I believe that it can be difficult to have joy. There are so many aspects in our lives that steal our joy. Stress is like poison, it clouds our minds and prevents us from looking t other things. Anger can grab hold of us like a seed and plant its root of bitterness deep in our gut, to the point that we lose trust in other people. We hear it so often these days, "I have trust issues." Self-pity and self-importance can be two sides of the same coin as well. Anything that keeps us focused on ourselves for too long can quickly consume our lives. Joy, at least to me is a choice.
There are several instances where circumstances like depression and other conditions would make this stance feel like an attack. That is not my goal. Considering these circumstances I believe joy is a choice even more. When there is an obstacle to joy, overcoming and following a lifestyle that allows you to better have joy, to me at least, is choosing joy. I commend anyone who chooses joy and doesn't give in to the empty void of nothingness, it is an honorable pursuit.
Often I have to remind myself of good things. I don't mean it superficially. It's too easy to list off a bunch of words of gratitude that don't reach our hearts. For me, the path to joy is remembering the things that filled my heart and actively thanking those who bring moments of joy to me. Blessing others gives me such a feeling of wholeness that I just can't articulate how I'd like to.
I had a neighbor who would bring me goodies and spend evenings talking with me for a considerable length of time. Being a quality time person, meant a great deal to me. I would love to share books with her. She likes to read and anytime I had a book that I thought she'd like I would give it to her. She also liked mango. I would make a mango smoothie and freeze it as a popsicle for her to have. Sharing those things with her made her smile and in turn, made me smile. After sharing these precious times just seeing her fills me with joy.
Do you have friends like that? Where you have spent so much time pouring acts of kindness onto one another that their presence brings you joy? I find that my good friends are the ones that I have done such with. Their presence lifts my spirit. There is little to gain in a friendship if both parties only invest in the evil they see. That's why gossip can be such a damaging poison, but I digress.
Entertainment used to bring me joy. If I find a thought-provoking story it still does. Lately, I've noticed that I consume what I would like to call junk food entertainment. They're the stories that I read to pass the time: one's with superficial plot lines and surface-level romances. Enough to get a fix of serotonin without waiting for a good story. Like all drugs, it was good for the first stint, but I'm finding it leaves me with the hangover of wasted time. I gained nothing from the quick story that I would only read once and whose characters were all so similar I stopped learning their names.
Stories bring me joy, really good ones. The kind of stories where you can tell the author put their heart into it. They love the characters, and the world they've built. I guess that's why spin-off stories are so appealing to me. To be in a familiar world with a whole new set of characters is exciting.
There are other things that bring me joy. That perfect autumn day that comes once or twice a year, where it's not too hot or too cold and the sun bounces off the leaves in golden rays- that is a great joy. Cozy Sunday afternoons reading or indulging in a nap are always mood lifters for Cold, warm, or a raging temptest the rain will always cheer me up. It can make me feel comforted but it can also make me feel productive. Strange right? There's a bit more to it for me but I think I'll wait for that story.
God brings me joy. Days like today where the service was so loving, are especially great to me. When performance washes off of people, their mask fades, and they just allow God to love them is a beautiful feeling. The room swells and it doesn't matter how the music sounds. The sermon can be a mess of scripture just read aloud but people will still feel it. When God comes just for you, not to convict or overpower, but just to be there, you can tangibly feel it. Diligence to excellence is an obligation that I believe the church should uphold. However, I find that performance is the other edge of the coin if we let it take hold. God doesn't desire that a farce put on for others. He desires communion from us.
The last thing I want to touch on that brings me joy is God Himself. I don't know about others' experiences but I've found Him to be a constant companion. Nothing compares to the moment when you are crying, doubting anyone hears you, and you feel God just slip into the room. He never barges in, He knocks and gently opens the door. There's no crushing weight for me, no feeling of not belonging ever washes over me in those moments. It's comparable to being out in the open unprotected and vulnerable, until God wraps His arms around you, places your head near HIs heart, and you feel nothing else from the world. Safety and security are found in HIs arms. Those moments mean the world to me. In years to come, above all the miracles of healing I've seen, above all the sudden provision He's given, and even above the cool supernatural feats He does, I will remember how t felt for God to just step in. The world slips away and joy is renewed once again.
What brings you joy? Do you have something specific? Is there someone in your life prohibiting that joy? Do you feed someone else's joy? If I could share some food for thought it would be to find the joy in your life and cherish it. Do not take it for granted.