My parents forbid from seeing Quincy, but they never said I couldn’t see Drew. Not that it mattered. Word got out that not only was I not allowed to see Quincy, but also I was headed back to boarding school. When Drew asked me why I was no longer allowed to see Quincy, I lied to him. What I wasn’t counting on was for him to ask Quincy who threw me under the bus.
After learning about my dry-humping session with Quincy Drew stopped talking to me. He wouldn’t say hi and he wouldn’t acknowledge me. He wouldn’t call, text, or even look in my direction.
Any time I tried to force him to talk to me he’d say something hurtful and leave me in tears or we’d end up arguing.
Josh told me to give him a couple of weeks, so I did. I stopped hounding him in the hopes that he would come around, and when he didn’t I began to ache all over.
Bobby and Nicole’s heated argument pulled me from my miserable existence. She had tears in her eyes and he looked angry. I waited for him to leave before talking to her.
“What was that about?” I asked.
“She was talking to some guy and Bobby got bent out of shape about it.” Patrice answers for her.
The bell rang to let us all know lunch was over so I headed to my fifth period class. Drew was already busy working on the project we had together even though he still wasn’t talking to me. “How’s our project coming along?”
“We still have a lot of work to do. Maybe you can come to my house and we can finish working on it there.” He suggests.
“I don’t know. My dad might have a heart attack. But you’re free to come over to mine if you want.”
“Okay,” he nods. This is the most he’s sad to me in days.
It’s Drew’s way of waving the white flag of surrender. In short, he’s ready to talk to me. His forgiving spirit continues over into sixth period. Coach Penman and Coach Treggle had us running laps, so Drew and I ran together.
“Thank you for talking to me.”
“I’m not gonna lie, you lying to me really pissed me off.”
“I know and I’m sorry,” I sulked, “I was just scared. I already feel like I’m losing you.”
“You will if you keep lying to me.”
Both our coaches told us to jog and stop talking. We didn’t say a word to each other for the rest of practice. Normally Drew would be waiting for me after school next to my car and I wondered if he would be. I hoped he’d be there.
After practice I headed out to my car and was relieved to see him standing there. “I want to be clear about something,” Drew addresses me.
“If you lie to me again me I’m done, and I don’t want you seeing anyone else.”
“I’m not allowed to see anyone else, so I guess you get your wish.”
“Good, because I plan on marrying you some day.”
“Is that so?” I smiled.
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are,” I chuckle, “and that’s why I love you.”
Climbing onto my toes, I kiss Drew. He hesitates at first then kisses me back. I notice his hands sliding further and further down my backside but I don’t to stop him. Not even as he cuffs my rear end with his hands and squeezes.
“Eh hem.” Quincy clears his throat.
I didn’t even know Quincy was standing behind me but Drew obviously did. Quincy’s reaction made him smile. Drew had this smug look on his face. He did that on purpose to prove a point to Quincy and it worked.
Quincy glared at me, climbed into his car and left. I’m on a strict curfew so I untangle myself from Drew, kiss him goodbye and go home. I have a TON of homework to do and by the time I’m done it’s almost seven. I hear voices outside my window and when I look out, Drew is outside with his brother talking to a group of girls.
Oh for the love of God and everything holy! Why do girls always surround Drew?
There’s no way I’m letting these thots flirt with him in front of my house. Sneaking out of the house, I cross the street to go spend time with Drew and Scott rolls his eyes when he sees me coming. I put my arm around Drew’s waist when I walk up, and the girl who is all in Drew’s face gives me a funky look.
“Sorry ladies…my girlfriend calls,” says Drew.
He takes me by the hand into his house and we sit down on his couch. Well, until his mom kicked us out because she was cleaning. We went into his bedroom. “Leave that door open, Drew,” his mom yells to him.
“Yes ma’am,” Drew replies. “So what do you want to do, watch a movie?”
“Actually, why don’t we go out back?”
Drew grabs my hand and leads me out back where he lays a blanket down on the ground next to his hammock. He runs back inside to get some candles and place them around the hammock. “What’s all this for?”
“It’s for you.”
Drew was very much into basketball one hundred percent of the time, so for him to take a break way from that to do something as romantic as this melted my heart. He took me over to the blanket and we sat down in the middle of it. Everything seemed perfect until the shouting started. Drew’s expression suddenly changes, and we listen as his father and his mother starts arguing loudly.
“What’s going on with them? Are they okay?”
“I don’t know. They’ve been arguing like this for four months now.”
“You’re worried about them,” I notice, studying his expression.
“I think they might be getting a divorce,” he confides.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he nods despondently, “I heard them talking about it, and when I walked into the room they both went silent.”
“I’m sorry.”
Grabbing my hand, Drew pressed his cheek into it like it was comforting to him and then he kissed my palm. He kissed his way from my wrist to my lips and the way he kissed me so passionately scared me at times.
“Wait,” I pulled away.
“I don’t want to wait. If I stop then I’ll have to listen to them and I’d rather not.” Drew replies.
He’s not taking his parents’ arguing very well. I can see how much he needs a distraction in his eyes, so I pulled his lips back to mine and we lay there kissing for hours. We kissed so much that my lips were starting to hurt. They were swollen.
He moved from my lips to my neck and I noticed that he was still moving downward with no signs of slowing. He unbuttoned the first button to my shirt then moved on to the second and my mind was still trying to catch up to what was happening. He kissed around my collarbone until my shirt was completely undone and then he pulled it apart.
His eyes went over every inch of my upper body before he gently kissed my navel then came back up to my lips. I started to tremble on the inside wondering if I could actually go through with it this time.
Moments later, Drew pulled away from me and just gazed into my eyes. He looked me over and then surprisingly he stopped. He sat up and started staring off into space. What the hell? I buttoned my shirt back up and gave Drew my full attention.
“If my parents split up it’s going to ruin everything.”
I never would have thought anything could distract Drew from trying to get into my pants, but his parents arguing the way they are did just that. Tears started to form in his eyes. I hadn’t realized it at first but now that I didn’t have his lips against mine his parents sounded like they’d gotten louder.
“Take a ride with me.”
“Okay,” I agreed. Whatever he needed. I just wanted to be here for him.
Drew didn’t bother going through the house. He took me through the backyard into the front and we both climbed into his car. I had no idea where he was going but he was quiet the whole way there.
Nothing looks familiar and I’m starting to panic. We’ve been driving for a while and the last thing I want is for my parents to discover I’m not home. They’ll come looking for me and if they find out I’m with Drew, I can kiss this relationship goodbye too.
“Where are we?” I asked.
“Wine country.”
“We’re not old enough to drink.”
“We’re not drinking Sidney,” he finally smiles.
“Then why are we here?”
Drew finally pulls off the road up to a gate that led to another dirt road. He climbs out of the car, unlocks the gate and climbs back into the car. We drive down the dirt road to clear the gate, and once we clear the gate he gets out to lock the gate. We continued down the dirt road until we got to a large house and then he parks.
“Whose house is this?”
“It belongs to my favorite person in the whole wide world next to you,” he flashes me a mischievous grin.
We both climb out of the car and head up to the front door where he pulls out his keys and opens it.
“Who’s there?” I hear an old woman ask.
“Grandma Bert, it’s Drew.”
She appears in the room and hurries over to give Drew a hug, “Oh my goodness, is that really my favorite grandson?” She swoons.
“Yes Nana, where’s grandpa?”
“He’s outside doing some work out in the orchards.”
I didn’t notice it when she was over his house for Thanksgiving, but his grandmother looked good for being a grandmother.
“Sidney, right?” His Nana eyeballs me.
“Does grandpa need any help?”
“I reckon he does baby. You should go out there and help him. I’ll put Sidney to work in here,” She winks.
Drew heads outside leaving me alone with his Nana who scares the death out of me. She‘s very direct. “Are his parents arguing again?” His Nana asks, like she already knew the reason Drew popped up here out of the blue.
“It hurts him, and all that hurt is written all over his face.” She sighs, handing me a towel. “I wash and you dry.”
“I’ve never seen him cry before until today,” I told her.
“He probably blames himself. Most kids do. They tell themselves that if they could have done something about it or behaved better their parents would never break up,” she sighs, “The truth is that sometimes people grow apart and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.”
“How did you and your husband make it through all these years?”
“It’s simple, we never gave up.”
“I hope Drew and I are together as long as you and your husband.”
“He has that spark in his eye when he looks at you. That spark means you have a direct line to his heart dear. Don’t ever take that for granted.”
“I won’t.”
“Good, because if his parents do get a divorce he’s going to need you more than ever.”
“Do you know if that’s where it’s headed?” I ask.
“I do, but it’s better if it comes from his parents.”
I helped grandma Bert wash the dishes and then we headed outside to find Drew and his grandfather. We found them outside near the horse stables. Drew had his shirt off and he was chopping wood while his grandfather picked up the pieces and placed them neatly into a pile.
My hormones kick into overdrive when I see him shirtless. He’s dripping with sweat, which normally is a turn off, but at the moment it wasn’t. Drew and I had somehow exchanged roles in the relationship all of a sudden. He was the pursued and I was the pursuer.
“You thirsty?” Nana asks him.
“Yes ma’am,” Drew nods.
Seeing how close and respectful Drew’s relationship with his grandparents is made me fall deeper in love with him than I already am. I’m seeing a different side of him. A side of him he trusts me enough to allow me to see.
His Nana went back to the house to get him and his grandfather something to drink. And I stood there watching him like I was in heat or something. I felt selfish for thinking about him that way when he was obviously in a lot of pain. I tried to get my head together but could not peel my eyes away from his body.
“You should probably call your parents Sidney,” says Drew.
“I’ll call them on our way back.”
“We’re not going back. We’re staying the night.”
“WHAT?” I gasped, “Drew you should have told me that before I came.”
“I kind of just decided it.”
“I’m grounded and they’re threatening to send me back to boarding school.”
“I really don’t want to go back tonight,” he gave me sad eyes, “Can you just do it for me…please.”
NO…YES…UGH! This guy…
“Okay, I’ll call them.”
I pull out my cell phone and call home hoping that mom would pick up instead of dad, but just my luck it’s dad who picks up.
“Where are you?” He asks. I can tell he’s trying not to sound angry so he doesn’t scare me off.
“Napa Valley.” I grimace, bracing for impact.
“That better be the name of some apartments around here and not wine country.” He replies sternly.
“I’m in wine country dad.”
“With who? Your car is parked out front so I know you didn’t drive yourself there.”
Again, I grimace and brace for impact, “Drew.”
“Drew…DREW!” He shouts then calms his voice, “Let me guess. It was Drew’s idea.”
“Yes, but…”
“I’m gonna kill him. Wait until I get my hands on both of you,” his threat sounds ominous. Now I’m really afraid. “I gave you permission to date him and this is the thanks I get in return?”
“It’s not like that dad,” I said, leaving the area so Drew wouldn’t hear me, “Drew’s parents have been arguing a lot lately and he heard them talking about divorce. He got upset so he drove up to his grandparents to get away from it and clear his head.”
“Fine, when are you coming back?”
I grimace a third time and brace for his reaction, “Tomorrow.”
I didn’t even have to have my ear to the phone to hear what he was yelling at me. He was furious and this was going to be yet another reason he’d use to justify sending me to boarding school.
“Here, take this to Drew and I’ll talk to your father,” Grandma Bert, startled me.
“Okay,” I handed her the phone.
I took the tray with a pitcher of lemonade and some glasses Nana gave me over to Drew and his grandpa. I poured them both a glass and they drank it pretty quick.
“Is Nana talking to your dad?” Asked Drew.
“Yeah, he’s really pissed.”
“This isn’t your fault. If he’s going to be upset with anyone it should be me.”
“Oh believe me he does blame you,” I laugh, “And I probably won’t even be allowed to say your name for the rest of the year.”
“Sidney, your father would like to speak to you,” Nana hands me back the phone.
I took the phone from her and put my ear to the phone wondering how much I was going to get yelled at now, “Dad its Sid.”
“You sleep in separate rooms and tomorrow when you get home, you…me…Drew and your mom are going to have a talk, are we clear?” He asks.
“Crystal clear. Dad, I’m so sorry.”
He sighs, “Just please don’t do anything stupid Sidney.”
“I won’t dad, I promise. Thank you for understanding. I love you.”
“I love you too. Call me as soon as you’re on your way back.”
“I will, I promise,” I gave him my word.
I hung up the phone and smiled at Drew to let him know the coast was all clear. He smiled back at me and then that familiar hunger was present in his eyes again.
“Last one,” his grandpa told him.
Drew finished chopping the last log and his grandfather put it away. We headed into the house where Drew’s Nana spoiled us with candied yams, smothered steak and some mash potatoes. It’s the best meal I’ve ever had, OMG.
“I’d be fat if I had a grandma like yours,” I pet my belly, “She can cook.”
“Wait until we start popping babies out like Pez. Nana is going to spoil you rotten,” he laughs.
“Babies, huh? How do you know we’ll even be together for that long?” I asked, “And what if I don’t want kids?”
“There’s a name for hips like yours,” he smiles wickedly, “they’re called child bearing hips for a reason. And we both know you’re not going anywhere.”
“Anyway,” I smacked him.
“Come on, haven’t you at least thought about what one of our kids would look like?” He asks.
“No. Have you?”
“Maybe,” he smirks.
“You’re adorable.”
“Puppies are adorable, Sid.”
“So, where am I sleeping?” I changed the subject. Drew’s charm is deadly. As a matter of fact it should come with a warning label that says ‘AVOID AT ALL COSTS OR KISS YOUR WILLPOWER GOOBYE’.
“I’ll show you.”
Drew takes me by the hand and gives me a tour of his grandparents’ house. He ends the tour by showing me my room and bathroom. It adjoined to the room he’s going to be staying in.
“If I had a bathing suit I’d say let’s take a dip in your grandma’s pool.”
“You don’t need a bathing suit, I’ll give you one of my t-shirts and some shorts.”
“Oh and don’t let her hear you call her Grandma, she hates it,” He laughs.
I changed into the t-shirt and shorts Drew gave me, then we both went out back and jumped in the pool.
“Your grandparents house is amazing.”
“It’s a good place to get away from it all.”
“My dad wants to sit down and have a talk with both of us tomorrow.”
“I guess I better make the best of my last night alive then huh?” Drew chuckles.
He backed me up against the edge of the pool, grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist. Lost in each other’s eyes, we kissed. He slipped me a little tongue and I returned the favor.
Drew slid his hands up my outer thighs and squeezed them hard as he pressed himself against me. I could feel the bulge in his pants and wanted to go further but the sound of my fathers voice begging me not to do anything stupid echoed in my head.
“Mm.” Drew moaned, his lips still pressed against mine.
“We have to stop.”
“I promised my dad I wouldn’t do anything stupid.”
“Fine, just sit there and I’ll do something stupid,” he smirks.
We both laugh. “Same difference smarty pants.”
“You can’t get me all aroused then leave me hanging,” he groans throwing his head back, “You are such a tease.”
I climb out of the pool and head into the house to dry off. I didn’t realize it, but Nana was standing there at the back door watching us to make sure we didn’t do anything on her watch. Once I changed my clothes I said good night to Drew and went to sleep. We slept in separate rooms, with an adjoining bathroom. Nana was smart though. She locked Drew’s side so he couldn’t get to me, lol!