Neither Drew nor I could keep our hands off each other the next day at school. My mind kept going back to the night we spent together, which coincidentally contributed to the bags under my eyes. Word spread about our argument at the party and how upset Drew was that I gave Quincy my number. People I didn’t even know were weighing in on our relationship. I still can’t believe he snatched my phone from me.
Then there’s Quincy. Now that we’ve officially met, I see him everywhere. I think he’s always been around, I just didn’t notice him until that night. We even have second through fourth period together. I don’t know how I missed that, or that fact that he’s on the basketball team with Drew. Quincy and I say hi when we run into each other, but that’s it. It still hasn’t stopped people from talking and spreading rumors though.
“Is this seat taken?” Quincy asks, sitting next to me.
“Um…no, but do you think that’s a good idea?”
“Anything involving you could never be a bad idea.” He smiles.
Breathe Sidney, BREATHE!
“I can’t sit next to you Quincy. Drew will kill me.”
“Okay.” He nods and finds another seat. PHEW.
That brief interaction was enough to capture inquiring eyes. People were watching us. They probably wanted something to report back to Drew, but I handled it. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I panic. Did someone say something to him already? FML.
I pull out my phone, careful not to let Dr. Martin see me with it and press the home button. The text is from an unknown number and it just says hi. As I’m trying to figure out who this could be, a second text comes in telling me how pretty I look today. I text back asking who my secret admirer is and when I receive a text back, I freeze. I slowly turn to the back of the class and even though his head is down, I can see that he’s grinning from ear to ear. A fourth text comes in telling me to pay attention to the teacher and not my future husband. I can’t stop the smirk spreading across my face and I laugh. I text him back asking him how he got my number again and when he texts back I laugh again. Apparently Drew erased it from his contacts, but not his call History. He’s had my number this whole time.
We exchange so many texts during class that I don’t even know what’s been taught by the time the bell rings. “Save my number.” He whispers to me as he walks by my desk.
I know I shouldn’t and I don’t. After meeting Patrice at her locker, we meet up with Em and Trisha. And head to the cafeteria.
“You and Drew have been a couple of horny toads lately.” Em sounds concerned.
“Don’t worry, I’m not pulling a Josh.” I assure her. “No offense Trisha.”
“None taken.” She laughs.
“There you are.” Drew hooks his arm around my waist and drags me backwards back into the hall. “You ladies go ahead and Sid will catch up to you.”
I waved goodbye to my friends as he whisks me away down the hall. I have no idea where he was taking me, but I learned a long time ago not to protest.
We ended up leaving campus with his friends and heading to ‘In and Out Burger’. His team was there, which meant Quincy was there too. Sure enough, a particular set of blue eyes I’d been trying to avoid since fourth period greeted me outside of the restaurant. He was seated on one of the red benches.
“Hey Sid.” Quincy smirked. He was playing with fire and the look on his face told me he was enjoying it.
Drew glared at him, gave my hand a slight squeeze, and we sat down next to Xerxes. My phone went off in my pocket and I froze. I slowly looked over at Quincy whose gaze dang near made my heart stop for the second time. I didn’t need to look at my phone to know it was him.
“Is your phone vibrating?” Drew asks, adding to my already panicked state.
“Oh um…yeah, excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom.” I lied.
On my way to the bathroom I pull out my phone and read his texts. The first was to tell me how pretty I looked again and the second was to tell me to stop ignoring him. I texted Quincy back and told him to stop. I’m not trying to ruin my relationship with Drew. He then text me back to remind me I was free to see who I wanted. To which I text back and told him, ‘not him’. His next text made my world come to a screeching halt. Drew saw my name pop up on his screen and now according to Quincy, he’s waiting for me. I swallow hard. Technically I haven’t done anything wrong, right?
Ready to face the music, I open the bathroom door and come face to face with a very pissed off Drew. “Before you start tripping, let me explain.” I tell him as he backs me into the bathroom and locks the door behind him.
“Why are you still talking to him?”
“I’m not.”
“So I just imagined the text messages between the two of you?”
“No, but-”
“Damn Sid, and here I thought we were making progress. I thought we had an understanding.”
“We do!”
“Here’s what I understand. I hope you have bus fare because I don’t know how you plan on getting back to campus.” My mouth drops open. He’s not really planning on leaving me here, is he? “Better yet, why don’t you ask Quincy to give you a ride back to school since you like talking to him so much.”
Drew opens the bathroom door and leaves. I quickly follow behind him, trying to explain what happened, but he’s not listening. When we get outside, Quincy is nursing a bloody nose with the help of some of his teammates and I have to practically jog to catch up to Drew who’s walking really fast.
“Will you stop and talk to me?”
“I don’t talk to hoes.” Drew replies glaring at me.
I don’t care what he’s going through or what he thinks I did. He has no right to call me out of my name. I nod and walk back towards his teammates. One of them is giving me a ride, and I don’t care which one, as long as I don’t have to ride with him.
I’m almost back to the others when Drew swings me around to face him. “Get in the car!” He yells at me. I want to argue, but we’re in the middle of a parking lot and we’re drawing a lot of attention. I climb into his car and we drive back to school in silence. He parks his car, but neither one of us gets out.
“Did you even see the texts between us?” I ask.
“I saw enough.”
I open my phone, pull up the text history between Quincy and I, and hand it to Drew so he can read it. When he finishes, he’s still angry, but at least now its not directed at me. “I’m sorry for calling you a hoe.” He apologizes.
“I don’t care about that. I know how you get when you’re mad. I just hate that you go into these blind rages and I can’t reach you.” I explain.
“I know. I just…when I saw your name on his phone…I lost it.” He looks over at me.
“Do you want to date exclusively?” I ask.
“That’s just it, I don’t know.” He shrugs.
“Well you don’t want me talking to Quincy and I don’t want you talking to anyone else either at this point. Maybe we should try just dating each other.” I suggest.
Drew looks over at me, and nods. He hands me his phone and I hand him mine. Together we go through our contact list. I text everyone Drew’s talking to and he texts everyone I’m talk to and we tell them that we’re going exclusive. I hand him his phone and he hands me mine.
This is a giant leap for us. Drew and Sidney are officially OFFICIAL. Together we get out of his car and walk back into school holding hands. Before we walk into the cafeteria, Drew stops and kisses me.
I can tell from the way he kisses me that he’s scared about going exclusive, but so am I. I told myself I wouldn’t go exclusive with Drew because of how young we are. We’re too young to be serious, but we’re also too emotionally invested in each other not to be serious.
By the end of sixth period, everyone on campus knows we’ve gone exclusive. Patrice, Nicole, Em and Trisha all started blowing me up at the same time. I had to turn my phone off so it wouldn’t get taken away.
“What the heck Sid?” Patrice smiles, “you and Drew are exclusive now?”
“Yeah,” I nod.
“Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
“Because I was in class trying to learn and everyone under the sun decided to text me all at once.”
“Whatever heifer. I’m your best friend. Ignore everyone else.”
Scott walks out to the parking lot with Drew, and Patrice begins to blush. I knew she was crushing on Scott, but did they make things official too?
“Oooooooo!” My mouth drops open, “spill it!”
“There’s nothing to spill,” she smirks.
“Mm-hm. That look on your face says you’re a big fat liar,” I tease.
“No really, its nothing. He just asked me out and I said yes.”
“Ahhhh!” I squeal. “Does that mean you’re coming with me to Drew’s?”
“Why do you think I’m waiting with you?”
“OMG, you’re so giving up the details!”
Drew hooks his arm around my waist and carries me away from Patrice over to his car. “We’ll see you at the house Patrice,” he waves to her.
“See you soon,” I add with a mischievous grin.
Drew drives me home, but not before stopping for Jamba Juice first. I offered to pay for myself but he wouldn’t hear of it. Patrice and Scott beat us to the house, but it looks like Drew’s mom isn’t home. I’m hesitant about going inside, but I want to spend time with Drew.
Patrice and Scott are in the kitchen when we walk in. I stop to talk to them, but Drew has other plans and carries me outside to our favorite place…his hammock. We break out our schoolbooks and start on our homework.
“I hate Algebra,” I sigh.
“I thought you brainiacs thrive on math,” Drew teases.
“I’m not the brainiac, that’s Josh and Em,” I correct him, “I’m the hoop star.”
“Hoop star huh?” He smirks.
“Yes. Now focus on your homework, I’ve seen your grades. You need all the help you can get.”
“Oh you got jokes huh?”
“Yeah. And it’s called your report card,” I tease. Drew flicks some Jamba Juice off his straw at me and I hold my hands up to block my face, “stop, you’re going to make me sticky!”
Drew drinks the last of his Jamba Juice and tosses his cup in the trashcan, “two points!” He celebrates, proud of himself.
“My baby got game,” I nod approvingly.
After tossing his books on the ground, Drew climbs on top of me. He lays his head against my chest and wraps his arms around my waist, “the Halloween dance is coming up,” he reminds me.
“I know. I think we should go as Jay Z and Beyonce,” I laugh, running my fingers through his hair. He laughs and looks up at me with his big beautiful eyes.
“Ooh. I think you should wear that nude leotard number Beyonce wore during her world tour,” he smiles.
“What makes you think I’m going to be the one dressed up like Beyonce? That nude leotard number would look better on you with your chicken legs,” I tease.
“Oh, I got your chicken legs,” Drew began tickling me.
“Could you two get any cornier?” Scott asks, making his way over to the hammock with Patrice in tow. They both climb in on the other side of the hammock and immediately start making out.
“So much for studying,” Drew laughs, pressing his lips against mine.
We made out until Drew’s mom pulled up in front of the house. Then we scrambled, grabbing our books to make it appear like we were studying, but Mrs. Taylor took one look at us and she knew something was up. She shook her head at us and gave us a warning.
“I think we should quit while we’re ahead,” I laughed.
Drew walked me home and we kissed each other good night. I finished my homework on the couch in the living room, and studied for about an hour before it was time for dinner.
“We got your progress reports today,” dad smiled.
“We’re so proud of you all, especially you Sid. I knew you had it in you to get all A’s.”632Please respect copyright.PENANAP0WnufmDVB
“Yes!” Em, Josh and I all high-fived each other.
“I’m glad to see your relationship with Drew hasn’t affected your studies,” Dad eyeballed me, “how is that going anyway?”
The LAST thing I want to do is talk to my dad about Drew. The less he knows, the better. “Things with Drew and I are good,” I nod.
I shifted my eyes over to Em, who shrugged, my mom who smiled encouragingly and then back to dad who’s obviously insane. “Well, what do you want to know?”
“You kiss him yet?”
I had, but hearing him ask the question made me lose my appetite. “No offense dad, but can we please talk about something else?”
“What’s wrong with what we’re talking about?”
“EVERYTHING,” I bugged my eyes out at him. “Talking to you about my relationship with Drew is just…creepy.”
“Okay fine, just answer me this and I’ll leave you alone. Are you at least being safe and making smart choices? Do we need to put you on the pill?”
Bile…meet throat. OMG. Dear God, please make him stop. “I think I just lost my appetite,” I grimaced, “thanks a lot dad.”
I excused myself from the table while everyone laughed at my expense and went up to my room. There was a bag of chips Drew bought me at lunchtime in my backpack that I could munch on if I got hungry later. Whatever kept me away from my dad and the interrogation from teenage hell.