Looking around the room there wasn’t a lot of light. To my surprise the tavern was crowded with people. There were no empty seats at the tables or bar, so I walked to the edge of the bar.
“Can I get you something?” A huge burly man was behind the bar eyeing me. Suddenly, I felt faint just looking at him. I searched the bar to see the other men surrounding it with drinks in front of them. Right, I was at a tavern.
Nodding to the guy’s drink beside me I said, “I’ll have what he’s having.” Without hesitation he poured the copper liquid into a mug. When he was done, I picked up the cup while turning back around towards the room and held it to my nose to smell it. I didn’t think it through because I immediately turned my head away from it disgusted. Goodness, I didn’t know what I ordered. As I did so I saw a man sitting at the table in front of me also scrutinizing me. Trying to act normal I lifted my mug up and nodded to him before putting it to my lips pretending to drink it. I grimaced at the scent that collided with my nose once more. When I glanced back up the guy was no longer paying attention to me, but to another who had sat down beside him.
I took the opportunity to observe the room, noticing a door in the corner where someone was guarding. People who tried to enter were being questioned by him. I made my over to hear what they were talking about. I leaned against the wall to seem less awkward while listening. Or at least trying to. The man wanting to enter was whispering. I couldn’t hear anything he was saying. I glanced up as I realized the whole room had gone quiet. A man in a black cloak stood at the doorway and there were three men behind him. I couldn’t see the first man’s face, but the others’ were exposed. I also realized he was coming in my direction. I would have liked to say I didn’t panic, but my legs were shaking. His aura could be felt throughout the tavern. No one dared to even stand to go get a drink. I tried my best not to fidget as he stood right next to me. He didn't speak a word to the man guarding the door. He just opened the door and stepped aside letting him in. I was kind of astonished. It made me forget the fear I had been feeling a minute ago. All I could think about was how I wanted that type of treatment. I wanted to walk into a room and have people stop what they were doing. Heck, I wanted to walk up to a guy and not say a word and have him let me do what I wanted. And no rules or laws telling me what to do. Sign me up.
Wait…no. That was wrong. Sign me down. Sign. Me. Down. Bad. These people were bad, Samuel. I did not want to get involved with them even if they walked into a room and time stopped for them. Stop. I had to get my mind under control and stop daydreaming about these people’s lives. I needed to focus on the task assigned to me. The few moments of my daze were enough time for them to already walk through the forbidden door that only they were allowed to go in. Once they did the room broke out in chatter. I heard someone at the table closest to me say, “I shivered just feeling the chill blow in as he came in. I’ll never get used that. Do you know what he’s here for?”
His friend answered, “He comes twice a week, but he missed a day earlier this week. I heard he’s planning a revolt. At first, no one thought it could be true. I’m starting to believe it, though.” I wasn’t learning much from listening to them.
My gaze flickered to where the man whose gaze hadn't waivered yet. He was standing at the bar sneaking glances at the men talking. He moved his hand to the inside of his jacket. A glossy silver object that was barely visible appeared. Not long after, he made his way towards the table in a steady stride not trying to get any extra attention. He couldn’t actually try to kill them for speaking about the hooded man. As he got closer, he pulled the clearly visible knife from the spot it had been hidden. And I knew I was wrong. He was going to kill them. In front of all these people. He had no shame. Goodness, I guess speaking was a crime now. I took hurried steps towards the man as he held the knife behind the man. The first man saw him coming and had a horrified expression as the he about to make contact with his friend’s neck.
I felt myself breathing profusely as I grabbed his wrist that held the weapon. I saw soulless eyes rise to get a good view at who had just stopped him. I swallowed hard feeling slightly dizzy again. There goes staying invisible and there goes the end of my life as well. I should’ve thought this through. Was the man I had saved worth my life in return? It didn’t take long for me to answer that. No, no he wasn’t. I should’ve let him stab the guy like he wanted to do. Was it too late? I could always release his hand and say, “My apologies. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Go ahead and kill him.” Then back away from the situation. From his expressionless face I knew that probably wasn't going to be an option.
I did a short sarcastic laugh and was about to say something when a fist made contact with his face. In a quick motion I looked down to see him out cold on the ground then backed up to see who had laid him out like that. Black shiny hair and freckles were the first thing I noticed. I tilted my head taking in the boy I had grown up with. “Hayes?”
I didn’t get much of a reply. He was grabbing me by the arm and dragging me out of there. I was shocked seeing him. And that was an understatement. I didn’t understand what he was doing in a place like that. We stopped running after about four blocks. I bent over to catch my breath from the speed we were running.
“What were you doing there?” His voice was stern as if he was speaking to a child. Me? I was in trouble? I could ask him the same thing. The guy I knew wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near there.
“I’ll tell you if you tell me what you were doing there first because if I can't be there what makes you think you're any different?” He crossed him arms in a seriousness that reminded me of Scarlett. He wasn't her. And I hadn't backed down to him before. I wasn’t going to start now.
"You don't know anything." He shook his head continuing, “When that guy wakes up, he’s going to want to find you. He knows what you look like. Not only that, but the people there saw me help you. What were you thinking saving that guy?”
I rolled my eyes in disbelief. He was lecturing me about saving a guy’s life? How ironic when he had just done the same. I raised an eyebrow. “He was going to kill that man. Was I supposed to sit back and let it happen?”
“Yes. If it’s him or you. You sit back and let him die. You don’t know what the power these people have backing them.” I sat there listening to a side of my best friend I didn’t seem to know. This wasn't him. And I had no interest in getting to know the new him.
I stepped back from him. Disappointment lacing every word I asked, “What have you gotten yourself into?” He didn’t get a chance to answer. Luke and a few of his men had finally caught up. I could see them lurking in the shadows surrounding us.
“Let me see your hands! Now.” Hayes eyed me cautiously before doing as he was told. Luke didn’t waste any time tying Haye’s hands together with a rope. I, however, couldn’t focus. My vision blurred seeing them treat Hayes like a prisoner. I couldn't blame them. I didn't know if I could trust him either. I walked mindless and unconsciously following the group. So much so that I hadn’t even realized we had made it back to the palace until I heard a voice say, “Did something happen? Why does he look like that? Samuel, can you hear me?”