Allison sat in the driver’s seat in her bright red “gas-guzzler” she named Big Bertha. Lyra sat in the seat next to her, normally reserved for Mark, but he was driving his own car today. Toby and I sat behind them.
Allison turned to Toby and Lyra and asked, “Sarah and I normally listen to music on my playlist, are you fine with that?”
“What songs are on it?” Lyra asked.
“Oh stuff by Blink 182, My Chemical Romance, some Panic! At the Disco, Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, and Get Scared, courtesy of Sarah when she stole my MP3 player, and some T-Swift and artists like that. Oh, and now apparently Melanie Martinez and Anna Blue have made an appearance. Thank you, Sarah, for stealing my MP3 yet again.” Allison said the last part sarcastically.
“Hey, you don’t delete it!” I responded, “Plus you need some Music Jesus in your life.” Toby snorted in attempt to cover up a laugh.
“You mean Andy Biersack?” Toby asked, causing me to giggle.
“Yes. I mean Andy Biersack.” I responded.
Lyra laughed, “It’s okay if you play music. It won’t bother me at all.”
Allison rolled her eyes, “Alright, then. Let’s get to school.”
~~~Earlier, Toby’s POV~~~
I was a bit nervous about being around new people. I mean, what if they don’t like me? But, Lyra decided to bring us over to one of the neighbor’s house before school started. I was really nervous at this point. I mean, if a kid my age lived there, they’d probably be mean to me… You know, because of my twitching and stuff.
My ticks got worse as Lyra knocked on the door. I wanted to die so badly at that moment. Suddenly, a girl around Lyra’s age opened the door. She had short auburn hair with a blue streak in her hair. Her eyes were turquoise-colored. Her skin was pale.
“Hi, I’m Allison!” The girl greeted with a smile. Lyra smiled back.
“Hi! I’m Lyra and this is my little brother, Toby. It’s nice to meet you! We just moved in next door,” I blocked out what they were talking about until another girl, about my age, walked over.
She had shoulder-length dark, reddish brown hair with emo/scene fringe, hazel eyes, and pale skin. I noted that she had freckles and wore a Get Scared t-shirt. I should become her friend immediately. I took in the rest of her appearance; she wore a black hoodie, dark skinny jeans, Jack Skellington high tops, black and red striped scarf, and black gloves with black fishnet sleeves? That was a bit interesting. Not that I should talk, I mean, look at my hoodie!
I was feeling like I shouldn’t be here, I mean, just because she looks nice and seems nice doesn’t mean she probably won’t treat me horribly. You should never judge a book by its cover. Time went on, Allison invited us in, we accepted. Sarah went into the kitchen, and I decided to follow her to talk to her.
She took some waffles out of a toaster, probably burning herself on accident. I can tell by her reaction, “Sweet freckled Jeebus you’re HOT!!!!!!” I decide to speak up.
“Well *crack* you’re not so bad *crack* yourself,” Sarah turned around to see me. She smirked.
“Are you a waffle? I think not. And thank you! At least someone appreciates me!” Sarah said, laughing. I smiled.
“Yeah, and I secretly *crack* am a waffle! I’m delicious.” I grinned.
“You’re pretty outgoing, now aren’t you?” Sarah asked, leaning against the counter.
I shrugged, “I mean, I guess. *crack* You just seemed like a nice person. And you like Get Scared….” I said, gesturing to her shirt.
I looked down at her shirt, “Oh! Allison got me this shirt at Warped Tour! It actually got signed by the band! See?” Sarah asked, pulling the edge of the shirt down to show me their signatures. “Same thing with one of my Black Veil Brides shirts.”
I smiled, “Bands are *crack* pretty cool, huh?” Sarah grinned.
“That’s awesome! We already have something in common, well, besides having older sisters.” Sarah said, smiling. Sarah looked over at her waffles, “Do you want any?” Sarah asked out of the blue.
I looked at her, “Really? I can have some?” Sarah nodded. “YES!!!” Sarah gave me four of her eight waffles and we ate them in her room.
~~~Timeskip, At School, Toby’s POV~~~
I smiled, just thinking about this morning. I just hoped that Sarah’s friends would like me. I mean, her friends liking me is literally the biggest thing to affect my high school life. Sarah noticed that I’d stopped in my tracks. She linked her elbow with mine.
“C’mon, Toby! The more you wait, the less time you’ll have to look around and know where all your classes are. And possibly miss out on meeting the best people you’ll ever meet.” Her hazel eyes met my brown ones. “Do you need some confidence? Here, I’ll give you some.” She grabbed some air around her and pretended to throw something at me.
I laughed, trying to push her away, “No, no! *crack* I’m good, thanks!”
“You sure? You know what, I’m going to give you the good stuff now.”
“Not the butt-confidence!”
Sarah laughed, “What butt-confidence? No, I’m going to give you…” Sarah grabbed air from in front of where her heart would be and placed her hand on my chest. “Heart confidence. 113% better than butt-confidence.”
I blushed as I laughed back. “I *crack* bet!”
We stood there like that for a few moments.
“Your heartbeat feels nice.” She muttered, an awkward attempt at conversation.
“Um.. Thank you?” I muttered back; my face was beginning to feel on fire.
“Hey, Sarah, just the girl I wanted to see! Er, what the fuck are you doing?” Asked a guy with blond hair and icy blue eyes. His skin was pale, but not as pale as Sarah’s. Apparently, he knew her.
Sarah growled, taking her hand back. “Feeling his heartbeat and giving him heart confidence.”
The guy chuckled, “Ah, typical Sarah being wonderfully strange. Anyways--”
The guy was taken back, “You have no clue what I was about to say--”
“Yes I do. You were about to ask me to the Autumn Formal and to give you another chance, and my answer is no. I know you all too well, Austin.” Sarah responded, before taking my hand and walking away. “Let’s go, Toby. I don’t want you getting affected by this idiot and his awful behavior.”
“What? Are you still hating me about what happened? Sarah, I made a mistake. I’ve changed! I--” Austin stopped when he noticed the murderous look in Sarah’s eye.
“That wasn’t a mistake, you made, Austin.” She said. “That was just you showing your true colors. They aren’t very pretty.”
Austin puffed his cheeks out and looked like he was about to smack Sarah across the face when suddenly he fell over, clutching his… uh... area... in pain. A petite girl with long brown hair with red bangs and blonde highlights stood with her foot raised in the place where Austin was just standing.
“Hahaha! I just smashed your half moon!” The girl said, triumphantly. She wore dark colored jeans, black Vans, and a navy blue shirt with a gray wolf on it.
“Excellent timing, Kaitlyn,” Sarah said, patting the girl on the head. The girl, who I assumed was Kaitlyn, grinning up at Sarah.
“I do my best, my tall person!” She chimed. That’s when she noticed me. “Hey, who’s the new guy? Oooh, is he your boyfriend?” She wiggled her eyebrows at Sarah, who was blushing a lot.
“N-No… He and I litrally met this morning.” Sarah said, using a British accent on the word “literally”. “To date or marry someone you just met is just litrally too soon.”
Kaitlyn covered her ears, “NO MORE DAN AND PHIL REFERENCES!!”
Sarah smiled and patted her head, “Aww, it’s okay Kaitlyn!” She took Kaitlyn’s hands off of her ears and turned her to face me. “Kate-tah-lynn, this is Toby.”
Kaitlyn waved at me, “Hello! I am Kaitlyn Witch! I am the smexiest person at this school, and don’t you forget it!”
I waved back, chuckling a little bit. “Hi, I’m Toby Rogers! I hope we’ll be friends.”
Both Kaitlyn and Sarah laughed. “Oh, we already are.” Kaitlyn said.
“And we hope that is just dandy with you,” Sarah finished.
I was beginning to wonder if these two were related somehow.