There's a fear in this time that comes with discussing religion. In America, we have the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. I think those are difficult to regulate. Not hold back but to keep them in a place of balance with one another. Words hold power and I believe this is so. There's a creeping fear that come's with discussing religion simply because I'm a Christian. It's strange for me to comprehend this. I know that this is not unique to Christianity, several other religions get hate for their beliefs. Jews faced multiple times of persecution. There are many areas where people's beliefs have led to unjust persecution.
I have found recently that there's a hesitation to discuss my beliefs even when someone asks me. This is odd because my beliefs bring me a great amount of joy. Recently I've faced workplace discrimination simply because I believe differently. It's never happened as obviously as it did at this job. It leads to a long and hard time in my life. I imagine this is what makes me hesitant to discuss what brings me joy. Then I remind myself of this verse.184Please respect copyright.PENANAqsdDzPdzaH
"Be diligent to show your self approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15184Please respect copyright.PENANA7YzlYcIMRt
If I believe in God then the only one that I'm trying to impress is HIm. If I am living a life that pleases God then I don't need to feel ashamed. I should be proud to talk about the one who saved me. Why does other people's perspective of me determine how I feel discussing the greatest thing that's ever happened to me? It doesn't. Fear is an interesting thing. Fear creeps in like a bad habit. It's a deceitful spirit. Fear hides behind many things. Some such things are logic and paranoia. I noticed with the pandemic fear grew rampant. It wasn't even over the disease. It was rational to take all of the precautions necessary to stay healthy. I saw different fear rise up though. I saw people afraid to drive. People who were normal and sane started to hoard and become reclusive, not even calling their friends and family. Fear of the unknown, fear of people, and irrational fear grew rampant. I noticed lately fear of speaking my mind has tried to creep in. I remind myself of this verse when I feel its disgusting claws grip my neck.
"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15184Please respect copyright.PENANAuktceI5Bde
This verse rings true on so many levels to me. One when I am afraid I need to remind myself that fear isn't from God. Something is trying to get me to be afraid. If I am afraid then I don't know the second half of this verse. We can cry out to God anytime because He has adopted us. The term Abba is a very personal term. Translated directly the word Abba mean daddy. While the world has perverted the word there's a vulnerability to the word. It comes from a place of honesty, where no one but your dad can help you. We can look to God in those times when fear is rampant. He adopted us. He placed His name on our brow and God takes care of His children.
That leaves me in a place called suffering. If God takes care of His children, why do we suffer? I'm not talking about being short at the coffee shop or having a bad day. I'm not even talking about a little bit of social discomfort. Suffering is a deeper level of hurt. When God said for us to take up our cross and follow Him. He meant that there would be people who were hated by the world and faced great persecution for His name's sake.
To be honest I don't know why we face hard things. I don't know why someone people have the anointing for persecution and others do not. I do know that I trust the Lord. He has done so much for me that I can't help but trust Him. When I go through a trial I do my best to trust Him. Faith is a great thing, but what do you do when your prayers are not answered like you wanted them to be?
What do you do when the bills aren't paid? When your friend group turns on a dime and speaks lies about you how do you respond? When someone you love speaks horribly to you do you curse them? Or do you choose to trust in God? I had told a friend once that I'd seen God take revenge on my behalf. I didn't pray for that. The person hurt me but I just to God I placed it in His hands. After a couple of months, the people who were involved dropped off the face of the map. I didn't hear what happened to them until years later. God will do it if it is his will but I don't wish for anyone to go through that. God saying to love our neighbor is not a conditional suggestion. God loved those who hated Him and I want that same love. So I learned to pray blessings on those who hurt me. It helps tremendously to do this. You'll find that the situation always gets easier. Maybe it wouldn't get better but there's a change in my mood every time.
Back to the question, what do you do when the prayer you have faith in goes unanswered? You trust. When the bills aren't paid and you have to move, you trust. When you have to go home from school, you trust. When you face persecution at your workplace for looking different, you trust. When you lose a family member, you trust. I don't have the answers but I don't need to, because I have a God who hears me every time I call out to Him. It's a promise from God, and God is not slack concerning His promise.