An awkward silence hung in the air and as the Autumn breeze howled, we stared at each other in shock.
Well, I was in shock while he just looked at me in confusion.
"So uh...about that date...ugh..." he looked away blushing madly. "Would you like me to take you out to dinner?"
The birds are singing... are blooming...
...and my day just got a lot better.
Well...I'll tell you later.
As soon as I stop myself from chuckling.
The confusion on the strangers face only got weirder when he saw the look on my face. Not able to take it anymore, I burst into laughter.
"OMG! This is so hilarious!" I gasped but I couldn't stop. "OMG! This is so funny!"
"What's so funny?"
I finally catch my breath and look at the stranger who looked back at me and sighed.
"How much did she pay you?"
The Stranger cocked an eyebrow.
"How much did HorseFace pay you to play this prank on me?" I ask again.
The Stranger's eyes widened. "I...I don't understand..."
"Oh I see. Still playing the role she gave you eh?" I laugh again. "Lets just say you are bad at acting."
"B...but I wasn't acting." whined the stranger but I refused to believe it.
Chuckling, I stand to my feet, pat him on the shoulder and wink.
"Look man, I don't know how much that girl paid you to do this but tell her you didn't see me got it?"
"She's probably going to be less mad at you if you say that unless..." I look around again, "...she's watching but if she is..."
I stand up straight and give the bird still wearing a wide grin on my face. "You see this HorseFace? If you do, hire a convincing actor. Not some weirdo got it?"
"I don't under..."
I cut him off by staring at him in the eye and he blushes like a tomato.
Probably from embarrassment.
Then I flicked him on the forehead and said, "The choice is yours dude. You can tell her you didn't see me or you can tell her I am sooo not sorry about that insult I gave her yesterday in the cafeteria. Bye."
"Wait I..." But I was already walking out on him with a smug look on my face.
Oh, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Yasmin Neil but people just call me Y/N. At first it was my friend in school Julie Jenkins who called me that because my name sounds strange then some idiot realised Y/N stands for Your Name in games, visual novels and fanfiction stories where the writer wants to put the reader in the book. Like some interactive book.
Weird right?
Anyway, I am a little on the short side, have dark brown hair which compliments my dark brown eyes. A sharp contrast to my older sister Ann who has blue eyes and blond hair and my younger sister who had black hair and light brown eyes. Sometimes, I ask my mom if I was adopted and she says, 'I wished you were,' when she's in a bad mood of 'Heck no! If you are adopted, you would leave home and start looking for your 'real' parents. Who would help me run errands when I am getting my pedicures?' when she's in a good mood.
I am senior in Angelo High and since I am in my second year, this means I am 16 years old. I am going to be a 18 when I graduate since my birthday is on the 18th of April. I do worry about college but since I got a head start on working my way there, I have nothing to worry about.
Speaking of work...
A few minutes later.
"Y/N! You're late!"
"A thousand apologies of patient one." I say in mocking tone.
My coworker smiles and gives me a nudged me. "Nah, I was just kidding but the boss was looking for you."
"For what?" I ask taking off my jacket revealing the red and white stripped shirt with my nametag pinned on me.
My coworker shrugged and went back to the kitchen.
Oh. I know you are wonder who was that just now. That's TK my coworker. He works in the kitchen outback and is a really nice guy. He always covers for my shift when I come late and I do the same for him.
I guess that since I am a waiter.
Besides, he was the one who showed me the ropes in the kitchen. Not a big fan of his piercings but who I'm I to judge?
The door slams open and my hair stands on end.
"Where have you been?"
"I was on my break sir," I reply.
"On your break? You dare go on a break after coming late this morning?"
I give a sideways glance of shame. "Well, the dining room was practically empty when I was done with the morning shift and the head cheif said it was okay to take a break."
He takes a drag of his cigarette and gives a huge puff of smoke in my face. "Is that so?"
I nod sheepishly.
"Okay," once he takes out the cigarette from his mouth, I brace myself for impact, "NOW YOU LISTEN, IF YOU COME LATE NEXT TIME YOU ARE FIRED. UNDERSTAND?"
"Yes sir," I reply.
"Good! Now back to work!"
I quickly tie up my apron and head into the dining room area where there were a lot of customers waiting for me.
Oh that person who just yelled at me is my boss. I guess you figured it out through out interaction back there. I don't like him. He is kinda cocky and has a nasty habit of smoking big cigars like he's in the mafia or something which is really bad for his health since he is an overweight sweaty prick.
Did I forget to mention he's balding too?
I mean it. All he needs to do is polish his scalp and boom! Instant mirror.
And I'm not kidding!
*Sigh,* At least he didn't give me the boot.
"Y/N! You got a customer at table twelve!"
Oh well, back to work!