Charlie's POV
I was waiting three years to act on these feelings and I'm finally doing it. I'm not ashamed of it. Troy told me I should tell him. I don't care anymore.
I don't hate Louis, I never did. What's shocking about my gesture was that he kissed me back. I felt him respond and my entire body nearly fell limp.
I was backed up on the couch, moving the blankets aside, with his body on top of me, his lips finding mine, moving slowly, gently assuredly over me as if he knew how what he was doing. I never opened my eyes once, I felt sucked into moment and I never wanted to let go. The moment lingered. My heart was falling, falling deeper than I ever dreamed.
The truth was…I fell. It was only three years ago when I first saw Louis, I followed his career secretly, trying hard to forget him, but it was so difficult, some days I just tried to think of ways to hate him. I slept better that way. I would watch him in interviews and my heart called, over and over. I couldn't help myself. If he ever came into my life again, I don't know what I would do. So I tried to hide it. Bury the looks he gave me at the audition. Force myself to believe it was just spark, magic, fairy dust. I deleted the Disney movie of me achieving everything in my mind, I didn't think it was possible to have everything.
Hannah made him happy. Then it was Eleanor, and now, I don't know what he's thinking. But I know I can't stop kissing him and I never want to.
He took control, taking the lead like I dreamed he would do. His hands caressing my face, making me believe this was so real, so far from dreamland. Reality set in, I wasn't asleep, though it was morning; it was just us, no one else. Time didn't matter. Stress didn't appear like it always had in place of my happiness.
I liked him right now as he is, taking what is his, not pushing me away, owning this moment. His kisses were deliberate, taunt and possessive. I'm truly finding a calmness I didn't know existed. I don't want to pull away from this feeling. Being alive, being truly here. Flesh, bone, soul and heart. His hands then fingertips were touching my face like he claimed them in another lifetime. I adored his touches. I didn't want this to ever end.
God damn it. I am so…in it now. I am so clouded with this mysterious guy who saw my face, looked for me and found it in his heart to stay the night even if he was scared. He still did what he did. Maybe the guy I saw was still there. The guy I froze at the auditions three years. No…this is so much bigger than I ever imagined. He hasn't said anything yet.
He lips hovered over mine for a long, intimate moment. The back of my hand brushed his cheek as he kissed me again, molding his lips to mine, finding truth, pushing lone doubts, all of them away. The fervent passion I started with mimicking in my honor. I returned the passion, as much as I had in me, pouring all these pent up emotions where I knew they belong. His heart. His beautiful soul. I couldn't bring myself to pretend any longer.
The short time he came into my life was enough. I couldn't, I wouldn't lie to myself anymore.
His lips found their way to my neck, pressing needed kisses along the open skin calling for his touch. I moaned deeply, I wasn't sure if I was shaking, inside I was. Damn, I couldn't handle how gentle he was being with me. How careful he knew my foot was still giving me pain; that no longer mattered.
I brought his face up to mine, staring in his eyes, locking my gaze. I leaned in touching my lips to his, kissing my way to his story, his secrets. The person he doesn't show. I wanted to fall deeper, find new discoveries, tracing another world only my heart can understand. I wanted to know him. His life, his deadly danger, the moments where he's vulnerable, his fear, who hurts him and use my body, mind and soul to heal him in any way I can.
I was shaking, so was he, we were afraid of what this could mean. So much has happened now; I wish I could know what's in his head. How he feels.
The way he's kissing me now, do I need to ask?
I felt his mouth open and his tongue crept out, sliding on my bottom lip, I slightly smiled, welcoming whatever he wanted. I wanted to please him, know his journey. His tongue swept inside my mouth chasing mine, trying to know me. I had to be ready, this felt so right parts of me shivered at the thought of surrendering to him.
I was ready. My tongue swept across his bottom lip, confidence seeping with every motion, I tried to muster what little courage I have left to say something.
My lips pulled away, staring into his eyes as he popped them open, piercing me with a strong force that was hypnotic. I was under his spell. I wanted this man. No question and no waiting.
I leaned close to his ear, my breathing was scarce, I tried to bring my voice out again, whispering the words. My lips touching his ear with every fine syllable.
"Bedroom, I need you…" I confessed. In that moment I needed him more than anyone else.
I trusted him, no games, no pretense, no more buried truths I held so close to my heart.
Louis' POV
She said these words and I froze, like the moments when I first saw her. I understood her and so I pushed Charlotte and everything else away from my mind, clearing my thoughts. I stared in front of me, at this gorgeous girl, her hazel eyes never leaving my dark, lustful blue ones.
"O-ok." I said, my voice couldn't hide the nerves sneaking up on me.
Why was I so nervous? Why did this girl take me to that scared little boy I was over three years ago? When I'm with this girl, I feel like a normal person. The kind of person I'd only dream of being since all this fame hit me so fast.
"Louis…" She asked, her voice shaking too as she moved to softly kiss me, her eyes still closed, her lips swollen and warm. She moved against my lips, lingering there until I found her.
I moved my body a little, swallowing down my nerves, trying to hard to shut off any doubts I had about this. What doubts did I actually have?
She's beautiful, she wants me and she treats me the way I always wanted to be treated. Then why did it feel like I'm missing something I should know?
I shouldn't think this much, she may ask questions. I gazed into her eyes, staunchly holding her attention for several long moments before choosing my words carefully.
Bugger, they were hard to get out, I couldn't say them. The way she was looking at me, so gently, seeing a soft, natural purity when I first met Hannah.
But…oh god. I am a horrible person. Why am I doing this to this girl? It's wrong on all levels.
I sat up from the couch slowly but she gave me a look of panic. Grasping my arm like a young child. "Louis…don't go."
Tears began to fall down her cheeks almost instantly. She gripped my arm and all I could think about was Charlotte. I couldn't do that to her. Hannah, she's still there, she never left my heart.
I shook my head, this hurt. This fucking hurt so bad I can't stand it. I couldn't look at her; it was too painful to go on.
I had feelings for this girl, but I cared about Charlotte also. Shit, what a fucking mess I've gotten into.
Kissing this girl made me weak, I couldn't think logically. The entire world was put on pause the moment she melted her lips over mine. I could still feel them, burning me, pulling me inside her life.
I still thought about Charlotte. I still wanted her. God, I am such an asshole. Why did she kiss me? Now I don't know what to do with myself.
"I can't, I can't be this, I don't know. I need some time. I'm sorry." I picked my body up as she struggled to stand up running up to me, pushing my body against the door, her fingers gripping my jacket in bunches.
"You're going to be like every guy I ever met? That isn't fair." She placed her hand over my chest, she felt the drumming against her palm. "This is the guy I know. That other guy, that's not him. You know this Louis." She whispered her voice in utter pain. I just took it because I was so torn with these two girls.
I couldn't lose Charlotte but I haven't felt this amazing with someone in years.
"Maybe what you thought was somebody else."
She loosened her grip. "Coward. You liar."
She beat on my chest with her fists and I took everything she gave me. Eventually she stopped and my arms came around her body, hugging her in place as she spit out swear words muffled in my embrace.
"I wasn't lying when I said someone cared…I wasn't I promise you."
She pulled off of me to stare at me with wide eyes. "Who?" She backed away suddenly, her eyes turned to shock and circular. "Oh my god. He said that."
Now it was my turn to reiterate. "Who said what?"
Her fingers touched her lips, in that moment I wish I could take back everything I just said; reverse the way she's looking at me now, with disdain.
Now I couldn't define her face when she moved her hand. I was scared of her next step. Jesus, what the fuck is going to happen now?
She came toward me again, pushing on my chest roughly. "I don't care. I'm not letting you go without a fight."
She smashed her lips over mine and I found mine responding to it immediately. The way she was aggressive, strong and defiant, sure as fuck turned me on in a flash.
I was backed up hard against the door, her hands were everywhere now. I felt my body getting hard and hot by the seconds.
She pulled away for air, leaning her forehead against mine, her hands trailing down to play with the top of my trousers. Shit.
"Can't be our last kiss. I won't have it."
I picked her up in my arms and moving her to what I thought was the bedroom. When I placed her down our lips were still connected. Everything was slowly disappearing and I felt light now. I kissed around her face, dipping down gently to her neck again, feeling her pulse quicken the more I pressed my mouth on her skin. Her warm skin, her heartbeat hammering against her ribcage, knowing I was the cause of this, changed everything.
"It can't be, can't be, can't be…" She repeated multiple times, I was just as scared as her. More afraid than I was when we first met.
I stopped suddenly. I really was afraid. Shit, but why? She brought my face to hers.
"Don't do this…" She whispered, kissing me with a fire that burned into every piece of my existence.
I kissed her back, trying so hard to push my trepidation away and never return. I couldn't feel afraid now. Why? Oh god, Charlotte. No, I can't do this to her.
"Louis, please don't do it…" She sniffed I knew at this point she may cry and I didn't know what to do with myself.
I had to stop this. I was thinking too much. I pulled off of her and rolled on my back on her bed. Can't. Fucking. Do. It. Just can't and I have no idea why Charlotte means more than this girl.
She was crying. I heard beginning squeaks of sobs fall from her, her entire body was curled up in a ball. My hands were frozen until she spoke.
"I am so stupid. I am sorry. I feel terrible for all this…" She choked the last words in her throat. Her chest heaving and rumbling on the bed, making my body alert.
I gulped, feeling her lips leave a prominent trail where they touched. Her hands felt warm and inviting but now, my body was cold, devoid, completely motionless.
"I have," I paused when she picked up her face, looking at me. Oh god. "I have never felt this way in a long time."
She nodded, rubbing her foot slyly. I immediate fixed my focus on her injury.
"Are you in pain?"
She pursed her lips, I could tell she was being brave and didn't want to admit it.
She bit her lip, looking at me, rubbing now so I can see it. "Yes, it hurts so much."
"Per—your prescription, where is it?"
She opened her mouth looking shocked I asked the question. "I, uh—I think in the living room."
I got up as she said that and went to living room to check. My hands were shaking as I opened the blinds, letting some light in. I spotted the bag behind the couch and dove for it.
When I hurried into the room I saw her lying on her side with her foot on the pillow again. She'd stripped her clothes since I last saw her, baring nothing but panties and a long T-shirt. She didn't look at me as I came beside the bed. I saw the water next to her and picked it up above her head.
Opening the bag I took the bottle out, looking at it to make sure.
I looked at her, my hand slightly touching her back. Scared out of my mind of what she was going to do.
When things appeared safe, I rubbed her back until she turned around and sat on her elbow, looking directly in my eyes.
I silently gave her the water and the few pills she was supposed to take and she looked at them with no expression on her face.
"Why are you doing this for me?" She said. When I said nothing back she took the pills and swallowed before I said anything.
I didn't want to anyway. She had a habit of asking that question a lot and I was tired of answering it.
She placed the water on her nightstand and went back to adjusting her foot. I watched her; too freaked out to really say anything.
I sighed deeply stopping her from doing anything further.
"Don't be mad with me."
"How can I not be?"
I massaged her ankle slightly, rubbing the part that wasn't wrapped, moving to the front where the main injured area was. She hand her hands over what I was doing.
"Louis, leave. You don't have to be here."
She's right. I'm not supposed to be here. But I am.
"You shouldn't be mad at me."
"News flash not everyone loves you."
I bit the inside of my cheek. I'm not even sure if I was still awake anymore.
"Do you mean that?"
"What?" She chirped; her eyes narrowed.
"Never mind." I shook my head. Maybe it was time to go. I closed my eyes, this is too crazy.
I felt my hand grabbed. "Louis, look at me."
I forced myself to turn my head; this was the last time I could look in her eyes.
Her hand came to my cheek, lightly touching me until her fingers sunk into my hair. She gripped on it, bringing my face closer, I found it hard to resist. Her lips brushed mine and fuck it, I can't ignore it anymore.
"Sleep with me." Her voice came out from the heavens.
I took off my shoes and clothes, climbing into the covers finally as I brought her against my chest. She lay there for several minutes of pure silence.
"Caroline, my name is Caroline." She whispered.506Please respect copyright.PENANALALM6LjJBU