(Toby’s POV)
I huddled under my window. I didn’t know what to do anymore. Sarah was okay. SHE WAS FUCKING OKAY!!! Hot tears were sliding down my face. I glared at my door. Static violated my ears.
I slowly got up and inched my way to the door. I couldn’t control myself, yet I knew what I needed to do. I felt all the fear I’ve ever felt melt into pure hatred for him. I grinned wickedly as I made my way to the kitchen.
I grabbed one of the knives mom sometimes used for cooking. I kept my grin on my face as I stared at my drunken father, almost passed out in front of the TV.
I just knew what I had to do. Sarah told me. That thing told me. Without a doubt, I knew deep within me that I could do it; no, that I will do it.
He was going to die tonight.
And he was going to die at my hands.
What can I say? Revenge’s a bitch.
~~~Sarah’s POV, Half a week after she woke up~~~
I can’t believe it. It’s been half a week since I woke up and found out who I really was. I was Slenderman’s daughter. I was with my true family. I was home. And loved.
Currently, I was walking through one of the Mansion’s many corridors. I pass by many rooms, most of which haven’t been claimed just yet. I pass by Izzy’s room, Helen’s room, Natalie’s room, Alex’s room, Jane’s room, before going down a flight of stairs to the second floor, which is where all of the proxy rooms are located. I passed by the Proxy Meeting room, then Tim’s room, Brian’s room, an empty room, before getting to my room.
I smiled at my door, before turning the pickaxe-shaped handle and entering my glorious room. My room had black carpets, dark purple walls, a mahogany wood bed with black and purple sheets, anime and band posters, a small TV with an Xbox 360, a gray desk with a black laptop, a black swivel chair, a bookcase with manga and regular novels, a dresser, an artist’s easel, art supplies, and my own art covered the walls along with the posters. On my bed there was a fuschia colored elephant that had no eyes and turquoise tusks. I also had my own closet and beanbag chairs (a black one, crimson one, and a purple one) in front of the TV. It was a pretty BAMF setup I had.
I grinned as I closed the door and went over to my computer. I logged on and began playing my Sims 3 game with my Seasons, Supernatural, Late Night, and Pets expansion packs. I debated on whether or not I should resume playing with the household I had made of me, my sister, my brother, my real parents, and Shadow. I bit my lip before creating another household. I ended up creating Kaitlyn, Tim, Brian, Ash, Izzy, Jeff, Toby, and a girl I didn’t quite recognize, but for some reason, I made her Jeff’s sister (I know I made nine sims, but I had the mod that allows you to have ridiculous amounts of sims, which was pretty sweet, to be honest). Of course I had made Kaitlyn’s sim a werewolf, since, well, she is part werewolf… I shivered as I remembered how I actually found out… The scar on my left side burned just thinking about it…
I was walking around in the woods around midnight, as per usual on summer break. Fireflies were floating all around and twinkling like stars. It was a calm and serene time with nobody else around. For me, this was a completely ideal time to be alone in my thoughts.
The stars overhead seemed to beam with pride. I smiled up at them, and they seemed to smile back. As I progressed through the woods, I heard this growling sound. I tried to figure out where it was coming from, but couldn’t find it. That’s when I saw two greenish hazel eyes glowing in the dark, before a wolf stepped out into the open; it’s brown fur gleaming in the moonlight. The fur also appeared to have some faded blonde streaks in it.
I backed up with my hands in the air, “Whoa, nice wolfie!” I said in an attempt to calm it down.
The wolf slashed at my side, leaving four long lashes. I gasped with pain as blood trickled from my side. I collapsed to the ground, ready for the wolf’s next move.
The wolf circled around me, before it launched itself at me. I braced myself for inevitable death, only to feel someone slam into me.
I opened an eye and saw Kaitlyn rubbing her head.
“Ow.. Wha.. What happened?” She asked. I stared at her, forgetting the pain in my side for a few moments.
I sat up, reaching for Kaitlyn, when suddenly I remembered the pain blossoming in my side. I let out a cry of pain and forced myself back down. I felt my side, now sticky and slick with my dark blood. I began to pant from the amount of pain that was radiating from my side.
Kaitlyn stared at me with confusion clear on her face, “Sarah?? Are you okay??”
I just looked at her, “No,” I said with sarcasm thick in my, slightly weak, voice, “I’m not okay, I promise.”
She just gave me a dirty look, “No more MCR references! And you’re not okay! You--You’re bleeding!” Kaitlyn looked like she was on the verge of tears, “It’s all my fault.. I-I should’ve kept myself in m-my room like mom t-t-told me to!!”
I opened my mouth to console her, but closed it as my vision faded to black.
~~~End of flashback~~~
I sighed, memories floating through out my mind. I shook my head and went on with my game. I blushed at the thought of making my sim and Toby’s sim being in a relationship. I shook my head. I barely know Toby! Yet, it was as if I’ve known him forever… Fuck. This is what happened between me and Austin! And look where that led!
I sighed, before saving the game and checking the time. It was pretty late, so I should probably go to bed. After all, my training for my revenge on Austin happens tomorrow. I grin just thinking about it. Revenge will be mine, and it will be sweet. I change into my PJs before climbing into bed. I closed my eyes as sleep overtook me.