"So, he wanted to ask you out just like that?" Julie asked as we walked down the hall.
"Yeah but I told him we should stay friends instead," I reply.
"Hmm," Julie watched me open my locker and take out my books. "What about your mom? Did she come home last night?"
"Nope but I chewed her out this morning," I reply.
"That's not good enough. I suggest you should call social services,"
I groan, "You know why I can't do that,"
"Y/N you can't keep suffering like this. Its taking a toll on your health,"
"Don't worry Julie. I can wait this out for a two more years," I give a grim smile at her and took a sip at my coffee. "Besides, where is Lucas? He ought to be here,"
Lucas didn't show up so during lunch, I give him a call and he replied by telling us he caught the flu but promised to be back in school next week.
"Okay. Do you need a company?" I ask.
I was taken aback by the tone of his voice. "No. I will be okay,"
"Umm okay," I end the call.
"I think we should visit him," Julie suggested.
I nod and look up to see Peter holding his tray with a wide smile on his face.
"Mind if you join you?"
Julie nodded and we sat down talking about the upcoming Halloween party. The next day was Friday so we decided to visit Lucas before I head to work. School passed by like a breeze and Peter walked me home.
"So do you mind if I should stay the night at your place?" he asked.
I smile but shake my head. "Sorry Peter. Maybe next time."
He frowned but smiled again. "Okay,"
He left and walk inside my house. The next day, I go back to my favorite coffee cafe and see the strange man I had met a few weeks ago waiting for the Steven.
"Good morning sir," I sit next to him.
He grunted rolling his eyes.
'Okay, maybe he is in a bad mood,' I place my order for Steven, wait, get my order and leave.
"H...Hey kid,"
I stop and turn to see him.
"Listen I..." he groaned and looked away, "Never mind. Keep going."
I cock an eyebrow and turn to leave only to bump into Peter himself.
"Good morning,"
I blink a bit. "Good morning Peter how was your night?"
He rubbed his eyes and blushed a bit. "It was great. How was yours? I know you slept like a baby."
"Yeah it was great," I look at the time on my phone, "We still have a little time before we visit Lucas. Do you want to grab a coffee? My treat."
He gives a wide grin and nods. I take his hand lead him to the counter where Steven was filling up the stranger's order. He looks up at him and gives a warm smile.
"Why Y/N. Who's this stranger,"
"Why I'm her Boyfriend,"
I give Peter a glare which he ignored then looked back at Steven who had a shocked look on his face.
"Really Y/N? I thought you didn't want to date until college."
"And why is that?" Peter asked.
Steven gave a side glance, "Because she see highschool boys as immature pricks?"
Peter frowned at that while the stranger chuckled while taking a sip of his coffee. Noticing I was still holding Peter's hand, I let go and fold my arms.
"Allow me to correct something here; Peter is NOT my boyfriend. He is a friend of mine." I say.
At this, the stranger looked at me then looked at Peter and smiled, "Thank heavens. I was about to say you had terrible taste in men."
Steven chuckled and I could see Peter give the stranger a side glare.
"So what will your 'Boyfriend' like to order? Maybe a cappuccino with a slice of rejection on the side?"
This only made Peter glare the more and I wasn't happy about that insult. Sending a glare to Steven to 'shut the fuck up,' I take Peter's hand and walk out of the cafe.
"I am so sorry about that Peter," I say as we walk towards the bus stop.
"Nah! It's okay. I don't really like coffee,"
"Oh," I felt ashamed of myself. "Then what do you like?"
He frowned for a moment then looked away, "Actually, I do like coffee. Its just not my go to beverage,"
I nod.
"I also like waffles and strawberry shortcakes,"
I chuckle slightly at that, "Well...that's great."
"And I also have a bottle cap collection and..."
My phone rings at that moment and look at it.
It was Julie. "Y/N where are you?"
I frown. "Waiting for you?"
"Are you serious?"
"Well, yeah. We made plans to meet up then go to Lucas' house."
"But Peter said he was going to take you there?"
I look back at Peter who had a bashful look on his face and send him a glare of a thousands suns, "Did you tell Julie you were going to take me to Lucas' place?"
"What? No! I would never..."
"Don't lie to me Peter,"
He flinches and looked away, "I am sorry,"
I wanted to tell him to pocket it but keep my mouth shut and go back to the phone, "We'll be there in fifteen minutes,"
"Okay but hurry,"
I hang up, call a taxi and go to Lucas' place. When we arrived, I felt off place because of how drab the house looked; the white paint was chipped and the tree looked spooky in the Autumn season.
In general, the place looks like a haunted Halloween place.
"Gosh! Its about time,"
I look to my right and see Julie glaring at us. "I am sorry we are late,"
She rolled her eyes, "Lets go,"
We walk up to the door of her house and knock. A few minutes later the door opened to a huge busty woman who glared at us.
"Do you have an appointment?" she asks.
"Umm, we are here to Lucas? We learned he lives here," Julie says.
She looks at us for a moment and calls out for Lucas then tells us to take off our shoes.
"I don't want you to ruin my clean carpet," she spits.
We look at each other and do what she says.
Inside the house was even more spooky. The curtains were closed and the only source of lights were the standing lamps which were few. Julie was looking at her phone while Peter was whispering something on the sleeve on his shirt. When he caught me looking at him, he grinned and looked away.
Geez. What's up with him?
We look to the right and Lucas appeared red faced with snots running down his nose.
"Oh hey Lucas how are you?" I asked.
He sniffed. "Not good,"
"You should be in bed," Peter said.
"I know but mom said you guys wanted to see me so I came here,"
Now I felt like crap. "I...I'm sorry,"
"Oh no need. Do you guys want to play video games with me?"
Julie sighed. "You know you are sick right?"
He sniffed. "I know but it feels so lonely her all by myself." then he looked at me, "Y/N do you want to spend some time with me?"
I give a sad smile and was about to say something when I received a text from TK asking me when I was coming to work.
"I'm sorry but I can't."
Lucas frowned.
"But I promise to come tomorrow. Is that okay by you?"
Lucas smiled at that. "That's great."
"I'll come too!" Peter said then looked at Julie, "What about you Julie?"
"My mom and I host a Sunday Lunch every Sunday. Maybe I can pop by with some warm crab soup. Will that be okay by you?"
He nodded his head and I quickly take my leave leaving Julie behind.
"Wow you are not so fast are you Y/N?" Peter mocked running ahead of me.
Panting, I choose to ignore him and get to the Diner.
Damn! I made it!
"You're late as usual," TK said as I panted.
"Sorry. Visiting a sick friend." I look up. "Is the boss here?"
"Nope. Someone worse," and thumbed to the right.
There sat the hellspawn who grinned at me, "Hi!"
I quickly look around and see Peter walking away from me.