Luke should walk into my office soon; I sent him to question Samuel’s friend alone this time. With Samuel not observing I was hoping Luke could get something out of him. He just needed some.... persuasion. I didn’t mention that to Samuel, though, I hadn’t wanted him to question me about Luke’s technique in getting him talk. I told him not to hurt him, too badly that is. It sounded cruel, but I hadn’t meant physically. I wanted to persuade emotionally. There had to be something he cared about. Family? A certain friend? A lady? We wouldn’t actually do anything to harm them, but he wouldn’t know that.
Cue Luke strolling in looking mighty pleased with himself. “He talked,” he said sitting down on the other side of my desk. I raised an eyebrow, “What’d you have to do to make him?”
“Apparently, his parents didn’t know what he’d been up to.”
“His parents?” I was a bit disappointed, that’s what he was worried about. Their thoughts of his failure made him snitch.
“I told him I would bring them here to see him caged behind a cell and publicly known to the country about his betrayal. I would even say that he gave us information about the colluders who wanted to dethrone their queen. I then mentioned how he and I both knew they weren’t going to let him get away with it. They would know how to find the people he loved, whatever happened to them was his fault.”
Well…I couldn’t complain if it got the job done. And that wasn't much of threat.
“You’d think he’d be smart enough to know we wouldn’t let that happen to innocent people. We'd protect his family even if he's a piece of trash.”
“And how would he know that?”
I narrowed my eyes, “Because they are innocent Luke. Plus, he saved Samuel’s life too.”
“Samuel?” From his tone I already knew he wasn’t pleased with my mentioning him.
“Yes. He did save my life. I owe him, and he cares about him. So, we will not hurt him.” Luke didn’t seem to be interested in hearing that. Just to make sure he understood I confirmed, “Did I make myself clear?”
“Crystal,” he bit out. “I just don’t think you should give him hope. Anyone can see he likes you, but do you like him?”
I played innocent and coy, not giving him a sure answer. “I like him enough.”
“Don’t jest with me. You know what I mean.”
“I do know what you mean.” He grunted hearing my response. I chose to move the conversation along. “What’d he tell you?”
He didn’t look as if he wanted to tell me anymore, but then said, "The palace is infiltrated with their men. Their informant works inside these walls.” Slightly intrigued, I leaned closer as he spoke. He smirked saying, “You won’t believe who it is too.” I waited and waited, but he didn’t say anything.
“Are you going to tell or leave me waiting in suspense?”
Amused he answered, “I’ll tell you, but I think instead of confronting we should play a game of cat and mouse.”
I smiled, “What do you have in mind?”