Quincy and I have gone on several dates together. After the third or fourth date, all of the corny things he would do or say, that I used to find embarrassing, I now found to be cute and endearing. Dare I say he’s growing on me? His parents invited me over for Thanksgiving so I went. It was interesting to see the world through his family’s eyes. They seem to have no care in the world. Not like my family or Drew’s. Or maybe they just handle things differently. I don’t know.
All of his family seemed to get along too. His aunt Edna loves to randomly break out into Opera, his uncle Teddy tells some pretty lame jokes, and his dad Eli could probably play the next superman. That’s how hot he is. Now I see where Quincy gets his good looks.
The biggest surprise of the day is Quincy. His grandma Gerty asked him to play her something on the Piano in the living room and he played a Bach piece my dad used to make us listen to whenever we did our homework. I had no idea he was that skilled on the Piano. Spending time with him and his family made me see Quincy in a different light. He’s not cocky or conceited, like I’ve always assumed. He has this heir of confidence about him because the life his family built for him is one where his possibilities are seen as limitless.
I didn’t want to go home. That’s how intoxicating his family was. Well everyone on his dad’s side anyway. His mother and her family…I got the feeling they didn’t like the fact that Quincy and I were seeing each other. His mother Sandy was way too excited for me to leave.
I went over to Drew’s for a bit and he had a full house too. His aunts, uncles and grandparents all stopped by to visit. The food was good, but I only ate a little bit. I was saving my appetite for my own family dinner.
Drew’s family was close too, but they had their issues. His family was a lot like my own. They bickered, they gossiped, and some were way too judgmental and critical of others. His aunt Penny was always in everyone’s business. She made it a point to ask his parents in front of everyone about the state of their marriage. The room grew quiet. If you spent enough time at Drew’s like I did, you’d witness a few arguments between his parents. Arguments Drew never liked to talk about, but it didn’t take a genius to see his parents’ marriage was on the rocks.
His dad retired from the NBA a few years before I came back from boarding school and things have been going downhill since. His mother suspects his father is unfaithful since he’s never home, but she doesn’t have any proof. Whenever Drew would talk to him about it, his dad would always tell him everything is fine and his mother is just paranoid.
Drew’s grandma Bert quickly changed the subject and shot his aunt a warning glance. I could tell from the way everyone respected her that she was probably the backbone of the family.
Drew could only stand being around his family for short periods of time, so he came to my house with me. My Grams Ida on my dad’s side, my mom’s siblings Anna and Patrick were there, my mom’s parents Samuel and Irene were there, along with all my cousins I haven’t seen in like forever. My dad’s siblings Jonathan, Jacob, and Wyatt came over with their families as well.
I was the closest to my cousins Asia, Maya, and Celeste. I introduced them to Drew who wasted no time charming them and the kids all went out onto the porch leaving all the old people in the house.
While we were reminiscing about the summers we spent together Quincy pulled up and I about had a heart attack. What was he doing here?
It turns out he saw a pic I posted of Drew online and got jealous that he wasn’t invited over to my house for Thanksgiving. I didn’t even invite Drew, he invited himself and our families sort of had history.
“Soooo, which one of you is Sid’s boyfriend?” Asia asked confused.
“She’s seeing them both,” Em explained before I could open my mouth.
There were so many questions in everyone’s eyes, but my main focus was on the death stares Quincy and Drew were exchanging.
“We have an open relationship,” Drew clarifies.
“And you invited them both here for thanksgiving?” Maya looked at me like I was crazy.
“No,” I shook my head, “Drew’s family and ours go way back…you know that. And Quincy…”
“He invited himself,” Drew stared him down.
“You have a problem with me being here?” Quincy got up in Drew’s face.
“Yeah, as a matter of fact I do.”
“Oh my God…you guys can’t do this here,” I placed myself between them.
“I’m good,” Drew threw up his hands, “I’m not the one who showed up here uninvited.”
“Drew, stay here…Quincy, come with me.”
I took Quincy over to his car and we both climbed in. Quincy’s mad at me and I want to be angry with him too for dropping by unannounced, but he’s sexy when he’s mad.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Why would you invite Drew and not me?” He asks. “Better yet, why did I have to find out on Facebook? Sid, I brought you to my home and I introduced you to my family. I don’t do that for just anyone.”
“I know, but you knew going into this Drew and I were close. I didn’t invite him. He invited himself. And even if he hadn’t, our families are very close Q.”
“Look Sid, I care about you.”
“I know, and I care about you too, but-”
“But what? Let me guess…Drew still gets priority over me,” he shakes his head angrily, “He’s sleeping with more girls than every player in the NBA right now and he STILL get’s priority over me. And I put you first…I just don’t get it.”
“You’re right, and I know it probably makes me stupid, but I love him.”
Quincy scoffs and shakes his head, staring off into space. This is probably the part where I should break things off with him because it’s pretty obvious his feelings for me go beyond what they should, but I can’t. There’s something about him I can’t seem to let go of.
He places his hand on top of mine and entwines our fingers together, “I’m falling for you…HARD. I need to know if we even have a chance before I invest any more time into us,” his eyes meet mine sending my pulse spiraling out of control.
The kind thing to do would be to shut him down and send him away before I hurt him, but I can’t do that either. The truth is that I‘m falling for him too. I thought I could just go out with him and it would be fun, but somewhere along the way it became more than that.
I can’t say the words, because saying them would be admitting I have feelings for two guys, so I just nod.
“What does that mean?” Quincy asks.
“It means I have feeling for you too, I just…I can’t choose between you and Drew. Please don’t ask me to do that.”
“He doesn’t deserve you.”
“You don’t know him like that to even say that.”
“I know he’s got a hit list longer than the monument of soldiers who lost their lives in battle.”
“Yeah, but I’m okay with that. I’m not trying to sleep with him.”
“No, you’re just sexting him,” Quincy sighs.
How did he know? Was Drew going around showing his friends the pictures I’ve sent him? “Did Drew tell you that?”
“No. You sent me this,” He opened his phone and showed me a picture I’d taken in my bra and forwarded to Drew this morning…or so I thought, “I’ve never gotten a picture of you like this, so I figured it must’ve been a mistake. Then I realized you probably meant to send it to Drew.”
Note to self, check recipient before sexting semi-nude pics…the last thing I need is to send that pic to Josh or my dad by mistake…
“Look, I want you to stay, but I can’t have you and Drew fighting. Not over me. Just stay out of his way okay.”
“Yep. Fine,” Quincy replies with an attitude.
What he really wants me to do is make Drew leave, but I’m not going to do that. He tries to kiss me, but I turn away from him. In order to keep Drew and Quincy from fighting I have to be Switzerland.
I get out of the car instead and make my way back over to my family on the front porch. They all cast me an inquisitive glance and I ignore them.
“Everyone, this is my friend Quincy and this guy is my friend Drew,” I introduce them both to my cousins.
“I was just saying how it’s pretty ballsy of you to have both your dudes here,” Celeste smirks.
“Only one of us matters,” Drew takes a jab at Quincy.
Quincy doesn’t even bother responding. Instead he pulls his phone out and purposely lets Drew see the pic I mistakenly texted him this morning. It’s like sending Drew a perfectly poised middle finger and he gets the desired result he’s going for. Drew narrows his eyes at me and makes up an excuse to leave.
Panicked, I follow him back over to his house to try to talk to him but he’s not responding. It’s not until we’re in his bedroom that he even acknowledges me.
“Go home Sid.”
“Will you let me explain?”
“There’s nothing to explain. You sent him a picture of you half-naked. That’s pretty self-explanatory.”
“I meant to send it to you.”
He huffs and shakes his head, “Right.”
“I’m serious.”
“You know what, it doesn’t even matter. I told Annette I’d stop by anyway.”
In short, he’s punishing me yet again because he’s pissed off. Why does he do this every single time? The only reason he’s going over to Annette’s is to hurt me.
“Don’t go.”
“Why? So I can watch you and Q make googly eyes at each other all day. Nah…I’ll pass. You and Quincy have fun though.”
He doesn’t mean that for one second. He’s beyond pissed at me right now and I don’t know what to do. I just know I don’t want him to leave. This isn’t fair. I don’t throw tantrums when I see him with other girls, nor do I punish him for it.
“Stay with me.”
“I would but it’s a little crowded, don’t you think?”
“Then I’ll…I’ll ask him to leave.”
Drew presses his lips against mine and kisses me so passionately that he takes my breath away. Now I really don’t want him to leave.
I try to talk him into staying, but he’s determined to hurt me. My anger gets the better of me and we end up arguing. I’m angry he’s going to spend the rest of his day with Annette instead of with me and he doesn’t care. Whenever he’s pissed off about something he shuts off his feelings and stops caring.
After being reduced to tears, I concede. There’s no stopping him once his mind is made up. I hate him…I hate him…I HATE HIM!
I watch as he gets all dressed up for her and sprays on some of his cologne. He’s planning on sleeping with her while he’s over there and for the first time it bothers me. Just seeing how every move he makes, down to the minutest detail, is carefully thought out, guts me.
Arms folded and hurt, I follow him out to his car and watch him drive away. GOD I hate him. He knows how to push all of my buttons.
I quickly wipe my tears away and walk back over to my house. Quincy is the only one left on the porch now. “Let me guess…booty call?”
“Why’d you show him that picture?”
“Because I’m tired of his cocky little attitude.”
“If I lose him because of that little stunt you just pulled, you can lose my number too.”
Without waiting for him to respond I go inside and up to my room. Quincy follows me up and closes the door behind us.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, wiping away my tears.
“I hate when he gets like this. He hurts my feelings and he doesn’t care.”
Quincy pulls me into his arms, but I need something more than just his arms being around me. I need a distraction from the ache in my chest. I need to feel wanted and I don’t care who walks in on us.
Gripping the hair in the back of Quincy’s head, I pull his lips down to mine and drown myself in him. He lets out a low, sexy growl, which does nothing to bring me to my senses. I back up to my bed and lie back, pulling Quincy down on top of me. He doesn’t complain or put up a fight.
Kissing him feels no different than kissing Drew. He just has different technique. I want to forget all about Drew and where he’s headed right now. I want to forget the hurt I feel that he refused to stay for me. He chose her over me and I want to forget that too.
Quincy hikes up the skirt of my dress and grips my underwear, but I stop him. As much as I want to forget Drew right now, I don’t want to lose my virginity. Partly because I’m not ready and partly because if I did Drew would never forgive me.
Why does he invade every thought, molecule and synapse in my body? He’s like a drug and I’m addicted to him. Even now when I should be focused on Quincy, my thoughts are of Drew. He’s probably waist deep in Annette by now.
Ugh! Stop thinking about it…stop thinking about HIM and focus on the gorgeous guy who has his tongue down your throat right now…
The friction Quincy’s creating between my legs is enough to make my skin go supernova. I’m all but ready to concede my virginity when my mom walks into my bedroom. Quincy quickly climbs off of me and we both stand up with lightening speed. It’s too late. We’re SO BUSTED.
“Are you crazy?” My mom glares at me, “Quincy, go home.”
“Yes ma’am,” Quincy nods.
He quickly leaves and mom goes to get dad. When he makes it up to my room he’s pissed and I’m scared out of my mind.
“Were you and Quincy really up here getting it on?” He asks. I know better than to answer his question. It’s a trap. The moment I say something he’s just going to jump down my throat, “answer me Sidney.”
“We were just kissing.”
“It looked like he was doing more than kissing you Sid. He was laying on top of you, grinding himself all up between your legs.”
“Is that true?” Dad asks.
Reluctantly, I nod, avoiding his eye contact until I can’t avoid it any longer. The moment we make eye contact he slaps me so hard across the face that I can hear bells ringing in my ears and my nose starts to bleed.
“William!” Mom gasps. She hurries to get me some tissue to stop the bleeding, tilting my head back.
“Damn it Sidney! All you had to do was follow the rules!”
“I did…I-I am.”
“Like hell you are! Letting guys hump on you is not following the rules Sid!”
Closing my eyes, I let my head hang and sigh. The only thing I can do now, is try to salvage as much of my freedom as possible.
“I have a 4.0 GPA, I haven’t been mouthing off, and I’m the MVP on my team dad. And Quincy…I care about him. I wasn’t going to give him my virginity, we were just kissing.”
Oh God…now I can add lying to my parents to the list of reasons I’m such a horrible daughter…
“I told you what would happen if you didn’t follow my rules.”
“Yes, but it was just one mistake. One terrible…TERRIBLE mistake. Give me another chance.”
“Dad, please.”
“No,” he refuses, “I have to be a man of my world or you won’t take me seriously.”
“I do. Dad, PLEASE! Don’t send me back there! Mom? Mom, don’t let him send me back there! Don’t let him do that to me!”
“You did it to yourself Sid,” Mom averts her eyes to the floor.
“Until you leave, you’re no longer allowed to see Quincy, understood?”
“Yeah. Understood,” I nod as tears fall from my eyes.
They promptly ground me and take my phone and my TV, but I’m allowed to keep my computer because I use it for school. I IM’d Quincy to let him know I was grounded and couldn’t see him anymore. I also let him know my parents planned to send me back to boarding school…back to hell.