I was riding my skateboard just contemplating life and stuff. I thought about why having a boyfriend seems so important to me, and I came up with something that I guess I always knew, I just never thought of it before.
Im the second oldest of four kids in my family, and for a long time it was just three of us. My brother got used to being the youngest, then we adopted my sister when he was seven. This meant that we basically have two kids who think they’re the youngest and ACT like the youngest. I’ve always been that kid who didn’t need as much help or attention, so my parents focused on my two younger siblings way more. My mom has even said that she doesn’t give me as much time and attention because I’m just “good.”
So I stopped asking for attention and started doing more to gain it. Obvi this lead to some problems later on in life, but basically… where was I going with this…
Oh yeah, basically I think having a boyfriend would be amazing because I’d know that he give me attention and love and I didn’t even have to be perfect to get it. If that makes sense.
Yeah this was super weird and random. Oh well, you still read it. Or maybe you just skipped to the end…