It has been a bit since I updated this oh my gosh. I guess noting has really happened worth noting for a bit.
I did a school thing where we go into the city and groups and I developed a crush on a guy we can call Fred. He actually liked me too. I got a friend to ask about me but he said he would prefer to stay friends though he was interested as well. Which worked out for both of us since we both didn't want to fuck up the friendship. The weirdest thing happened the next few weeks though. We came back to school on Tuesday and he was like avoiding and ignoring me. It lasted like 7 weeks. For obvious reasons I kinda lost feelings. He's stopped now after I was kinda passive aggressive and mentioned it. We are back to normal though.That's about it I guess?
Oh I do like this other boy but it's not that important. I'm not really going to act on it. I don't need a relationship right now even though I really want one.
EDIT: i forgot to mentionnnn. When i was in the city i had such a book moment with Fred. I was trying get a book thinking i was tall enough (I wasn't) so what does free do? HE COMES UP BEHIND ME AND GETS IT. LIKE. FROM BEHIND ME. LIKE THAT BOOK SHIT.