H-O-L-Y C-R-A-P! Why would he do something like that? He shouldn’t have done that! Why is he trying to ruin my plans? You know…the one where I’m supposed to be the perfect daughter?
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Whatever you do, don’t say no. I broke up with my girlfriend for you and I can’t exactly go back and say I was just kidding.” He chuckles nervously.
I looked over at Em and Trisha who are smiling from ear to ear. They both gave me approving looks. Why did he have to pick now to be so aggressive? I know I should say no and avoid trouble at all costs, but I can’t seem to walk away from this.
“Are you asking me or was that a statement?” I ask.
“I’m asking you.” He laughs. There’s a long pause and I fold my arms across my chest waiting for him to get the hint. He shakes his head and laughs. “Sidney, will you go out with me?”
“Yes.” I nod. Good daughter, meet the window you just threw yourself out of so bad daughter can take over. SIGH. The universe strikes again using the irresistible Drew Taylor as bait to lure me back over to the dark side.
“So does this mean I can finally have your phone number?” Drew asks.
“Nope, you have to earn it.” I tease.
“I’m your boyfriend but I have to earn your phone number? How does that work?” He smirks, humoring me.
“I don’t know. Just be creative.” I reply, purposely vague. I’m interested to see what he comes up with.
“You are the weirdest girl I’ve ever met, you know that?” Drew laughs.
He walks me to our first period class shaking his head. I keep expecting him to make this grand gesture but he hasn’t, not yet anyway, and I’m anxious to see what he comes up with.
My dad says that’s how you can tell the difference between a guy that is the real deal and a guy who is just trying to get into your pants. He says the real deal will do whatever it takes. One good thing has happened though. I’m finally able to focus on my schoolwork now that Drew and I are together. Together. Drew and I are together. Now what? I’ve never had a boyfriend before and quickly realize I have no idea what I’m supposed to do or how I’m supposed to act. I only know one thing. I can never EVER give it up to Drew. Not now anyway. I don’t even know how we’re going to find time to date, let along have time to get into that kind of trouble.
Still, I can hear my dads voice now, ‘Sid guys your age only want one thing’. Some of the stuff we talked about is true. Like the fact that most guys my age get caught up in the whole ‘player mentality’. Drew is one of the few good ones our culture had left though. He didn’t wear baggy pants or have gold teeth in his mouth. I never understood that fashion trend-if you could even call it a trend…OR FASHION. It’s stupid is what it is and I’ve never understood it.
After first period Drew walked me to my second period class. We lingered in the hall waiting for the warning bell to sound as we enjoyed each other’s company.
“What about flowers?” He asks.
“You suck at this.” I laugh. “You can’t cheat and ask me, you just have to do it.”
“Oh my God…you’re seriously tarnishing my reputation girl.”
“Your reputation.” My smile fades.
“YES. People are going to make fun of me.”
“I didn’t know you were that shallow.” I tilt my head to the side to scowl at him while folding my arms across my chest. “Am I not worth it? I mean you kicked your girlfriend to the curb, so this shouldn’t really be much of an issue. Unless do you not want to show me a token of your affection?”
Drew closes his eyes, tilts his head back against the locker behind him, and groans. He’s such a big baby. “Fine. I’ll do it.” He caves.
He grabs me by the strap of my backpack, reverses our positions and backs me into the lockers. He leans in to kiss me but I turn away from him, breaking away and walking into class instead.
“Tease.” He calls out to me.
I look over my shoulder at him and blow him a kiss instead. He laughs and heads to his next class.
I’ve only been dating Drew for some hours now and in all honesty it doesn’t seem so bad. It’s definitely different from just dreaming about it, but in a good way, not a bad way. There was so much that went into dating a boy that I hadn’t realized. There are so many choices to make and so many things to do.
Third and fourth period fly by and before I know it the bell is ringing, sending me to lunch. I head to my locker to put away my stuff and Trisha meets me there. We proceed to Emily’s locker to pick her up, and then we all walk to the cafeteria together. Josh is already at our usual table surrounded by girls and I see a hint of jealousy in Trisha’s face.
“I see you waited for Trisha and Emily, why couldn’t you wait for me?” Asks Drew, walking up behind us.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to.”
Emily and Trisha turned to look at me amused. “Hey.” Drew grabs me by the arm.
“What?” I turn to face him.
“Will these do?” He holds up some flowers.
I couldn’t stop the smile spreading across my face. Part of it was because I was glad Drew got me flowers, but the other part was because I recognized them from the schools front lawn.
“Where did you get these?” I laugh. I already knew where.
“It’s a secret, but if Principal Keaton asks they’re not from the front lawn.” He chuckles.
“You can get detention for this, you know that right?”
“Not if I don’t get caught.”
“Thank you for the flowers.” I shake my head.
“Can I have your phone number now?” He asks.
“Sure.” I nod. He braved detention for me so it’s the least I can do.
I pull my cell phone out, Drew gives me his number and I call his phone. We save each other’s number and then Scott came over to whisk Drew away. Apparently they needed to talk about their game strategy for next Friday.
“I’m coming.” Drew motions for him to give us a moment.
He looks me in the eyes, leans in to kiss me again and my heart stops. This time I don’t pull away. I close my eyes and allow myself to kiss him back. Jus when I’m starting to get into it Scott pulls him away and drags him back over to the jocks table.
I go to sit back down in my seat when Courtney confronts me. She has her arms folded across her chest and she looks pissed.
“I should have known you had something to do with it.” She glares at me.
“What are you talking about?”
“Drew, you remember my boyfriend don’t you?” She points him out.
“Ex boyfriend.” I correct her.
“Yeah exactly, and that’s the problem. What did you do?” She asks.
“I didn’t do anything. Maybe he just realizes how much of a tramp you are.”
“Watch your back.” She warns as Josh comes over to back me up if I need it.
“Is there a problem?” Josh asks.
“No, hi Josh.” She smiles and turns red. Ew.
“Hey.” He smiles back.
Josh and Courtney strike up a conversation and I take the opportunity to leave while I can. I have no idea what they could possibly have to talk about, but there’s no way that thot is dating my brother. Josh isn’t a jock he’s a brainiac, just like the rest of us.
“Why is Courtney talking to your brother?” Asks Trisha. She’s not even trying to hide her jealousy.
“I don’t know, I was wondering the same thing.” I shrug, watching the two of them like a hawk.
Trisha and I are both bothered by Josh’s choice in company and seeing how Courtney is currently draped all over him, it isn’t hard to understand why.
“So, do you think your parents would let you guys go to the back to school dance two Friday’s from now?” Asks Patrice, tying to lighten the mood.
“If Josh or Em asks, yes.”
“I’ll ask.” Em volunteers.
“Now that you and Drew are an item you can go as his date.” Patrice smiles.
Dating without my parents consent isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. My parents trusted Drew’s parents, and Mrs. Taylor gave up trying to keep the two of us apart when we were at her house together. Don’t get me wrong, she would never allow us to be alone in his bedroom together and she wouldn’t let us go beyond a kiss either, but she isn’t opposed to our dating. She’s just opposed to my parents finding out she didn’t stop it since they trusted her.
The thing I respect the most about Drew’s mom is the fact that she didn’t throw me under the bus when she saw us kiss. To a parent that might seem irresponsible, but for a teenage girl who can’t breathe without her parents consent, it’s a much-needed balance. Kids need a little breathing room to be kids. You know…do stupid stuff and learn from it.
“I can’t believe Drew’s mom is cool with you guys dating.” Trisha raves.
“She’s really cool.”
“Yes but if dad finds out you’ll be banned from their house for life.” Josh rejoins us.
“Then he won’t find out.”
“Nothing stays hidden forever Sid.” He shakes his head.
Sometimes Josh being the voice of reason saves me some trouble, but right now it’s just plain irritating. He could never just let me be stupid and make mistakes. He always goes all Obi wan Kenobi on me. I push his words to the back of my head and try to focus on something else. Like the fact that Sidney Stansfield has a BOYFRIEND. A girl can get used to that.
After sixth period and basketball practice Drew informs me that he will be playing football in the streets again tonight with some of the other neighborhood boys. It’s another sport he loves to play only his parents made sure basketball came first.
Patrice and Trisha came over to watch the boys play football with me so it wouldn’t look like I was outside with Drew. Mostly they wanted to see all the hot guys with their shirts off.
“Hey Sid.” Scott cops a squat next to me.
“Hey Scott.”
“Why aren’t you out there?” Asks Patrice.
She’s had a crush on Scott since forever, and she gets all butt hurt when he doesn’t respond to her casual flirting.
“So, you and Drew huh?” He laughs, ignoring Patrice’s question.
“What’s wrong with that?” I ask.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you and Drew are complete opposites. You’re probably going to be some kind of attorney and his head is filled with basketball and the NBA.” Scott answers.
“I love playing ball too.” I remind him.
“Yes, but its not your life.”
“I like Drew and he likes me. Drew being focused on basketball doesn’t mean we’re not compatible and I don’t have a problem with it.” I narrow my eyes at him.
“Sid’s right. Drew’s smart. Academics just aren’t his first priority.” Em defends.
I’m starting to get the feeling that my relationship with Drew bothers Scott and I don’t know why. On the other hand we have been spending a lot of time together since I came back and normally it would be Drew and Scott outside shooting hoops together. The last thing I want is to come in-between brothers. Surely there was enough room for the both of us in Drew’s life, right?