darker skin tone, plus his hair is dark and wavy and his eyes are almost black.
So. Freaking. Hot.
But I didn’t fall for him because of his looks, If I did I woulda liked him last year lol. I fell for him because he’s so nice and funny, his looks are just a really good bonus 🤣