A thief at night
🔸Have you ever had a dream better than reality, a dream you didn't want to wake from? Apparently, I did🔸
Crystal Valerie Beck
I'm a night owl, a victim of 'just one more episode, just one more video, just one more meme' Falling asleep isn't hard once I put down my phone, but putting it down is the struggle.
I promised to stop mindlessly scrolling through my phone for hours at a time but here we are.
I rarely sleep well in unfamiliar places, but tonight, I was drifting off in that strange, half-awake, sleep-paralysis state.
Thirty minutes in, a faint footstep. I sat up, scanning for weapons. I was supposed to be alone; Rina unni had gone home, the manager wasn't arriving until tomorrow, and only Mr. Bang had visited earlier. But my overthinking brain spun scenarios.
Over thinking is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, it just a lot more harm than good.
The footsteps grew closer, the intruder trying to be quiet. Rina Unni had given me an emergency phone, but the room was too dark to find it. I stayed still, hiding behind the slightly ajar door, clutching a solid object
A small, surprisingly heavy figurine and it felt sturdy enough to knock someone out.
Isaw a shadow. Someone was definitely in the house.
My only allies were the CCTV cameras Rina had mentioned. The intruder was at my door. I lunged as it opened, screaming along with the intruder. I raised my weapon, ready to strike.
That voice
I fumbled for the light switch. "Alex?" I whispered as the light flickered on. I almost fainted. Alex Lee stood before me.
Someone hold me! Alex freaking lee was standing right Infront of me
This wasn't a dream. This is my reality. It's not one of my long trances or my subconscious mind playing tricks on me. I was in Korea, and Alex was mirroring my shock.
"Valerie," he said. Hearing my name in his voice was surreal. I wanted to speak, but words failed me. I dropped the figurine, it was a naked woman modestly covered by cloth. Why hadn't I noticed it earlier?
"Hi," I squeaked.
Oh my fucking God, what is up with the squeaking, I am not a mouse.
"For being so outspoken online, I didn't expect you to be this shy," he said. Am I outspoken? I defend my oppas online, but in real life, I'm only sharp-tongued with close friends.
"For having such a deep voice, you scream like a girl," I retorted. Why did I say that? I didn't want him to hate me!
He chuckled, picking up the statue. "Exactly what I expected." I apologized, bowing instinctively, a habit from countless K-dramas.
I think I even did it before I got addicted to K-dramas. I used to think it was weird, but when I learned it was a cultural norm somewhere in the world, I embraced it.
"So witty," he said, extending his hand. I wanted to hug him.
"I'm Alex," he said.
Duh, who doesn't know him?
"I know," I replied, my voice high-pitched again.One would think I wasn't the same person who had a witty comeback just moments ago. "You're so cute," he says. Am I hearing things, or did he just call me cute?
Somebody record this for the Guinness Book of World Records, because today is the day the most butterflies has ever flown inside a living human.
I quickly shake the hand he offered.
I imagined him being handsome, but bless the hearts and souls of all the fans living in imagination land
he looks like a god, flawless.
He's a head taller than me. The soft light illuminates his face, making his freckles look absolutely stunning. His hair falls over his forehead, giving him that lazy but still perfect look. He's wearing skinny jeans paired with a black hoodie, his mask resting just below his lips.
Seeing him like this, raw and unfiltered, he has no flaws, everything just sits perfectly on his face
We were sitting on the kitchen island now, after my fangirl meltdown subsided. "Thank you," I said, drinking the water he'd given me. "You look unreal," I blurted.
"You're very pretty yourself," he replied, and he is a sweet talker too.
Somebody jot that down.
"Your pictures don't do you justice." Wait, pictures? I don't post pictures on my fan account. Even if they'd investigated my account after I had won the coupon, they wouldn't find anything.
The reason being the career path of replying haters that I chose. If I wasn't careful, I'll keep dieing over and over again, both in my dreams and in real life
Kpop haters who call themselves fans are not really here to play
"I don't post my pictures," I said. Alex looked like he'd spilled a secret.
Weren't you asleep?" he asked, changing the subject. Smart. "I don't adapt to new environments quickly," I replied, surprised I'd even managed to slip into that semi-unconscious state earlier. I was sure I will be awake for a whole week.
"Why are you here? They said I won't see any of you until the announcement," I said. He cleared his throat. "I couldn't wait."
Wait for what? I wanted to ask but I didn't want him to change the subject again
"I came to get some things I forgot. I didn't know you'd be awake, but I'm glad. I get to see you first," he said.
Were they anticipating my arrival? Maybe I wasn't as much of a nuisance as I thought.
"Where is everybody staying?" I asked, I know I said I wasn't going to pry
Yes I'm curious, bite me.
"Oh, we were all asked to take a break to meet our families," Alex replied. Why wasn't he with his family?
"You look like you have a thousand questions," he observed.
"It's too cute," he said. Sixth time he'd called me cute.
Never in a thousand years will I think I would someday meet him physically but here we are listening to him call me cute in his calm yet deep voice
"Unfortunately, but fortunately, my family went on a month-long vacation before everything was decided,"
he explained.
Why is that fortunate? I can see why people call him sunshine, i'd be devastated if it happened to me. They hardly get a chance to see their families, and they finally got this impromptu opportunity, only for his family to be away
"I got to stay with my other family, though," he added. "Hyun Joon's family," he clarified.
"Do you like physical contact?" he asked.
"That came out weird, but you understand what I'm asking," he quickly clarifies.
I'd imagined meeting him countless times, but I never expected this kind of conversation. "Depends," I reply.
I usually hate physical contact, especially with people who are all touchy-feely. I avoid it as much as possible, but his physical contact? I wouldn't mind.
If someone else had asked me that, I'd probably call them a creep and make a run for it.
"I really wanna hug you," I blurt out. Mentally, I facepalm. Why on earth would I say that? Do I want my idol to think I'm a total weirdo?
I quickly try to divert his attention by talking about food. "I've never actually had jjampong, but I've fantasized about eating it several times." What am I even saying?
He doesn't reply, but instead, he comes closer and hugs me. He freaking hugged me.
"I wanted to hug you too; I just didn't want to be intrusive," he said.
"What? "You're confused again," he chuckles softly before standing up.
"I better get going if I don't want Mr. Bang to catch me here," he says. Mr. Bang was the stern man at the airport. I didn't recognize him because he looked so different in person.
He only talked to me after Rina left, but he had this presence that made me want to obey him. He seemed scary.
"It's almost 6, and he usually comes by the house around this time. Not sure if he'll come since you're here alone now," Alex continues.
I want to reply, but I'm still frozen from the hug, just staring at him like a freak as he smiles down at me.
And then, my first movement: I reach out and grab his sleeve.
We aren't even that close, what the hell am I doing? And I can't even stop myself.
But oddly enough, he just looks at me and smiles. "The boys are going to be so jealous," he practically said before leaving.
Was he just being a good fan-service idol? I hoped he wasn't creeped out by me