Confused. That’s how I felt when Quincy brought me home, but then Drew came tapping on my bedroom window. I was so happy to see him that I didn’t notice the pissed off look on his face. He was mad that I never responded to any of his texts or calls. I told him Quincy took my phone from me, but in his eyes I should’ve demanded my phone back. I should’ve found some way to get my phone so I could talk to him.
In short, Drew’s pissed off because he felt like I ignored him to be with Quincy. And now, whenever we’re in the same room together we usually end up arguing.
He started coming over to my house every day after school and we would do homework together then cuddle on the couch or hold hands. That proved to be too much for my dad who constantly gave Drew the evil eye whenever he’d put his arm around me or hold my hand.
“Trisha and I are going to her doctor’s appointment next week if you want to go.” Mom offers.
“Sidney needs to stay in school.” Dad interjects.
“It’s just one day William.”
“Yes, but this is Sidney we’re talking about.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Okay time out, it’s not that serious I don’t want to go mom.” I answer.
My mom stood there exchanging glances with dad. I felt like they were about to start arguing so I got out of there. I headed over to Drew’s. He was outback playing basketball with his brother, Josh and some of his friends. Trisha, Nicole and Patrice are here too, but neither of those heifers told me they were coming over.
“Your girlfriend is here,” Scott, rolls his eyes.
Drew turns around to see me, and smiles. Scott on the other hand just glares at me like I’m trespassing. Sometimes I get the feeling he doesn’t like me very much.
“I can’t believe Drew bought you a car.” Nicole raves, giving me hug.
Seriously…is that really the first thing she thought about when she saw me? No hi, how are you Sidney? How have you been?
“He didn’t buy me on, he gave it to me.” I clarified. His father did a commercial for a local dealership back in the day and got a car too. He did the same exact thing and gave it to Drew’s mom.”
“Either way you put it, he gave you a car Sidney. I can barely get a guy to buy me lunch or a soda,” Patrice chuckles.
“Tell me about it.” Nicole high-fives her.
“Drew’s supposed to teach me how to drive it so I can get my license. Until then it may as well be a very expensive paperweight.”
“Maybe I should have held out with Drew a bit longer.” Nicole laughs.
“Hey, I told you not to break up with him.” Did she really just say that to my face?
“You and Drew belong together. It was for the best.” Nice save.
“I heard about you and Bobby,” I smirk.
“Heard what?”
“He told Drew how you let him get to third base and now Drew’s sweating me about it.”
“Third base? I let him unbutton three buttons and look at them, that was it. He’s such a liar.” She shakes her head.
“Yeah and according to Drew, you and him did much worse.” Xerxes chimes in.
“What are you talking about?” I narrow my eyes at him.
“I’m talking about a home run.” He smirks.
“Drew told you that?”
“He told the entire team.”
I look over at Josh and Em, then back at Xerxes. Drew came walking up to us and I’m so angry I can’t see straight. Sitting down next to me, he puts his arm around me and I shrug it off.
“What’s wrong?” Asks Drew.
“How could you tell the entire basketball team that we slept together?”
Drew immediately looks over at Xerxes who excuses himself from the table at that point. “I didn’t tell them that.” Drew sighs.
“Then how did they get that impression?”
“Does it matter? We’ll sleep together eventually anyway,” He shrugs.
“But it’s not true dummy.” I snap.
“Don’t call me a dummy Sid, it’s not what you think.” Drew cast me a warning glance. “Look, they assumed we slept together because I gave you that car.”
“It’s a car!” I began to raise my voice. “It’s not like we’re getting married! It’s a stupid machine!”
“Hey, cars are not stupid.” Nicole interjects.
“Keep your voice down.” Drew snaps.
“This isn’t cool Drew.”
“I know and I’m sorry. The guys…they were making fun of me for giving you that car. They kept saying I was whipped and I panicked. If they find out I’m not even getting any, I’ll be an even bigger joke to them than I already am.”
“Why do you care so much about what they think anyway?”
“I’m like a celebrity around here. Everyone expects me to score both on and off the court Sidney.”
“That’s not my problem Drew!” I sigh irritated. “I’ll give the car back if it’s making your life that hard. It’s not like I can drive it anyway.”
“It won’t change anything.” He shakes his head, frustrated.
It’s obvious that the possibility of being seen as a joke is a stress factor for Drew. As much as I hate the fact that he let his friends believe we slept together, I understand why he did it.
“Hey,” Drew nudges me with his shoulder.
“You know the truth, I know the truth and so does everyone else standing here. Can’t we just leave it at that?”
“You’re asking my sister to let the entire school believe the two of you slept together?” Josh chimes in.
“I’m asking her to let it go.”
“I have a problem with that.” Josh replies, “you made this mess and you need to clean it up, not her.”
“Josh it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not okay for you to let everyone believe you slept with him if it isn’t true. You deserve better than that, and once you start compromising yourself for him it will become a pattern.”
“Hold on Josh, it was a stupid conversation that got way out of hand. I meant no disrespect towards your sister,” Drew assures him.
“Then respect her and fix it.” Josh glares at him. “This is the exact reason my dad doesn’t want her dating. How could you be willing to just let people believe that about her Drew? What happens if it gets back to my mom and dad?”
“Josh why are you making this a big deal man?”
“Because it is a big deal to me. I don’t want people to look at her and think she’s just another one of your groupies. She’s smart, she’s funny and she’s amazing…that’s what I want them to see.”
“This coming from the guy who knocked up his first lay,” Drew chuckles.
I watch in horror as Josh grabs hold of Drew and slams him up against the fence before anyone could stop him. The last thing I want is my boyfriend and my brother going at it.
“Josh, let go of me,” Drew demands.
Drew raises his hands up in the air to signify surrender but I can tell he’s angry. I’m pretty sure the only reason Drew didn’t hit him is because of me. Josh let go of him thankfully, but they weren’t done with each other yet.
“What’s your problem man?” Drew asks.
“You’re my problem!” Josh loses it again, “My little sister isn’t one of your groupies. She actually loves you.”
“And I love her too,” Drew scoffs, “I gave her a car even though I’m being teased left and right, and I’ve respected her boundaries. You’re not the only one who sees how amazing she is Josh.”
“I don’t like you. I don’t like anything you stand for but I tolerate you because of Sidney. The way you play these stupid little head games with her and the way you make her cry sometimes, they all make me want to put my fist through your face,” Josh vents, “and now you want her to let everyone believe you slept with her because you’re too much of a coward to stand up to your friends. No, I don’t think so. I hate that about you too.”
I understand why Josh is angry, but Drew has always thought of him as a brother. Seeing the look on his face when Josh said he didn’t like him, hit him where it hurt. Drew isn’t perfect by any means, but he’s trying.
“Josh, it’s okay just stop.”
“No, it’s not okay Sid! He’s a loser and he’s going to hurt you!” Josh shouts angrily.
“Trisha, can you please help me.” I motion to Josh.
Trisha was able to pull Josh away from us and take him home, but now everyone is staring at us. This is bad…really bad. “Drew, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into him and where all that is coming from,” I apologize.
“You tell him everything, don’t you?”
“He’s my brother.”
“I know, but some things should just be left between us.”
Drew pushes past me and I grab his arm to try and stop him but he yanks away from me. He joins his friends and they all keep looking over at me.
“I’m gonna go,” I hug Patrice and Nicole.
I want to say goodbye to Drew, but when he’s pissed the best thing to do is let him cool off. The next day everyone on campus heard about Josh going on off on Drew over me. Word got out that Drew and I hadn’t actually slept together, and although I’m glad…I’m also a little worried about how Drew is handling it.
After school I would normally ride home with him but Nicole told me during fifth period he said to just ride home with Josh. I went to his house after school and his mom told me that he was busy, which was never a problem before.
Drew is avoiding me so I decide to let him cool off. Once he’s calm, maybe we can all sit down and talk this through.
That was the hope at least. A hope that was quickly dashed when one day turned into two, two days turned into a week, and a week turned into two weeks. Drew went two weeks without talking to me. It was about as much as I could deal with before worry gave birth to fear and I began to panic.
Almost everyone in school knew Drew had stopped talking to me and there were even rumors that he’d broken up with me, but he hadn’t said anything to me. And Josh…Josh wouldn’t let me think for myself. He kept telling me to let him come to me, but it was easier said than done. Drew wouldn’t come to me. He’s too proud.
“Are you going to ask Drew what his problem is?” Em asks.
“I have to,” I sulk, “It’s been two weeks and I feel sick to my stomach.”
“Well, just so you know, I was told by a very reliable source that he’s been talking to Annette again.” Nicole warns me.
“That’s not what I want to hear right now,” I sigh, “I mean he’s free to date whomever he wants, but…I don’t know.”
“Just be prepared.”
Nicole, Em and I met up with Patrice. The four of us walked to the cafeteria together and I scanned the room for Drew. As if the universe was answering my questions I found him sitting with his teammates, only he wasn’t alone. Annette sat between his legs and he had his arms around her.
I notice the many eyes looking back and forth from Drew to me, waiting to see what I’m going to do. I don’t even know. All I know is I’m hurt. He knew I was going to be here and he knows how much seeing him with other girls bother me. In short…Drew is a jerk.
“Ouch,” Patrice looks away.
“Sid just let him go,” Josh insists.
Ignoring him, I walk over to Drew whose face changes when he sees me. Annette nestles even further in his arms and smiles at me. God I want to slap that smirk off of her face.
“You haven’t said a word to me in two weeks and now you’re all hugged up with Annette? Are you about done with this little tantrum or should I give you another week?” I ask.
“I figured you would’ve gotten the hint by now.” He finally breaks his silence.
“I don’t do hints, so why don’t you enlighten me and just tell me what’s going on.”
“Fine. I’m done.”
He’s not done. He’s pissed. I know him. Whenever he gets upset about something this is how he tries to turn the tables on me…by breaking up with me because he wants to hurt me. I looked around and everyone is smiling, especially Xerxes. I really, really hate that guy. He’s probably the one putting Drew up to this.
“So you dumped me and now you’re dating Annette?”
“No, he’s just hugged up with me because he’s cold.” Annette replies sarcastically.
I can take a lot of stuff, but what I’m not about to do is take this from some girl Drew is using to get back at me. I lose it before I can stop myself, grab Annette by her hair and yank her to the ground slamming her down on the floor. I’m not even mad at her. She just picked the wrong girl to talk crazy too. The person I really want to punch is Drew. The coward that she is, Annette scurries away and I turn my attention to Drew. “You know how I feel about you and I haven’t done anything wrong! Why are you breaking up with me?”
“Are you asking or is your brother the one who wants to know? He does all your thinking for you, doesn’t he?”
“Is that what this is about? Josh?”
“According to him I’m a loser. He all but said he doesn’t want you seeing me because he doesn’t think I’m good enough for you so why don’t you go ask him who the hell you should be with! It’s obviously not me!”
I really didn’t want to have this conversation in front of the whole school. I would never get through to him as long as his friends were watching. “I don’t want to do this here. Can we talk in private?”
“About what?” He asks, “I’ve already said I don’t want to be with you anymore.”
“I just want to talk. Please?”
“Why not?”
“Well, for starters you can’t think for yourself! I need a girl with a mind of her own, not a girl who’s father and brother makes all of her decisions for her,” He unloads on me, “they both hate me and I’m just sick of trying to fit in with your family! I can’t! And as much as I want to believe we can make this work we can’t!”
“That’s not true Drew! I had no idea they stressed you out so much, but now that I do lets talk about it!”
“No. I’m done. I’m sorry, but it’s over Sid.”
“Are you really breaking up with me over what Josh and my dad think of you?”
“I’m breaking up with you because I don’t like feeling like everyone around you hates me.”
“What does that have to do with me? What about what I want? What about how I feel?”
“None of that really matters does it? The moment your dad or your brother say pull the plug, that’s what you do. You pull the plug and I’m not trying to get hurt.”
“Get hurt?” I scoff, “When have I ever hurt you Drew? If anything I’m the one who’s always getting hurt because you do exactly what you’re doing to me right now. You push me away every time you get mad or things don’t go the way you want them to. I can’t control Josh or my dad. All I can tell you is I don’t think the way they do. You mean the world to me and I love everything about you. Everything except how easy it is for you to just…give up on me.”
“Then I wouldn’t want to start disappointing you now, would I?”
I can’t believe Drew is doing this to me. I’m crazy about him and to have him dismiss me like this hurts like hell. Whenever things between us got hard he‘d always leave me hanging, only now my feelings for him went a lot deeper. I’m so in love with this jerk that I’m arguing with myself about whether to grovel at his feet or walk away.
To save myself any further embarrassment, I walk away. Sometimes Drew would show out in front of his friends, and I didn’t want to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Nope. I’d save my tears for later.
Our meltdown during lunch was epic and the whole school is talking about how Drew did me dirty by dropping me and hooking up with Annette. Josh REALLY doesn’t like him now and it feels like my whole world is caving in on me. Josh hates Drew because he did something stupid by not standing up to his friends instead of letting them think we slept together. But Drew doesn’t have it easy. He has the pressure of being everyone’s golden boy on his shoulders and I’m the only one he’s shared his struggle with. As stupid as it is, it’s easier for Drew to let his friends believe a lie than tell them the truth because Drew feels somewhat trapped by his success to be something he’s not. He could decide not to care what people think, but he hasn’t reached that point yet. I get it. Unfortunately Josh doesn’t, and he doesn’t care to. Now Drew wants nothing to do with me.