“You know, I don’t understand how you can be as smart as you are and waste it playing basketball,” Sky mindlessly thumbs through her textbook, “why aren’t you on the schools academic team?”
“Because I’d rather play ball instead of whose brain is bigger with a bunch of nerds,” I roll my eyes, “what’s your excuse? Why do you need a tutor? Aren’t white people supposed to be smart?”
“That’s reverse racism Sid.”
Reeling back, I look at her like she’s crazy, “What?”
“Black people get all up in arms when other people stereotype them, and now you’re stereotyping me.”
“I’m gonna pray for you,” I laugh, “most stereotypes about black people are negative, and they aren’t meant to be a compliment Sky. That’s why we get all up in arms. If it were something positive like being smart enough to not need a tutor we wouldn’t care.”
“Still, its hypocritical.”
“So is not dating me because I’m not black,” Quincy chimes in.
“Here we go,” I sigh.
Quincy shoed Sky away, took my textbook out of my hand and set it on the coffee table. Just when I thought he was finally going to let things go, he turns up the charm and tries even harder. A smile forms on my face and I look away. Quincy is starting to grow on me and I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“Come on Sid, go out with me. You never know, I might surprise you.”
“I have no doubt that you are FULL of surprises,” I smirk, “I’m just not sure we’re a good fit. I mean I’m this super cool basketball player who tutors for extra credit and you’re just this really corny basketball player with moderately attractive good looks.”
Quincy laughs, “Ha-ha, very funny,” he shakes his head, “I’m serious Sid.”
“Drew would make your life a living hell.”
“He already does. Its no secret that I like you.”662Please respect copyright.PENANAIlu7YTbMwr
“Why not let it go then?”
“I guess I’m a glutton for punishment,” he smiles.
His smile rivals Drew’s in the sexy department. I can’t go out with Quincy. I’d feel weird about it. I reach over to grab my book and he moves it further away.
“Seriously Quincy, I should be tutoring your sister, not talking to you.”
“What are you afraid of?” His eyes invade my personal space, “You afraid you’re gonna fall for me?”
“Oh please,” I scoff, “I’m more worried about you falling for me. I wouldn’t want to break your heart.”
“I wouldn’t mind.”
I’m suddenly aware of how closely Quincy and I are sitting to one another, and I quickly back away. Sky comes back into the room thank God, and he backs off.
“Will you please go out with Quincy and put him out of his misery,” Sky begs.
I look over at Quincy who gives me the sexiest set of puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen. I can’t with him…I just can’t. I shake my head no, but now Sky isn’t taking no for an answer.
“Okay fine!” I surrender to their endless tirade of pleading.
“Don’t fake on me either or I’ll show up at your house. I know where you live,” Quincy threatens.
“Whatever gets you off my back,” I laugh.
“Tomorrow night at six. I’ll pick you up at your place.”
“Tomorrow night it is,” I nod.
Satisfied, Quincy leaves us in peace. I finish tutoring Sky and then I head over to Drew’s. We’re going out on an actual date tonight, to the movies. Of course that meant a handful of his teammates were going to be there with their girlfriends too, which always made for fun times. I just hope we don’t run into any Franklin guys like we did the last time we went out together. I still have the yellow-purplish bruises from that altercation on my stomach.
“When are you going to wear the new shoes I bought you, and why aren’t you wearing my chain?” Drew asks.
“Oh, I forgot about the chain and I don’t have anything red to go with them,” I explain.
“I thought you might say something like that, so I got you this,” Drew handed me a red gift bag.
“It’s pretty, but I’m not exactly sure it constitutes an outfit,” I tease.
“Open the bag weirdo,” Drew laughs.
I open the bag, and inside is a red Nike off the shoulder sweatshirt and belly top combination. I’d been looking for one of these forever since I saw someone wearing one on Pinterest but it turns out whoever was wearing it styled it that way themselves.
“How did you…?”
“Don’t worry about it. Go home…put the shoes, this shirt and my chain on so we can go.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Drew continues to surprise me at every turn. He lost his virginity to Courtney, but since then he’s barely spoken a word to her. I think it’s his way of letting me know how serious he is about us even though he refuses to be exclusive.
I head home, change, and put on Drew’s chain. As I’m walking back over to Drew’s I notice a brand new Mini Cooper sitting out in front of the house. Its red and white with black racer stripes. Someone must’ve showed up while I was gone.
“There she is,” Patrice announces as I walk in, “Let’s go.”
The group of ten or so of us, pour out of Drew’s house and into our cars. It’s a ten-minute drive to the theatre where two of Drew’s friends were working both the ticket counter and the cashier stand. Needless to say, we got the homie hookup.
“I bet you get free stuff everywhere you go, now that your face is plastered all over the TV screen and in the mouths of college and NBA scouts everywhere.”
He turns and winks at me, “Did you see the Mini Coop outside?”
“Yeah, is that you?”
A boyish grin spreads across his face and he nods, “One of my dad’s friends own a dealership here in town. I agreed to do a commercial for him and in addition to getting paid a nice healthy check, he threw in the car.”
“But you don’t need another car. You’re already driving a Mercedes.”
“You’re right, I don’t, but what about you?”
My mouth drops open and I stare at him in wide-eyed shock. Did Drew Taylor just offer me a car? I mean a WHOLE car? My parents were planning to get me one eventually, but he was offering me one now.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Look, its not like I bought it or anything. It was given to me and I don’t need it. I mean I guess I could sell it, but I just figured since it’s your favorite color you might want it.”
“I do, but…my dad.”
“My parents are planning on talking to him tonight. That’s why I’m taking you to the movies. I didn’t want you to freak out on me.”
“OMG,” I slink down in my seat, “Drew my dad is going to think we’re sleeping together.”
“Why would he think that?”
“You’re giving me a car!” I shout, “In his mind, the only reason why a guy would give a girl a whole car is because he’s sleeping with said girl.”
“Then we’ll set him straight. AGAIN, its not like I bought it for you. I’m just…GIVING it to you.”
“And your parents are okay with this?”
“They think I’m stupid and I should sell it to put the money away for college, but I’ll probably have scholarships coming out of my ears by then.”
“Well if you don’t I’m giving it back and you can sell it then. I don’t want your money Drew, that’s now why I love you.” I assure him. “Why don’t we think of it as a loaner car, and that’s if my dad agrees to let me keep it.”
We arrive at the movie theatre and it’s littered with kids all out trying to do the same thing. Drew slides his hand inside mine, pays for our tickets and then we walk over to the food counter where we score some popcorn, an Icee and a hotdog.
Hugged up, we wait for everyone else to finish getting their food before heading into the theatre. Sitting inside waiting for the movie to start, Drew’s phone goes off several times, provoking my suspicions. Drew gets up to go for more soda and I go with him.
“Who’s calling you?”
“It’s Courtney.”
That’s it? That’s the only explanation he’s going to give me?
I lean back and fold my arms across my chest. Sensing my skepticism, Drew unlocks his phone and hands it over, “I have nothing to hide from you,” he assures me.
I brace myself for what I might find in his phone as I thumb through his texts. Whatever he did the night he and Courtney slept together, it’s quite clear from her texts she’s sprung and wants to do it again. This is why I didn’t want him sleeping with anyone, but Drew would only say I should trust him, even if I don’t trust her.
“Sounds like she enjoyed herself when you slept with her,” I roll my eyes. I don’t even bother trying to hide the sting of jealousy in my voice.
“That’s because your boy is hung like a horse.” Drew’s eyes linger as if he’s daring me to challenge his declaration so he could prove me wrong. I wouldn’t dare. We’ve dry-humped enough for me to have an idea of what he’s working with, and I’m definitely afraid.
“You’re so cocky.” I laugh, shaking my head.
Drew’s strong, firm hands grip my waist, pulling me closer to him as his lips brush up against mine. It reminds me of how good it feels to kiss him. Dating him definitely has its perks that go beyond just being Drew Taylor’s girl. God help me because I’m irrevocably in love with him and I don’t think there’s a cure for this kind of love.
“Can I ask you something?” Drew whispers against my forehead as he plants a kiss.
“Ask away.”
“Why don’t you ever talk about boarding school?”
Ask anything except that…I don’t want to talk about that…
“There’s nothing to talk about,” I shrug, praying he buys my lies.
“You were there for six years and you never talk about it.”
“Its boarding school…what else is there to say?”
“I’m your boyfriend Sid and I know something happened to you there. You’re supposed to be able to tell me these things.”
“Later okay,” I sigh, “right now I just want to enjoy the rest of our date.”
“Fine, later then.”
We finally get to the front of the concession line, Drew gets his soda and then we walked back to our seats. Xerxes is going on and on about how Em should be dating him and not Mark Cooper. I can’t help but think that maybe if he weren’t so abrasive she might give him a chance. I know she thinks he’s cute, but I wouldn’t dare tell him that.
The lights go dim and the first movie preview starts to play. We get through a total of five previews before our movie starts. Only watching the movie is the last thing on Drew’s mind. We spend the entire length of the move and the eight dollars it cost to get into the theatre each, with Drew’s tongue in my mouth and his hands in places I’m pretty sure they shouldn’t have been. But what he hell…YOLO!
We pour out of the theatre with the rest of the moviegoers and say goodbye to our friends outside. Drew drove us home but he parked a few houses away.
“My parents are over at your house, why don’t you come inside.”
“I don’t think so horny toad,” I laugh, shaking my head.
“Let me rephrase, you’re coming inside with me.” He demands. He’s not taking ‘no’ for an answer.
Reluctantly I allow Drew to talk me into going into his house, which is dangerous since our parents are right across the street and his could come home at any second. All either of them have to do is spot his car and I’d be in a world of trouble.
Drew took me past the living room straight to his bedroom, where he wastes no time picking up where he left off in the theatre. The whole time his lips are rendering me silent and his hands chip away at my will, I’m having a conversation with myself about just how far I’m willing to go with him.
At some point my plan was to stay a virgin until I’m married, but right now…in this moment, Drew is shattering all of that. I want him so badly that I’m willing to risk my parent’s wrath, getting my heart broken, and the threat of an unplanned pregnancy just to have him.
As if he already knows he has me wrapped around his finger, he backs me up to his bed and climbs on top of me. This is how many of our nights and days are spent, so it’s nothing new to me. Except for this desire…this need to feel closer to him and take that leap to the next phase of our relationship.
“I think I’m ready,” I whisper to him.
Drew reels back, surprised. He stares at me in wide-eyed shock, contemplating whether or not he’s going to take me seriously. He shakes his head no and brings his lips back to mine.
“Seriously Drew, I’m ready.”
After inhaling deeply, Drew slowly exhales. He’s not moving. He’s back to contemplating again. His lips curl up into a smirk and he undresses me until I’m wearing nothing but my shirt. I’m not sure where this is going. Its not like I imagined it, but he’s the expert here, not me.
“Close your eyes,” he whispers to me.
I close my eyes, waiting for whatever’s to come next. I can feel Drew’s hands on my legs spreading them apart. What happened next can’t even be described with words. I’m technically still a virgin, but my mind has been completely blown. He gets up to brush his teeth while I lay here wondering what in the world he just did to me. Drew lies back down in his bed when he’s done and tucks me into him.
Lying in his arms, I can’t help but feel lucky to have him. I definitely feel closer to him now after whatever it is he just did to me. It wasn’t what I expected, but if being with him felt as good as that…God help me.
“Tell me about boarding school,” he whispers to me.
Ugh…I was hoping he forgot all about that…
“Drew, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Please, I want to know,” he links our fingers together and kisses the back of my hand.
I couldn’t keep it bottled up forever, and truthfully I needed to talk to someone about it. Who better than Drew, right?
“It was hell in there. You’re either in a room alone or you’re in a room full of other girls. For the first three years it wasn’t so bad. Then Mrs. Isaac, the lady who ran the whole thing died in a car accident. The school went to her daughter and son, Phil and Becka. That’s when things took a turn for the worse. A business major, Phil was determined to make the school more profitable. It became less about helping the kids and more about lining his pockets.”
“Phil and Becka then began to promote faster rehabilitation and with that came the pressure to deliver unruly kids like myself, reformed, and at a much faster rate. So then they began to…to…can we talk about something else please?”
I hadn’t realized it, but in the middle of explaining my experience to Drew, I’d started crying. I quickly wipe my tears away and he turns me to face him. “What did they do to you?” He asks with concern in his eyes.
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Sid, I love you, but you don’t have to handle everything by yourself. Let me shoulder some of that weight for you,” he offers, “I mean, I know you’re capable of handling it, but part of being in a relationship is being there for each other. Let me be here for you.”
“That’s really sweet,” I smile.
“I mean it.”
I nestle myself further into Drew’s arms and allow myself to feel safe for the first time since going to boarding school. As long as we have each other, there’s nothing I can’t face.