Mom and Dad got a good laugh out of me that night and it gave them some sort of reassurance that they were doing something right with me.
After the whole Josh incident they weren’t so sure of how well they protected us from outside influences. My dad was ready to have both Emily and I checked to see if we were sexually active until mom told him what I said.
Trisha moved in with us, which is a great thing because now I’m able to talk to her about my issues with Drew whenever I want. After that night he started being a real jerk to me, making me cry at times. He could be real hurtful when he wanted to be.
One of my teammates had a sister who had a reputation for being loose and she’s been all over Drew lately too. Given the fact that his teenage hormones are going crazy, I’m really worried.
“I saw you talking to Annette Crawford today.”
“So.” Drew shrugs.
“What’s up with you and her?” I ask.
“Nothing, forget about it.”
“Are we going to talk about the other night?”
“You mean when you flipped out on me for kissing you?” He meets my gaze.
“Drew you were pushing my boundaries. I got scared.”
“I’m sure if I pushed Annette’s boundaries she wouldn’t freak out.” He replies.
“Then maybe you should go be with Annette.”
“The thought has crossed my mind.” He nods.
It’s comments like that that made me worry about him. There were hundreds of girls throwing themselves at him at any given moment. I glare at him and he stares back with this stupid smirk on his face.
“Well when you make that leap I want you to remember something. There are a thousand Annette’s out there, but there’s only one Sidney. Anything you can do, I can do better and I will.”
Drew eyes me incredulously and shakes his head laughing. “Yo, why are you always giving me crap? All I’m saying is I want to be able to kiss you without you freaking out on me. That’s what couples do when they love each other.”
“Are you saying you love me?” I lean back and smirk.
“That did just come out of my mouth, didn’t it?” He laughs, surprised.
“You love me.” I tease.
“You better not tell anybody I said that or my player card is gonna get revoked.”
“Please, I’m recording that confession on my phone and uploading it to YouTube. Then I’m gonna tag all your friends.”
“Whatever Sid.” He laughs, shaking his head. “Damn girl. You got my head all messed up, you know that?”
“I do.” I smile goofily and we both laugh. “You better stop being mean to me though before I beat you down Drew. I’m not playing with you.”
“You pissed me off. I had to punish you somehow.”
“By going home?” I frown.
“Yes. Our parents are always breathing down our necks and the moment we get a little bit of freedom you run home scared.” He shakes his head. “That’s so foul.”
“You’re a control freak, that’s what your problem is. You have girls groveling at your feet, following your every command, and you want me to do the same. But that’s not me and it never will be.”
“Look, I get that you want to protect your virtue and be this good girl for daddy dearest, but I’m ready to lose mine.”
“And we will…together. But to be honest, we’re not even in a committed relationship so I’m not trying to go there with you. Even if we were dating exclusively, I’m not in a hurry to catapult my virginity into the boondocks. If you want me, respect me and wait.”
“You could just give in.” Drew undresses me with his eyes.
“So could you.” I reply.
Drew smiles and kisses me on the lips. I kiss him back, but a small part of me wonders how long it would take before he grew tired of waiting and slept with someone else.
“I love you too, by the way.”
“I know.” He smirks.
“Shut up, you didn’t know.” I laugh.
“Not many guys would go out with someone so high maintenance Sidney.”
“Then it’s their loss.” I shrug.
Later that night Drew invited me over to his house for dinner. A story on him aired in the local sports news and I celebrated the victory with him and his family. His face being plastered all over the television increased the attention he got from the female population and it made me worry that it might all go to his head. Some of the local scouts have been showering him with gifts too. Gifts his parents promptly make him return because they’re considered as bribes and he can get into some serious trouble.
Drew invited me to a party at his teammate Nicholas’ house and I agreed to go, but not without my girls’. Trisha couldn’t come for obvious reasons, but Em and Patrice came. There were so many girls there when we walked in that we outnumbered the fella’s four to one. The atmosphere wasn’t really my scene either.
I searched around for Drew and found him in the middle of the dance floor. He was dancing with Annette, who was wearing a black dress that left little to nothing to the imagination. She was grinding her big booty all over him like they were going at it right there on the dance floor.
When Drew finally saw me, he gave me a head nod like I’m one of the fellas and not his girlfriend. I waited for him to come over and say hi, but an entire hour passed with him dancing and grinding all over Annette. That was strike one for me.
“What’s up with that?” Em asks.
“I don’t know, but he’s making me mad.”
“Well its not like you two are exclusive.” Patrice points out. “If I were you I’d go have my fun too.”
“You know what? I think I will.”
I took Patrice out onto the dance floor and we started dancing with each other. Xerxes went over to talk to Em and it surprised me when she smiled at him. Xerxes is a disrespectful jerk. He got Em to dance though. The two of them danced close and he never set eyes on anyone else. Maybe he wasn’t a jerk after all and he’s just immature at times. Who knows? I stopped trying to figure guys out a long time ago.
I turn my attention to Drew who’s still dancing with Annette and I want to go off, but I can’t. He’s free to do whatever he wants.
“Care to dance?” An unfamiliar voice asks.
I turn around and come face to face with a hottie I’ve never seen before. “Quincy.” He leans in to tell me his name. He has dark hair, he’s really tall and lean, and he has pale blue eyes that catch you off guard they’re so unusual.
“Sure.” I nod.
Quincy holds out his hand for me to take and I do. For a white boy he has some soul to him. I’m impressed. When the song ends I thank him and go to leave, but he stops me. He looks familiar, but I can’t place him. “Where are you going?” Quincy asks.
“To find my friend.”
“She’s fine, look.” He points to Patrice dancing with Scot. Quincy pulls me back into his arms and a slow song comes on. His eyes grab hold of mine and take them prisoner as we dance. I have butterflies in my stomach right now.
I suddenly get the feeling I’m being watched and glance around the room. Drew’s standing with a few of his friends, talking, but he’s also watching me at the same time. I guess he finally got enough of ‘Big Booty Judy’. That’s what we call girls with Ginormous butts.
When our second dance is over, I go to leave again, but Quincy stops me. “Let me have your number?” He asks.
“What?” I frown.
Quincy pulls out his phone and hands it to me so I can put my number in. I hesitate at first, but curiosity gets the better of me, so I type my digits into his phone. He calls me while I’m standing there to make sure it’s my real number and tells me to lock him into my contacts. I do just that.
Before we can finish our conversation Drew walks up and he and Quincy exchange fists bumps. “What are you doing man?” Drew addresses him.
“Nothing much. I’m just asking Sidney out.” Quincy replies. “Ya’ll aren’t exclusive right?”
“No we’re not, but you can’t talk to her man.” Drew takes his phone from him, deletes my number out of it, and hands it back. “Keep it moving.”
Taking the hint, Quincy throws his hands up and backs away. “Give me your phone.” He demands.
“No.” I refuse.
“I’m not playing with you Sid. Give me your phone.”
Something in his tone and in his eyes told me I should probably listen, but I didn’t want to. “And I said no. You don’t get to do this. You don’t get to-”
Before I can finish giving him a piece of my mind he walks away, angry. WTF! First he spends all night grinding on Annette and now he’s trying to check me about talking to Quincy? I swear I will never understand boys.
Drew goes back to grinding on Annette, completely ignoring me. WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM? By the time he decides to grace me with his presence I’m livid. “Give me your phone Sid.” He demands.
He snatches my phone out of my hands while I’m talking and holds me back with one hand while he deletes Quincy out of my phone with the other. “I don’t ever want you talking to him, do you hear me?” He hands me back my phone.
“I’m free to talk to whoever I want, remember?”
Drew grabs me by the wrist and takes me into an empty room. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Xerxes teases.
“Shut up man.” Drew snaps at him, closing the door in his face.
“What is your problem?” I ask.
“You! You’re my problem!” He shouts at me. I’m speechless. “I invited you to this party so you can spend time with me, not so you can be smiling all up in someone else’s face?”
THAT’S what he’s mad about. I slap him so hard across the face that I even surprise myself. He quickly grabs me by the neck, slams me against the wall and cocks his arm back like he’s going to hit me. I throw my hands up in front of my face, call out his name and turn away from him. This is the angriest I’ve ever seen him.
He lets go of my neck and lowers his fist, but I’m already panicked. He was about to hit me. For the next minute or so we’re locked in an intense gaze as he tries to calm himself down. “I’m sorry.” He apologizes, resting his head against mine. He tries to kiss me and I push him away.
“You have some nerve, you know that?” I scoff. “You say you invited me here to spend time with me, but I’m not the one who’s been grinding up on someone else all night. That was you.”
Before he could say anything else, I push him to the side and storm out of the room. I thought our conversation was over at that point, but he grabs me by the arm and swings me around to face him. “Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you.” Drew snaps.
“Let go of me Drew.” I demand.
“Not until we finish our conversation.”
I try to walk away from him, but every time I break free from one grasp there’s another that holds me in place. And now we have an audience. The music is turned down and everyone in the room has a front row seat to our first argument. “Drew, let me go!” I shout.
“Not until you talk to me.” He shakes his head.
“Drew man, let her go.” Scott chimes in, trying to pry his brother’s hands off of me.
“No, move! I just want to talk to her.” Drew assures him.
Scott looks over at me, then back at Drew and backs away. “Drew, you can talk to her when you calm down.” Em tries to reason with him.
“Why are you even talking to me right now? This has nothing to do with you, so stay out of it!” He snaps at Em.
Now I’m getting angry and this night is turning into a hot mess. Drew isn’t going to stop and the more Em tries to intervene the worse it seems to get. I have to put an end to this, and if that means talking to Drew, then so be it. “Em, don’t, its okay.” I assure her. “I’ll be fine.”
She backs away and Drew guides me back to the room, closing the door behind us. He needs to calm down, but he won’t until he says what he has to say.
“I don’t want you talking to other guys Sid.”
“You can’t ask me that unless you’re willing to do the same.”
“Guys are supposed to be players. A girl who’s a player may as well be a hoe.”
“Then cue up the hoe clothes because I’m not dedicating myself to you if you won’t do the same.” I reply. “You want your cake and you want to eat it too, and I get that. I’m not stopping you. But what you’re not going to do is tell me I can’t do the same. You invited me to this party, and for hours I watched you grind all up on Annette. And I know you saw me. The only reason you’re flipping out right now is because you saw me talking to Quincy.”
“Are you done?” He asks like he’s bored.
“You’re not talking to other guys. I don’t care what you say.”
“I’m gonna do whatever I want and I don’t care what YOU say.”
“No. Stop talking to me. You’re wrong for this Drew. Are we done? Can I go now? Please.”
He nods and I leave. I don’t just leave the room I leave the party. Em and Patrice follow me outside and we drop Patrice off before heading home. Drew has officially lost his mind and now everyone knows it.
“What happened Sid?” Em asks.
“Drew was being a real jerk and I didn’t want to put up with it so I left.” I shrug.
It’s more than that, but I don’t feel like going into detail. Arguing with Drew left me mentally exhausted and on the verge of tears.
Later that night Drew called me when he made it back home. It was well after midnight and I had half a mind to send him to voicemail, but I answered. I lay back in my bed in the dark and closed my eyes. “What do you want Drew?”
“Open your window.”
I look over at my window and I can see his silhouette through the curtains. GREAT. I she going for round two? I don’t want to argue with him anymore, I just want him to go away.
“Go home Drew.”
“Please Sidney, just open the window.”
The sound of his voice makes me feel bad for leaving him out there, so I unlock my window and let him in. He has remorse written all over his face.
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes. “For everything. I’m sorry for the way I went off on you and for grabbing you the way I did. It was wrong. I just…when I saw you with Quincy I lost it. And even though you feel I have no right to go off the way I did, I love you Sid.”
Hearing those three little words melted my heart. My defenses came crashing down and I smiled. “I love you too, and I’m sorry I slapped you.” I apologized.
“About you seeing other people…”
“I don’t want to talk about that. Let’s just agree to disagree on that.” I quickly nipped that conversation in the bud. I only needed to take that trip once to know I didn’t want to take it again.
“Nice PJ’s.” His eyes wash over me. Suddenly I’m very aware of the fact that we’re alone in my bedroom, well past visiting hours, and I’m in my favorite nightgown. My hair is a tousled mess right now and my bedroom door is locked from the inside. This is the most EPIC recipe for bad behavior.
Drew takes off his jacket and shoes, then lays down on my bed like it’s the thing to do. I don’t have the strength to argue with him anymore or kick him out. So what do I do? Stupidly, I follow his lead and lay down next to him. We just had our first fight and I’m assuming this is where we makeup.
Facing each other in my bed, two things are for certain. One, we’re about to do something very stupid. And two, now matter how stupid we get, I’m still not giving him any.
Drew is the first to make a move. He gently presses his lips against mine and sweeps the inside of my mouth with his tongue. I grasp his head between my hands and kiss him back. He climbs on top of me, but this time it doesn’t bother me. I’m too tired to have a reaction or protest. Not even as he uses his knee to spread my legs.
He keeps me busy with his lips to distract me from what he’s doing with his hands. I can’t keep up with them and don’t bother trying to.
Drew begins to grind between my legs provoking sensations I never even knew existed. But my focus is on his eyes, which are holding me prisoner right now, and his tongue, which seems to be taunting me.
What we’re doing is incredibly stupid, but I don’t want to stop. It feels right to me. I can see how this can lead to other things if you’re not careful. I want more of him, and my mind is running wild with all of the salacious possibilities of what we could be doing to one another right now.
I have to give it to Drew. He’s keeping it PG for now, which is probably harder for him to do than it is for me. It seems like we’ve only been making out for a short period of time until my room begins to light up and we realize it’s five in the morning. Holy Crap! I’m going to be so exhausted tomorrow.