“Focus up!!”
“We’ll get out of this just focus up!” This was way more hectic than the last one, three behemoths rushing at us and these doors are taking ages to power up!
“How long is this going to take?!” Nana cried out from behind cover as we all kept running around the room, things weren’t as simple as we would’ve liked but then again we couldn’t have hoped for simplicity after what we went through. We chose to come here and this is what we get for trying to take a fantasy in reality, it’s all downhill from here. Though I guess I can’t really just say that.
The fight ensued and the battle continued, it wasn’t effortless. With one thing happening, another happened, then another, and another. It was essentially endless with the amount of things they were throwing at us, it’s as if this game wanted us to lose and was deliberately trying to make it happen. Luckily when you’re around a team that knows what they’re doing it’s easier to maneuver around stuff, at least know what to avoid.
“Felix! Can you get that door open any faster?”
“I-I don’t know! I can try!” Running over Felix began to check the controls, examining it. Afraid.161Please respect copyright.PENANAykdJ0RRdF6
“Okay okay, breathe just go with the flow.” These look similar to something I’ve seen before, I think I can do this. Alright, red… blue… green…red…purple. Wow this is just simon says. That makes this even better.
“ARE YOU PLAYING SIMON SAYS?! NO FAIR LET ME DO IT UWAH!!” Spiffy seemed jealous as she jumped out of the way and fired another round at the creature attacking her.
“We’ll all play when we get out of here!” X shouted jumping aside as he took a deep breath and hid behind a counter top, everyone was getting tired. Switching wasn’t an issue when the creature you’re running circles around has seemingly no need to rest. It takes its toll.
Wait wha?161Please respect copyright.PENANAh3b1dB3tdO
“Huh? Ada-UWAH!”
“Felix!” Adam? Adam’s here?!
“Come on you imb- Are those children?!” Adam dodged the creature’s bat swinging at his head making him fall back, however it seemed like it wouldn’t come out. As if it was afraid, everyone ran for it. The beast blocking the door caused an issue, William grabbed the kids and then Spiffy shot it dead in the face. While it was dazed we all sprinted for the exit, running deep into the fog until we all saw the light. The light of the manor again.
“Yes! Ha ha ha haaa!!! Yes yes yes!! Y- Yo what?” Spiffy? Why- Wait… that’s not the manor… th-this isn’t- No…
“Oh my word.”
“Yes… I know, it seems we aren’t as lucky as we’d hope. I hate to take chances but it appears we have no choice. But to double or nothing this.” Daniel… I-I’m back here again… I-I
“Felix? Yo! Whoa Felix breathe man breathe!” OH CRAP! Okay Spif, think think. Wh- Wait why am I doing this?161Please respect copyright.PENANA6tanuKv0mg
“Nan- What in the hell?” Uh! Where did they go? No way!
“Daniel- I-I’m so sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” He’s losing it, he-
“Okay damn it uh, Felix come on.” I don’t know what I’m feeling but I’m feeling something and I don’t like it one bit. Okay nice, a hut. Huh? Oh no…
In an instant Spiffy was struck with fear and terror, she’d seen a creature in the fog. Faceless for a moment before the mask was taken off and behind it she saw the deadly gaze of a crazed killer. It was him, Jack. In that moment she moved as fast as she could away into the hut, looking around she’d close the door behind her and block it. Grabbing Felix she pushed him behind her and held her gun to the door, her hands quivering as she stood there waiting. Taking deep breaths by the second trying her best to keep herself in check and to not lose her nerve. Nobody who’s played in these games has gotten off without meeting or knowing of Jack. Few escape and few ever do so twice, this game was definitely rigged but how could she have known it favored this monstrosity. The windows shattered, his voice was heard a low hum trailing throughout the hut from every angle. As if he was everything, the fog kicked up, and everything was being destroyed around her. Her nerves were like steel, no matter what he did he never entered. Could it be him playing with his food? Or can her firearm hurt him? Claws burst through the wall, then retracted then clawed through the door following that claws tore through the wall behind her and finally. He began to claw down the door, each strike breaking it further until he broke through.
“Hrn??” He heard it, it seems like Jack was back doing what he does best. Combating people, tormenting them, it was part of his game. He didn’t like it but it had to be done, for them to win… This game for them was simple, stop them before they find out what it is they must do and execute them. It’s always been the same, it's always been what it's been. He tells himself never again yet he does this again. It is why he harbors his scars marks and amalgamated form. It's what must be done and what has to be done, there is no other option but even then he can feel. He can feel bad for them, he can’t cry but he can remember each of them as their lives are taken. He is no man but is now a monster and that’s all he can be if he is to save her, if he is to bring back what he failed to keep… to protect.
“Come on, don’t stay in the open.” Just like that the prey have revealed themselves, the doctor, a large man, and… what were those that followed? Children? He-..