Lately, I've been into lofi. I've always enjoyed the medium but as of late it has a newfound place in my heart. I need to listen to music. It's my Achilles heel I suppose. The problem is that I'm a music major. If I listen to music while I'm doing something it distracts me. I'll notice a cool run or the color of a song will grab my attention and suddenly the pile of laundry is still not done and I've been jamming for 10 minutes. Lofi music though can give me that same vibe but flows in such a way that I can still do my work. Recently I found a youtube channel that does cool fantasy lofi. My favorite so far is called Iroh's Bookstore volume 2. (Subtle plug if I do say so myself. I doubt anyone will even notice it.) The ambiance is so fun and the picture is pretty too. It gets me in the mood to write my own fantasy novel.149Please respect copyright.PENANAl0K4zoB2Qr
I use to think authors were a bit crazy when they talked about stories writing themselves. I had written some short stories before and never had that experience. Boy did I have to eat my own word's this past week? I had planned out a story and even wrote the info for it down. However, as I was writing I lost track of time and the story came alive. I was adding detail I was experiencing rather than making them up, the character suddenly decided what they wanted to say and I was just the scribe. After that, I realized I should probably change my info for the novel. It was a fun experience for sure. Nothing magical happened, my creativity just took off.
There are times when I accidentally write a phrase that is super cool and alludes to something else I like. That sparks a new idea that I just have to weave into my story somehow. I use to read books with such cool thoughts and metaphors in them and wonder how the author did it. Now I'm beginning to think it was an accident. Like they suddenly had a cool thought and weaved it into their story. Some people thought I wonder if it was plagiarism or the editor. I find myself reading a trash book just for giggles when a really color idea jumps from the page. My thoughts usually scream something like this, "WHY CAN'T THE WHOLE BOOK BE ABOUT THIS? THIS IS SO COOL! WHYYYYY???" I guess that's what spinoffs are for.
The absolute worst is when someone ruins their very cool thought later in the book. It's either forgotten, retconned, or killed off. (I'm looking at you Kingdom Hearts!) My sister once told me that she preferred my theories and retellings of stories to their actual depiction. Sometimes I agree. The way I predicted it was much more funner than it ended up being. (Yes I used funner, Funner will always be a word to me! Just like pluto will always be a planet in my heart.)That's an EMFP for you, the idea is the drug. Any Love Who fans here? I think though that is the privilege of the reader is seeing where the story could go. As an author, I'm less open to new ideas. I hone in on what and where I want the story to go. If I created a character to die then they are for sure going to die. That's why I'm glad editors exist.
SPOILER ALERT!!!!! (but not really, it's just something the show writers decided not to put in for stranger things. Read at your own risk. I warned you!) Imagine if the writers for stranger things went through with killing Steve in the first season. We would never see the mom he was always meant to be. Editors are great people. Love them even if they say your story is trash, because at the end of the day, it's their job to take that trash and make it art.
So what does this have to do with lofi? Absolutely nothing. I just like lofi right now and needed a title for this ramble. Feel free to share links to your favorite lofi in the comments and I'll give them a listen.