I stumbled trying to sit up. People were screaming in terror and running for cover. I searched for the cause, and I didn't need to look too hard. Men in all black who had swords in their hands were making their way through the crowd. I felt myself fall backwards onto the ground as an arrow found it's way halfway into the table. Well, if it liked the table that much, I wasn't going to put up a fight. I hurriedly stood back up to see where the men were headed. Of course, I sighed. The men she had with her had drawn out swords I didn't know they had with them. They yelled at her to stay back, but that wasn't going to help if the determined looking men got through them. It also didn’t help that they were outnumbered. Our town's men tried to help, but they were of no use. They didn't have actual weapons to fight back with. While the men with her were busy defending themselves and doing their best to protect her as well they couldn't do both still.
I rushed over to her as a man grabbed her by the waist and was trying to carry her away. She was making a fuss, kicking and scratching at him. I saw her eyes widen at the sight of me. She stopped fighting and ducked forward in the man’s arms as I picked up a chair and slammed it into the back of his head. He staggered dropping his sword and her in the process. I readily picked up his weapon. I didn't want to kill him, so I decided to gently knocked him out instead. I raised the handle of the sword and connected it to the back of his head. Again. I turned to see her looking at me before she pushed me to ground. That was rather rude I thought to myself. When I regained my footing, I saw a man hoovering over her. I muttered under my breath. Why were there so many of them? I was glad to see she didn't have any ill intent for pushing me at least. It was kind of sweet considering she was saving my life. I'd have to thank her later.
She was tugging at the man’s grip he had on her hair. I heard her let out a loud yelp as he used it to pull her to him. He held her up by it and I saw him bend down to say something I couldn’t hear in her ear. I watched as she glared at him in disgust. This time I was fuming. He was distracted, which only made what I was about to do easier. I stood behind him and thrusted the sword into the right side of back. His hand went limp as he tried to turn around to see what had just happened. I didn’t give him the chance as I twisted it inside him. I then pulled it from his body and watched him fall forward. He held his side as his own blood poured out on his clothes and the ground.
It would have been a satisfying feeling, except for the fact that an arrow landed next to my foot. I shook my head and blinked coming out of the dark cloud that had just consumed me. I didn’t have time to think about what I’d just done, not yet anyway. I turned towards the direction from where it came from and this time the man was masked. Oh heck no. This was beginning to be too much, even for me. They were playing dress up now. I grabbed her hand and lifted her to her feet. When she was balanced, I wasted no time in running the opposite direction of the masked figure. I glanced back to see the man's gaze on us. I particularly noticed the arrow he had pointed in our direction. I noticed she had slowed down.
"Wait," She yelled. She was stopping? What reason could she possibly have to stop for, men in costumes were trying to kill us. I think that was a good enough reason to run for our lives. Instead, she ran over to a wooden post and picked up a brown burly looking bag. Yes, that was an excellent explanation to why she wanted to be here for another second. I slapped myself, but for real this time because I was hoping I was going to wake up from this nightmare. "Let's go," she said. Before we could do that, though, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her the ground beside me. Gosh, this was not the way I wanted to spend my night. I saw an arrow take the spot where she had just been standing. I quickly got up all while pulling her to her feet like I had done to many times now. I saw the masked man saying something to his men and it didn't take long for me to know it was probably about us.
"Come on!" I led us towards where I left him, I was pretty sure. I just couldn't locate exactly where I had put him. Where was that horse of mine at? This is what I get for having a horse that was as dark as night. I tried squinting to find him and still couldn't.
"What are you looking for?" She asked irritated with the delay, and I couldn't blame her. I wasn't exactly pleased either.
"My horse! I can't find him!" I heard her groan and saw her flail her hands in frustration. I thought of an idea and hoped it worked. I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled as loud as I could. I heard a light "neigh" and grabbed her hand again running towards it. He rubbed his head against my shoulder waiting for me to greet him back. "Hey, bud. Nice to see you again." I quickly untied him and held her waist to assist her up before hopping on myself. I didn't waste any time starting him in a gallop. I felt her lean back against my chest as we picked up speed. She positioned her bag onto her lap and cradled it in both hands. I didn't really know where we should go, so I took us back to my house. When we got there, I tied Obsidian up and reached out my hand to get her down. She didn't take it, instead she handed me her bag and said, "Put it down gently." I didn't understand why but did it anyway. She then lifted both her arms in a childlike motion. I stepped a bit closer and grabbed her waist slowly lowering her to the ground. She gently removed her hands from my shoulders kneeling beside the bag unzipping it.