It is amazing how wind can sound like rain. As it rustles through the autumn leaves outside my window the breeze sounds like the digitally automated rain from my phone. The sound of the wind pulls my body into relaxation. It might be some psychological effect having to do with our breathing, but I've not done any research to warrant such claims. Either way, the wind had me thinking about rest.
How do we measure rest? Rest is needed by every individual to maintain a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle. However, judging the rest and how much we need is difficult for me. Too much rest and I find myself feeling groggy, unproductive, and teetering on the edge of depression. I find myself in this situation every time I overindulge in my days of entertainment. Too little rest and I forget how it feels for my body to be healthy. I push myself into sickness when I overwork and neglect my basic needs. Besides after a week of hard work an hour of rest is insufficient to recover. I've certainly failed quite often enough at judging my own need for rest and taken on more than I could muster.
There is one solace though in my inability to determine my limits. God knows me better than I do. When I pushed myself too far with a job in the past God always seemed to take that job away from me right before I collapsed. Then when I overcommitted in other areas of my life He always seemed to have a way of pulling me back. To some, the abruptness of how He did it would seem harsh. I know though that I am a stubborn and bullheaded individual. Any other way and I wouldn't clear my plate. I would keep piling onto it till the plate broke from the weight. For me, a friend dumping half of it out was a good measure.
That brings up a point for me. God talks to us in different ways. I need a strong word sometimes and it is much appreciated when I get it. Other times God knows when to be gentle. What God says to me might not be the right way to deliver to someone else. For me honesty is blunt. Beating around the bush is a form of deception. For others, bluntness is a lack of kindness. My mother would tell me, "Tact, you can be truthful, but you need tact." It rings true today. However, God knows my needs better than I know my neighbor's or my own needs. He speaks truth and comfort in the best package possible for the hearer. There is no form of deception. When we need it most God breaths on us.
"God-breathed" is how God gave us life. He breathed His breath into us. Sometimes we get into situations where we feel lifeless. Something didn't turn out how it should. Hurt from our day-to-day turns us callous and niolistic. We even forget what joy feels like. We can fight, do what we know to do and even try to pull ourselves up to little success. That's when I believe God breaths on us again. He knows our limitations and will step in when He needs to. This breath can look like anything, a complete turnaround of a situation, a kind word, or even an unexpected blessing. You'll know when it happens though because when the wind comes it feels like it brushes across your shoulders and sweeps up the baggage weighing you down.
When it happened to me I didn't even realize how I had become. Pain and people's words had taken hold of my spirit. Then the Lord swept over me and the joy that was pushed down was able to lift back up again. I believe that even without asking for this God will send a fresh wind to those who need it. God is a good father and He takes joy in giving gifts. That's why the sound of wind brings peace, and a gentle coolness that lifts the spirit.