Once within the wood, I took Shadow off his leash and tucked it into my pocket. Shadow didn’t need a leash, but it was a law of some kind, but if no one can see, it isn’t illegal, right?
Anyways, I was just walking through the woods, before I felt like I should just start singing. I paused for a moment, before figuring out what song I should sing. I grinned, and began singing Keep Myself Alive by Get Scared. I loved that band!
“I always ask myself, “How could this darker cloud make me stronger now?” I always ask myself, “When will this go away?”” I began, weaving in and out of the trees. I continued on with the song, “When will this change? Oh, I don’t wanna, wanna wait. All of this pain, oh will it, will it go away? I ask myself this everyday!!” I stumbled upon a hill. With a grin, I began to dramatically stomp up it. “**I just wanna leave this place behind! Every time I see your face and mine, I just wanna leave this place behind, every time I see your face and mine!”
I reached the top of the hill, Shadow close behind me. I kept singing, “I just wanna leave this place behind, every time I see your face and mine!** I sink and drink myself to sleep, I think I’m a lot stronger now. I gotta catch myself, to kick this over make it go away!! When will this change? Oh, I don’t wanna, wanna wait! Oh, all of this pain! Oh, will it, will it go away? I broke apart to play the game!” I took a deep breath before continuing, singing the chorus (**) before continuing onto the next verse, “So, what’s your inner thought? You left me high! You left me dry! So, what’s your life look like? Just don’t fix mine! You’re all you got! Never gazelling in my head, keeping me alive from my death. I keep singing, da da da da da, I keep singing just to keep myself alive!! Alive, just to keep myself alive..”
I stopped when I felt arms snake around me, holding me close. A male voice continued on, “**I just wanna leave this place behind! Every time I see your face and mine, I just wanna leave this place behind, every time I see your face and mine! I just wanna leave this place behind! Every time I see your face and mine, I just wanna leave this place behind, every time I see your face and mine!** So, what’s your inner thought? You left me high! You left me dry! So, what’s your life look like? Just don’t fix mine, you’re all you got! You’re all you got, you’re all you’ve got!”
Shadow growled at the new comer, teeth baring. The last time I remember him doing that was when… Was when I saw him for the first time “The Scary Man”. My heart was racing. This wasn’t happening. Whoever was holding me leaned down to my ear, “If I let you go, will you promise me not to run?”
I let myself calm down a bit, before responding, “I-I promise…”
“Good.” Was all I heard before he let me go. I barely caught myself from falling. I whipped around, and saw a boy around my age standing there. He had shaggy brown hair swept to the side in an “emo/scene” fringe-style. His skin was slightly tannish, but not quite tan, but not super pale, like mine, either. He wore a turquoise hoodie, dark jeans, gray fingerless gloves and gray combat boots. His eyes were white, and seemed to glow.
I was mesmerized by his eyes. They were just so beautiful, I felt like I could swim in them. “I like your eyes… I’ve never seen such pretty eyes…” Smooth, Sarah, you awkward panda, you! Wow, Death… Way to be mature…
He blushed, “U-Um… Thanks…? Anyways, my name is Herobrine. I already know who you are, Sarah.”
I blushed, “Okay… Both you and that little girl, Sally, know who I am… I’m guessing there’s more of you who know of me?”
Herobrine shrugged, “Maybe. I was told that if I saw you, I couldn’t kill you.” He looked at me, before his eyes widened, “Do you eyes normally change from hazel to purple?”
I looked at him, “What?” I clenched my fists together, “Death!!!” Herobrine looked at me funny.
“Who is Death?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. I sighed, blush covering my face. I shuffled my feet uncomfortably. He’s going to think I’m nuts.
“You are so spot on!! Bwahahaha!!!!” Death said, laughing at my misfortune. “He’ll think you’re insane!! Insane in zee membrane!! Insane in zee brain!!! Bwahahaha!!!”
“Oh, so you’re a voice in her head? That makes sense.” Herobrine nodded.
Death was ticked. She was so ticked, she took over my body and began speaking, “I’M JUST A “VOICE IN HER HEAD”!?!?!?! OOH, BOY, YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!!! I AM HER ALTER-EGO!!! HER ALTER-EGO--HER OTHER HALF!!! DON’T YOU FREAKING DARE TRY TO DEMOTE ME TO JUST A “VOICE IN HER HEAD”!!!!”
Herobrine looked at Death/me, completely amused. “Well, someone has a temper.” Death made my eye twitch.
“Shut up already, will ya? Tsk.” Death said, making me glare at Herobrine. I twitched, involuntarily, because of Death.
I fought back for control, “Will you just be quiet for once, Death?? You were mostly quiet when Slendy visited!!” I whisper-shouted at Death. Herobrine awkwardly shuffled his feet. I blushed again. Death was making me look so stupid.
“No offense, my sweet, sweet idiot, but you do all of that on your own.” Death said, finally back in my mind.
I rolled my eyes, “Are you eyes hazel again?” Herobrine nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Judging by that smile, he understood. He nodded again. Is he reading my mind right now? He shook his head. I glared at him, “If you aren’t then why are you shaking your head like you are???”
He shrugged, “I read your facial expressions. I can read a person’s expression like a book.”
“But you were also able to hear Death when she wasn’t talking out of me, so you can read minds?” I prodded.
He shrugged, “Yes, but for some reason, I can’t read yours. There is a short, very short, list of those whose minds I can’t read, yours just joined it. That fascinates me.”
My eyes widened. He was fascinated by me?? I looked away, blush covering my features. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Herobrine, but I gotta go now…”
He shrugged, “Alright. See you later, I suppose…”
I waved at him, before sprinting away, out of the woods, across the street, and up to my room, with Shadow trailing right behind me.