"Whew! I am sooo glad this is over!" I say sitting down on one of the chairs.
TK giggled. "Well, with the way you were running around trying to serve everyone, I am not surprised. Despite the fact you came late and got yelled at our boss."
"Yeah, yeah, don't remind me about it," I say rolling my eyes to heaven, snatch the rag from his shoulder and start cleaning the smoothie bar.
This made TK laugh and lean closer to the counter, "Now that I think of it, it looks like getting yelled at motivates you to work harder than ever."
I turn to look at him with a smirk on my face, "So, you are suggesting I should be coming late often is that it?"
"Yep," he replied earning a rag to the face.
"Thanks TK. That's the exact encouragement I need from the likes of you," I sarcasticly say. "But don't forget without me, you won't be busting your a$$,"
Taking the rag away from his face, he looked at it, stuck out his forked tongue in disgust and tossed it behind him.
"Yeah right. 'TK! I want those bacon pancakes on the double! Where is the waffles supposed to be at table 17? What about the Ice-cream sundaes? Who is making the sundaes?' Blah, blah, blah. Yap, yap, yap, you were all over the place!"
We laugh until my sides ached because when he adds that 'blah, blah, blah,' stuff it always cracks me up and he knows it. Sighing, I plop on the one of the worn out bar stools and prob my elbow on the table.
"To be honest with you, I was just lucky I wasn't fired," I mutter.
"Family life getting you down huh?" TK asks sitting besides me.
"Yep and its driving me nuts!"
Then my phone rang and when I looked it, I see its my mother calling.
"Yasmin dear, can you pick up your sister from her ballet recital? I am in the middle of my nail appointment and I can't pick her up."
Oh I forgot to tell you this, I get irritated when someone repeatedly does something annoying and my mom is one of them.
"Why good evening to you mom. Yes I am doing well! Nearly had a bad day at work because I got yelled at for coming late and for taking a break during my morning shift. Don't worry, I dodged a practical joke played by the mean girl in my school and I am still at work. Thank you sooo much for caring about me."
You guessed I was being sarcastic eh?
"And what's this about you having a nail appointment at 5:30PM?"
"Well, the ladies said something happened to their machines and it took a long time to fix." she moaned.
You see, mothers are supposed to be nice, kind and caring creatures. Well not this one. It makes sense that her name is Anabelle Neil because of the horror movie Anabelle. You know, the one where a doll is possessed by a demon?
Anyway, mom is the complete opposite of responsibility which is why I am ladled with most of the responsibilities in the house. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the little hellspawn, you name it. She only cares about two things; money and sex. If she isn't nagging my dad for cash to go for shopping sprees she is banging someone in the house or in their home or hotel.
There are so many instances where her sex life ruined my life in one way or another but one that really stands out was the incident that happened way back in kindergarten. I was friends with a girl named Louisa. She was Mexican and was a really nice girl. We were neighbors so her mom met my mom and my dad met her dad...you know the whole shebang. We did everything together were destined to be childhood besties until that very day my friend, her mom and I walked in on my mom and her dad getting at it on the living room floor naked as rabbits.
That is if rabbits are actually naked because they have fur.
Anyway, I was scared for life of course but Louisa took it the worst. She stopped talking to me since that day and the next thing I knew, they left. I think they got a divorce or something.
Then there was another time she slept with the husband of the President of the PTA back in middle school. Long story short, they got a divorce, my mom dumped her lover like garbage due to my father's command and I got bullied until for it until I got to highschool and no the teacher didn't back me up because President of the PTA was a very nice woman who didn't deserve that.
Did I forget to mention I was friends with the victim's son?
Yeah, he hated me for the rest of the year.
Anyway, I stared at the phone in my hands and guessed from the way she moaned she was lying to me.
And did I forget to mention the 'background' noise?
"Look mom, I have been busting my a$$ all day in this diner and I am physically and mentally exhausted. Not only that, I told you its the weekend so I won't be home until 6PM."
"But I am in the middle of my appoint...oh!"
The careless whispers in the background further confirmed my suspicions.
'Cockblock Mode' activated!
"Now, where was I?"
"You were telling me how you couldn't pick up the little demon?"
"Y/N! Don't call your sister that! She's an angel!"
I raise my voice, "Angel my foot. I am not picking her up! Its late and I am tired! Now tell that man to get his dick out of your a$$ so you can go pick up your daughter because I bet he won't be happy if he learned you were MARRIED WITH THREE DAUGHTERS!"
"What the...Wait you are married?"
"Look sweetie its not what you think..."
"Yep! You are banging a married woman!"
"Honey listen to me..."
"But you swore you were single!"
"The thing is..."
"I am sorry to interrupt your 'conversation' but can you tell my mom to wear her panties and go pick up my sister from her ballet recital before someone calls the cops like last time? I am sixteen and I don't have a car nor a driver's license. Thank you!"
"Y/N you little..."
I hang up and look at my phone with a satisfied smirk only to turn to the right and see TK staring at me with a dejected look on his face.
"That's messed up," he finally said.
"Tell me about it." I grab sweater, look at my phone and walked out before he could ask further questions.
'Maybe I shouldn't have done that,' I thought walking home in the Autumn evening. 'I highly doubt if dad would be home for dinner. I don't feel like cooking so I'll order pizza. Lets hope my calorie psycho of a sister would understand.'
Still in a bad mood, I decide to walk around the city to visit places I have never seen before. To be honest, this is a quiet city and although I live in suburbs with nice neighbors, I feel relatively safe. Not safe safe enough to be a careless idiot but safe.
Gah! I can't explain it!
I walk until I come across a local florist shop. I used to pass by this place on my way to work but never bothered to venture into it because of my tight schedule.
Well, I have time now so why don't we take a peek?
'Wow this place looks nice!' I thought as soon as I walk in. There was a nice smell in the air and many displays of various potted plants, small gift bags and bouquets. I continue to look around until my eyes fell on a display of deep red roses sitting on a wooden shelf.
"Wow! These look magical!"
If there is one thing I know about roses is that they have thorns. With that in mind, I reach out to pick one up to smell but a hand beat me to it.
The hand seemed to be coming from the other side of the display so I take a quick glance and see it was the person who introduced himself as my 'Boyfriend' a few hours earlier.
He seemed to notice my presence because he looked up from the rose he was holding and smiled. "Oh fancy seeing you here!"
Wow! He seems happy to see me. I guess he was still playing the 'Boyfriend' role to fool me or he was still embarrassed by what happened in the park. I decide to cut him some slack by ignoring him and reach out to pick the rose from the display.
"I didn't know you shopped here," he said.
I continue to ignore him and start sniffing the rose in my hand.
"I come here almost everyday you know," he says. "I love flowers. This little shop is the only one nearby so I come here a lot to see what bouquets they have made and if they have any on sale. "
"Mmm," was the only reply I gave because I was too busy ignoring him.
"I'll admit that sometimes I get a glimpse of you through the windows of the diner that you work at and lately I have meaning to walk in to finally say 'Hi' but loose my nerves and stay out.
"That's funny because I have never seen you around there before," I say with disinterest. "Did she tell you to say that? I did say you should tell her you didn't see me,"
Looking up from the rose, I see the sad look on his face and quickly composed myself and looked away in shame.
Yep my suspicions were confirmed.
That girl sent him to prank me.
Nice try Horseface.
Nice try.
Putting the rose back, I look back at him with a cheeky smile on my face.
"Well it was nice meeting you Stranger. Tell Horseface I said hi,"
"No wait..."
But I ignored him and walk out still wearing the smile on my face.
Well I have to admit, he made my day better.
Now to order pizza and get some well deserved rest before disaster comes home.