I got in a lot of trouble that night and had to apologize to my mom for making her cry. I asked her and dad about joining the basketball team, but as usual dad said no. He told me he didn’t want basketball to get in the way of my studies and once again my dreams were crushed.
The first time I went off the deep end and began to self-destruct it was because he wouldn’t allow me to play basketball then too. I decided I would try the opposite of self-destructing and get focused on my academics. Maybe then he would let me play. Meanwhile, I was able to put off coach Penman by telling her that my parents were busy and promised to sign it when they could so that I could at least practice.
“Nice bruise on your face, did someone slap some sense into you?” Courtney asks.
“What’s your deal Courtney? Why are you putting so much effort into someone who treats you like you’re a joke?” I ask.
Courtney shoves me up against some lockers and it took all the strength I had in me not to fight her.
“You’re no one and once Drew gets whatever it is he wants from you he’ll drop you like a bad habit. Only, you’ll have to get in line because he’s taking me to the movies tonight.” Courtney smiles.
“Why would Drew go out with you, he doesn’t even like you.” I ask, confused.
“Or maybe he just wants you to think that. I’m warning you, stay away from him he’s mine.”
Drew came walking down the hall with his brother and his friends. They were heading to first period. He stopped as Courtney approached him and she kissed him on the lips.
“I was just telling Sidney about our date tonight.” A smirk spread across her face.
Drew looks over at me and I couldn’t hide the confusion on my face. One minute he was asking me out, and the next he was going out with Courtney again.
“It’s really none of my business what you and Drew do. We’re just friends, right Drew?”
“Right.” He answers.
I’m so over this teenage drama. I try to escape the train wreck known as Drew and Courtney and realize it’s not that easy. I have the luxury of sitting next to Drew and his crazy girlfriend in Chemistry. He’s my lab partner and Courtney watched him like a hawk to make sure we weren’t making a chemistry of our very own. Seriously, this chick needs a hobby.
As Dr. Martin began teaching the day’s lesson there was a nagging question I had to ask Drew because it really bothered me. When Dr. Martin finally left us to our class work I decide to confront him.
“I’m confused and I’m hoping you can clarify something for me.”
“What’s that?” Drew asks.
“The other day in the cafeteria you asked me out right?”
“Yes, I did.” He nods.
“Yet now you’re in a relationship with Courtney?” I point out.
“Yeah, well you said no and according to my sources she puts out.”
“So being possessive and easy is what you look for in a girl?”
“Look, what do you want from me? Courtney’s not just an easy lay, she can be funny at times too.” He defends.
I stared him in the face wondering how long it would take for him to burst into laughter and it didn’t take long. I laugh with him shaking my head. I think we both knew he was full of crap as soon as the words came out of his mouth.
“You sound jealous.” Drew smiles.
“You wish.” I smile back.
“Actually, I do.” He winks.
“Ew, I bet that actually works on some of these dumb girls.”
“Pretty much all of them except for you.” He laughs.
“You’re going to need a lot more than cheesy pick up lines if you want to go out with me and even then you’ll have to get the warden’s approval.”
“Now see, that’s too much work.”
“Yes it is, but I’m worth it.” I reply.
Once again Drew gave me this weird look. I look away not sure how to respond and began working on our lab. He lingers for a few seconds more then returns his attention to our assignment as well.
During my next few periods I can’t stop thinking about the look Drew gave me. I can’t put my finger on it. It went deeper than a casual glance. Dare I say there may have been a hint of something more? I couldn’t wait to talk to Trisha and Patrice about it at lunch.
They met me at my locker and I wasted no time dishes at the details.
“I need to talk to you guys about something.”
“Sure, what’s up?” Trisha barely looks away from her phone.
“What do you think about Drew?” I ask.
“He’s hot, he has his own car, and he’s going places in life. What is there NOT to like about him?” Patrice points out.
“You guys, I think Drew likes me. Like likes me-likes me.”
“Duh Sid.” Trisha waved me off.
“I knew it.” Em smirked. I saw the way he was staring at you when the guys were playing football.
“Seriously? Why does everyone know this but me?”
“Um, HELLO.” Trisha bugs her eyes out at me. “Your father makes Joe Jackson look like a saint. No offense, but if I were you I’d want to be clueless too.”
“Well I guess it’s a good thing that he’s with cheerleader Deville then.”
“That’s only because you turned him down.” Patrice reasons.
“I say go for it.” Says Trisha, excited.
“I can’t. This is the year I’m supposed to be good a good daughter, with good grades and a model citizen.” I reply.
Trisha, Em and Patrice all raise a brow and stare at me like they’re waiting for lightening to strike me or for my nose to grow.
“No offense Sid, but you and being a model citizen, and having good grades don’t even belong in the same sentence together. It’s an oxymoron.” Em laughs.
“What, you guys don’t think I can do it?” I ask.
“Not even to save your own life.” Says Trisha.
“Not even if you had a blue print or step by step directions.” Patrice adds.
“Who am I kidding, you’re probably right.”
We all burst into quiet snickers
“Yeah girl, you know I’d have your back on anything and I’ll be the first to cheer you on, but your middle name is trouble.” Trisha holds her stomach from laughing so hard.
“Fine. I suck at being good.” I admit out loud.
“If not being good was a sport you’d hold the Guinness book of world records for it.” Em took a jab at me too.
“I say that if he is brave enough ask you out, you should at least accept and see what’s there.” Patrice adds.
“He already did.”
They all stop walking and turn to face me in wide-eyed shock. “What happened, and don’t leave anything out?” Trisha demands.
I explain everything to them as few words as I possibly can and Patrice punches me so hard in the shoulder that I audibly cry out in pain. “Owe!”
“Drew asked you out and you said NO? Who says no to the hottest guy in school?”
“A girl who enjoys freedom on the outside. I’m not trying to relive my Shawshank days in boarding school.”
“This is so epic.” Em smiles breaking away from the group and heading to the library. “Don’t forget to catch the bus home because Josh and I will be at his ceremony.” She reminds me.
“What ceremony?” Trisha asks, trying not to sound desperate.
“He’s being honored for some thesis he did.” I answer.
“Wow, Josh is the real deal isn’t he?”
“He really likes you too Trisha, you should give him a shot.” Patrice suggests.
“I know, but my family.” She sulks.
“It’s just your dads side, your moms side would be totally cool with it.”
“What about you Sid? Are you okay with Josh and I dating?”
“Whatever dude, but I do NOT want to know the details of THAT romance.” I shiver at the thought.
“What’s romance?” Asks Josh.
“Our romance.” Trisha explains. “As in you and I dating one another.”
“You already agreed to go to the movies with me so you can’t back out now.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on backing out.” She smiles at him.
The two of them share a googly-eyed moment that tests my gag reflexes. Yep…this is probably going to get awkward. On the other hand, Josh and Trisha getting together would make her my sister if they got married. I’m cool with that. I look over at Drew who’s staring at me, and smile. Courtney noticed him looking over at me she cleared her throat.
“If you look any harder you’re going to burrow a hole in his head Sid.” Says Josh.
“Shut up.” I laugh. “I can honestly say that I will never understand guys. I mean, he’s obviously into me so why spend your time with someone like Courtney?”
“Drew took a big gamble hitting on you like that and you shot him down. A guy like that has a reputation to uphold and an image to protect. The head cheerleader is like the cream of the crop for him.” Josh explains.
“Yes but she’s like fermented, rotten, moldy cream though. Whatever. I should probably focus on my studies anyway. The last thing I need is to bring home poor grades and give dad a reason to send me away.” I sigh.
I was struggling with the fact that Drew asked me out, which is crazy because I barely know him now. Still, something weird was going on in my head when it came to him. Could I possibly be developing a schoolgirl crush on him?
When Patrice got her first crush she went crazy and got into so much trouble with her parents. I couldn’t afford to get into it with my parents again. I’d done enough damage already.
Still, I couldn’t focus on schoolwork and I couldn’t put a thought together that had to do with anything other than Drew. I have no idea what’s happening to me, but it’s starting to really get to me. I found myself watching him like a stalker and wanting him around when he isn’t there. If this is what happens when you start to like a boy, I want no parts of it.
For someone as controlled as I was mentally, having a crush was scary because you have absolutely no control over how you feel it seems. You can’t control your thoughts or how much you want that person around either. It feels like there’s this burning desire that not even a cold bucket of water could put out.
Now, because of whatever this is, I’ve even started acting weird around him. During gym class I found myself being self-conscious of how I look when normally I could care less. I would constantly look over to see if he was looking at me (half the time he was), and it made me feel things I’ve never felt, FOR ANYONE.
After school I went out front to wait for Josh until I realized that I was supposed to catch the bus or walk home. After deciding to walk home, I hear an engine purring next to me and out of the corner of my eye I realize it’s purposely going at my speed. I glance over at the driver and quickly relax when I realize its Drew.
“Where’s Josh?” He asks.
“He had something to do so I’m walking home.” I answer.
He looks around concerned and turns his attention back to me. “It’s not safe for you to be walking home alone.” Drew actually sounds worried. “You’re a pretty girl, and I know you have this whole screw the world thing going on, but you’re not strong enough to take on a grown man Sid.”
“I’m sure I can manage.” I smirk, “It’s not that far.”
“Get in, I’d sleep better knowing you made it home okay.” He insists.
“No, it’s cool.”
I continue walking home and Drew drives as slow as possible next to me instead of just leaving. I try to conceal my smile as I turn to ask him what he’s doing.
“I’m not going to stop until you get in this car.” He’s very persistent. I’ll give him that.
I hesitate at first, then get in the car and let Drew drive me home. He pulls up in front of my house instead of at the corner like I asked him to and let me out.
“Your welcome.” He nods.
Drew did a u-turn and pulled his car into his driveway on the opposite side of the street. I head up the walkway to my front door, but when I go to look for my key it’s nowhere to be found. That’s when I remember I left it in my pant’s pocket that I wore yesterday. My family wouldn’t be home until later that night and I didn’t have a cell phone because my dad felt that a cell phone was also a distraction (one that led to boys). I open my backpack, sit down on the swing we have in front of our house and start to do my homework.
As I sit on my porch I see a large black truck drive by more than once and decide to keep an eye out for it. When it comes back, it parks right in front of my house and the driver of the car gets out of it. It’s a tall white man I’ve never seen before in my life.
“Do you live here?” He asks.
“Yes, I do.” I answer. “Do I know you?”
“Are your parents home?” He ignores my question.
“No, they’re gone. I’m sort of locked out.” I reply.
I have no idea why I’m telling a complete stranger all of this and I’m pretty sure this guy gives me the creeps. He begins to walk closer to me and the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Movement behind him caught me off guard and I notice Drew coming over to find out what’s going on. When I look back over at the man he has a gun pointed at me and orders me to get into his truck.
“O-okay.” I stammer as my brain tries to process what’s going on.
He grabs me by the arm and starts to pull me down the stairs. Leaving everything on the porch and I walk with him back to his truck. He forces me in and as I climbed inside I notice Drew running over to help. Before the guy got in the truck Drew surprises him by grabbing him by the shoulders and slamming him backwards onto the ground. The gun he had went off and a bullet zips right by my head.
“Drew!” I shout worried.
I climb out of the truck and kick the gun out of the guy’s hand. It hurt more than I though it would and I began to hop on one foot to pick it up.
“Don’t move!” I shout at the man.
He got the best of Drew and had his arm around Drew’s neck. I shout at him to let Drew go, but he refuses. Not unless I hand over the gun. I fired the gun at his truck putting a hole in it and he let go of Drew who drops to his knees gasping for air. The guy hops in his truck and speeds off as fast as he can, and I run over to Drew’s side to make sure he’s okay, dropping the gun in the grass.
“Are you two okay?” One of my neighbors who witnessed everything asks.
“Drew!” His mom shouts, running over to us.
“Please tell me you called the police.” Said Drew.
“I did, they’re on their way.” Mrs. Taylor replied.
“I can’t believe I almost got abducted from my own front porch.” I sigh, still in shock.
“You okay?”
“Do you have a way to call your parents?” Mrs. Taylor adds.
“No, my dad won’t let me have a cell phone. He says it’s a distraction.” I answer.
“Come to our house until your parents get home then.” She insists.
All of my neighbors are outside talking amongst themselves as Mrs. Taylor takes me over to her house. I’m still in shock and I can’t stop shaking as the reality of what happened sinks in.