"Pancakes and waffles! Pancakes and waffles! I want pancakes and waffles!"
My eyes open in shock and I look at the digital alarm clock resting on the nightstand.
It was 3AM.
And who else would be walking around the house banging two pans declaring what she wants to eat for breakfast except my darling younger sister Pat.
Or Little Devil to be précised.
"Pancakes and waffles! I want pancakes and waffles with lots of syrup! Pancakes and waffles! The queen demands pancakes and waffles to be made for her this instant!"
Covering my ears with my pillows didn't destroy the awful clashing of the two saucepans nor did it take away the fake British accent she was projecting!
Thanks a lot Netflix!
Pissed, I get up from bed and open my bedroom door just in time to see the little rascal walking around the hall banging away with two small sauce pans in her hands.
"Finally! The queens royal chef has awoken," she chirped with glee.
My right eye twitched with furry. "Royal chef?"
Then I watched this hell spawn don a pair of white gloves, a plastic replica of the Queen of England's crown and wave her scepter with an air of arrogance.
"Ahem! The queen request her royal chief to head to the kitchen and prepare a gourmet of pancakes and waffles for her royal majesty."
I clenched my teeth in fury. "No way I am making you pancakes and waffles! Now go to bed!"
"But I am hungry!" she whined before coughing and raising her nose in the air, "And you do know it is wrong of you to disobey the queen. No go make breakfast for the royal majesty!"
"No way! It's 3AM in the morning and I some of us have school tomorrow."
She gave a mock gasp of horror. "You dare let your queen starve?"
I stand up straight and fold my arms. "Listen you little hellspawn, I don't care if you are the Queen of Arendale, England or Poopy Land. I am not leaving the comfort of my bed to make you breakfast this early morning and that's final!"
Well, this made her start banging the saucepan loudly while yelling, "TREASON! TREASON! THIS IS TREASON AGAINST THE QUEEN!"
Annoyed, I snatch them from her and slam the door on her stupid face.
I toss the pans to the corner of my room and see to my annoyance that the window was opened. Not thinking much about it, I slam it shut and turn the knob.
"You are the worst sister in the world!" the brat yelled banging on my bedroom door. "If Gordon Ramsey were my personal chief, he'd make me breakfast that would put yours to shame!"
"I bet you $50 he's going to tell you to shove that order up your tinny little butthole!" I clap back.
There was a gasp which was followed by the sound of feet pattering away followed by the door to my parents bedroom opening, and banshee screams. Unfortunately for me, the little devil screamed all morning and I wake up by six with groggy eyes.
Yep. This is what I put up with.
Anyway, I go to sleep, wake up early and make my breakfast for everyone.
'Since the princess wants pancakes and waffles, she going to get only waffles.' I think mixing the batter.
I roll my eyes and look back at my dad who was standing at kitchen door. "Good morning dad."
He grunts, sits down and scrolls through his phone. "What are we having today?"
"Waffles? Seriously?"
I nod and start operating the waffle maker.
"Nah! Make me scrambled eggs on the double," he barks.
"Sorry. No eggs."
There was a pause and I can feel his anger behind me. "Why? Didn't you go grocery shopping last weekend?"
"You gave mom the money remember?" I reply.
"What about your salary?"
"I wasn't paid yet." I serve him the waffles and add syrup.
Then my mom stumbled into the kitchen through the back door as drunk as a skunk as I serve the rest of my family. Sensing trouble brewing, I quickly go upstairs to wake the little hellspawn up and trust me it was hard. After some kicking and screaming from her part, I finally get her downstairs for breakfast and shove her into the school bus.
And all this time, my parents were insulting each other like no tomorrow.
Oh I know what you are thinking; 'You said you have two sisters? What about the oldest one?'
I left her alone.
What? She's a college dropout.
As I lather my toothbrush with toothpaste, I hear a creaking sound but choose to ignore it. Maybe its my sister finally getting her sorry but out of bed. I finish my morning duties and walk into the room to my window as open.
I close it, get dressed, grab my backpack and tiptoe down the stairs to survey the battle field.
Yep they were still arguing.
Trying to stay as invincible and possible, I sneak into the kitchen, grab my now cold waffles and escape through the back door.
Trust me. The last thing I want is to be dragged into their BS.
"Why you're a little early today," Steven said as I walked into his small cafe.
"My mom came home drunk," I say.
I nod and inhaled the smell of fresh coffee.
"The usual?" Steven asks and when I nod, he writes down my name and leaves to get my order.
Meanwhile, I wipe out my waffles and start eating wishing he would hurry up with my order. Trust me, I make killer waffles but it tastes better with a beverage and I prefer coffee.
"Anyone here?"
With a mouthful of waffles, I look up to see a tall looking man with a grumpy look on his face. He looks down at me in shock, cocks an eyebrow and fold his arms.
"What are you looking at?"
I quickly swallow, "Pardon me sir. My name is Yasmin Neil and its a pleasure to meet you."
His eyes widened and he looked away. "Yeah. Its a pleasure to meet you too."
I smile and continue to eat. Luckily, Steven appears with my order and gives it to me.
"Finally," I mutter before taking a sip. "Man! That hits the spot!"
Steven grinned.
"Well don't just stand there, serve him too!" I say thumbing to the stranger.
At this, Steven yelps and asks the man what he wants.
"I want whatever she's having,"
I grin and wanted to start up a conversation with him but the school bus honks loudly. So I pack up.
"Good day sir," I say before leaving the shop.