It was another night and Agatha lay on the bed with Julia by her side wondering why she had stooped so low to do this. Looking at her phone, she groaned when she discovered a missed call from Magic and things got worse when she read his message.
‘Where is Emma?’
She sat up, quickly sent a text back to him and lay back on the huge love-shaped bed thinking about the incidents after her break up with Emma.
After the ‘explosive’ break up, Agatha’s next girlfriend was a sweet cute blue-eyed slightly chubby girl but things turned sour after a month. As time passed, Agatha slowly realized that her new girlfriend was only submissive in bed but nowhere else. Rude, snarky and constantly bickering with her, she ended things with her at the end of the school term and moved to the city.
The next girlfriend was someone who was still in the closet because of her parents who were against same-sex relationships. Using that to fuel their passionate romance, Agatha groomed her slowly transforming her into the most ideal girlfriend. Their relationship was smooth at first but despite her efforts, her girlfriend couldn't measure up to her standards. She was inexperienced at cooking, refused to do her homework for her, was uninterested in her problems and wanted her to change her delinquent lifestyle. This led to Agatha nitpicking and gas lighting her whenever she forgot to do something, but things ended badly after her parents figured it out. Instead of fighting for their relationship, Agatha broke up with her using her parents as an excuse. However, her attempts to bully her backfired because half of the school knew of her previous relationship and sided with the girl instead.
The relationship with her last girlfriend who was a hot pervy gyaru girl with many friends only lasted two weeks. This is when she gradually discovered Agatha was cheating on her. After a huge argument, Agatha demanded an apology for the ‘false accusations’ levied against her. However, she got a public tongue lashing instead which was recorded on video and distributed. Humiliated and defeated, the once feared, strong, openly homosexual girl was the laughing stock of the school.
Looking back at the whole escapade made her realize what an ideal girlfriend Emma was. She also realized how stupid she was for organizing the prank on her and dumping her like trash. Shutting herself up in her room, she wished for her big titty ‘perfect’ girlfriend back. The opportunity knocked when Magic told her where to find her and all she needed to do was apologize to her.
Everything would be fine right?
Emma was not happy to see her and rejected her apology. Spreading rumors and bullying her and her friends only fueled the girl's hatred for her. Thanks to her ex-boyfriend, the inconsistencies in the pregnancy rumor made things worse and Emma did not run back to her arms like before when bullied. She did the opposite and vanished into thin air.
Now she was missing and no one knows where to find her.
Swinging her legs off the bed, she scrolled through her phone until she came across a message.
‘I know who you are,’
'Who are you?’
‘I know what you want.’267Please respect copyright.PENANAWhkEtjmu3E
*inserts Emma's picture*
‘How did you know?’
‘I have my sources,’
‘Do you know where she is?’
‘No but I know of a way to bring267Please respect copyright.PENANAyUZxBwmGlN
her back.’
‘That girl is so faithful to her friends.267Please respect copyright.PENANAuyG2IbOtaq
If something bad happens to them,267Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0IFQAlz1P
She’ll come running back.’
‘I get it. Who is the target?’
*inserts article*267Please respect copyright.PENANAcE8wPww4Kr
‘She’s keeping a secrete…’
The room was silent by the time I was done and he looked at me with shock in his eyes. Swallowing saliva, I waited in anticipation wondering what he was going to do next.
Was he angry?
Was he upset?
Was he going to kill me?
Instead, he grinned and clapped his hands together. Shocked, I watched him applaud me with a normal look in his eyes.
“That was beautiful Beloved,” he chuckled. “Very beautiful Beloved.”
He chuckled again sending waves of confusion through me. Why was he happy? Did he accept who he was?
If he did…
Fear rippled through me and I had to take deep breaths to push it down. Leaning forward, he looked into my eyes and put a hand on his chin in thought.
“So you are saying I am a psychopathic lovesick individual who harms anyone in the name of love is that it?” he asked.
I said nothing.
“Are you sure you aren’t describing yourself Beloved?”
I was thunder struck. “What?”
“You are describing yourself aren't you?”
“What do you mean?” I narrowed my eyes. “I am not like…”
“You killed your first victim by overdosing her with sleeping pills.”
My eyes widen in shock.
“The second girl ‘broke’ her neck because she fell from a tree in her garden. The third was drowned in her bath tub, the fourth was killed by a fatal explosion in the kitchen, the fifth was crushed by a heavy object and the sixth well…,” he paused for a moment then grinned. “...you know how she died.”
My heart leapt into my throat when he said that.
“I have to admit Beloved, you were calculating in your murders but it’s clear that you ran out of ideas with the last one. That's probably why police started investigating accident deaths as serial murders. Nevertheless, he asked, "What did those girls have in common? They were all Agatha's lovers."
It happened slowly, but my heart raced as flashbacks played before my eyes. “How did you know?”
He grinned. “I have my ways. You could say I took a ‘supernatural’ approach.”
I shake my head in disbelief and he giggles.
“Well Darling, it’s clear from your reaction that I am right. You killed them because you were obsessed with her. You wanted her all to yourself despite her treating you worse than a dirty rag.”
“That’s not true.”
“That girl humiliated you…”
“…made you feel small…”
“Hear me out please...”
“…manipulated and lied to you…”
“Let me talk!”
“…and shattered your heart into millions of pieces just like what you are doing to me right now. Yet you forgive her when she uttered these magic words; 'I Love You'.” Then he formed a heart shape with his fingers and looked through it. “Am I wrong, Beloved?"
As the memories of our time together flashed through my mind, tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the humiliating events that followed.
“It’s not true,” I murmured.
Putting a forefinger close to his lips, he smiled toothily. “Really?”
“I killed those girls because they were the main culprits behind what happened during the school play. That’s why I killed them.”
Looking away, he hummed for a while then tsked. “I don’t believe it.”
“It’s the truth…”
“If that's the case why is the bitch still alive?”
I could only blink at him.
“Based on what I found, she was the mastermind behind that humiliating event in your school; yet you killed her supporters and let her live.” Then he grinned. “Is it because you still love her yandere chan?”
I squeeze my eyes tight. “No! It’s not true!”
He cackled and I started struggling to get out chair. I wanted to leave this place. I wanted to run away from it all like I did before when she convinced me not to kill her.
'This relationship isn't worth your life,' were her words and I wanted to follow them!
But I was trapped and reminded of what I had done.
Standing up, he walked towards me with a grin on his face and perked up my chin. “You dare call me a fictional character who inflicts pain on their love interests when you are one yourself? In that case we are both the same, aren't we? Your kill count proves it.”
My head spun as I looked straight into his eyes. "I am not like you!"
He shook his head. “I don't believe it. Your eyes flicker when you lie. Face it Beloved, you are a yandere.”
He let me go and I hung my head in shame.
I was no stranger to murder. My hatred for what they did to me boiled over because all my years in that school had been filled with misery and in that misery, I found hope.
Fake hope in the form of my former lover.
Looking back, I think I didn’t want to kill her because…
“But who is the real villain in your story?”
Snapping back to reality, I noticed pity in his eyes.
"Between both of you, who's really the bad guy? The one who killed for love or the one who toyed with the killer’s heart?” Crouching down, he cupped my face with his hands and smiled still showing me those pitiful eyes that looked surprisingly beautiful. “You lost everything at such a young age and had no friends at school. Your guardians didn’t care about you at all…your life was so…empty.”
Then he touched his chest. “Empty like mine."
My heart sank and I blinked back tears because of how accurate he was.
“You didn’t want your life to be the way it was before and that's why you held on to her didn’t you? That’s why you killed them.” He glowed with a larger expression of pity in his eyes. “You may be a yandere but she’s the real villain. So why are you trying to be like her?”
Just a few blinks were all I could do as we stared into each other’s eyes. Suddenly, something went off, shattering the moment. Annoyed, he looked at his watch and panicked.
“Whoops! We were so caught up in the moment that I forgot it was dinner time.” Snapping his fingers, we teleported to the dining room area. “Stay still Beloved. I’ll be back soon.”
I watched him disappear through the door in front of me and reappear with food. After eating in silence, he took me back to my room and placed me on the bed.
“Sleep well Darling,” he whispered planting a kiss on my head. “We will talk more tomorrow.”
In the blink of an eye, he vanished from the room and the lights went out. Blinking in the darkness, I replayed the day’s events in my head and came to two terrifying conclusions:
1). He was trying to manipulate me emotionally.
2). It was working.