They had the friends rice and dumplings before venturing out again, at that time they were refreshed, and their bellies filled with warm food. They had yet conquered the entire peninsula, heading up north would be a great continuation after the hike from the east side.
Further upwards from where they lived were a series of fabric-related art galleries and shops, inconveniently none were opened. The north side of the peninsula was of no distinction to a regular city without its’ side of artistic side. The climb only discouraged them into travelling further, they retraced and went back to the apartment, going back as soon as possible before losing their motivation to explore the patch of mountainous French land.
Julie was an unexpected visitor when they opened the door, and although she was the rightful owner of the apartment. She mentioned that she came back for some of her painting tools as she glanced around every corner her courtly manner allowed her to. She was jobless but maintained a certain degree of dignity when conversing with. Had they not known about her employment, they would have been convinced that she was an accomplished artist.
Seeing the two’s tethered expression, she tried to justify her presence.
“I came back just to pick up some of my brushes.”, she continued.
“Uh…ok, feel free to.”, Cay responded, unsure how to react.
“I’m just painting all the time, sometimes I forget that I don’t have a paintbrush with me.”
“Oh, I see, that explains why you’re here.”, Cay answered halfheartedly, she was unaware of his sarcasm.
Judas was halfway upstairs, probably checking on their belongings.
“So, why be an artist?”
“Well, I didn’t have a job as I told you before, Monsieur.”, she added, “That’s why I want to paint.
Judas gave Cay a nod from upstairs, indicating nothing had been stolen during her uninvited visitation.
Her last words confused Cay; Her justification only mislead anyone who heard it. He could not recall in any artists’ biographies that they decided to become a contributor to the artistic-side of the world due to financial circumstances. He had always thought artists were passionate lovers of each other’s work, hence they created more for the sake of art. Such activity performed by a specific occupation only added to the value and mystery of what artists did what they did.
Julie’s answer was blasphemy to the ears of Cay; her comment about her work could only be deemed as guilty in the ears of real artists. Perhaps she would grow to appreciate what she had been doing since picking up her first paintbrush and canvas, and reflect regrettably on what she said. Or perhaps not, people never did nowadays.
Cay was angered by her last answer, the unmovable dignity held by French people was astonishing, it felt ridiculous to him. He could not contain seeing the person in front of him--- Her comment made her face a target of fistful collisions.
He placed his right hand on his waist and pointed at a random abstract painting, giving empty-praises of how good it looked.
She looked genuinely appreciative and replied with a “thank you.”.
On a random Tuesday evening at church, after a year since joining the local church, Cay had become a solid member. His prayers have improved over the months (“convincing.”, Pastor Xie once told him.) and his presence well-known among the young.
He was not as confident as he would be in his older teenage years, practicing in front of mirrors was still a regular routine in the tedious process of becoming a confident man. He was shy in front of girls his age even though they considered him a “friendly-face”, he was afraid of losing face in front of Qun.
Qun had started coming to the church since as early as the beginning years of the twenty-first century, she had placed her faith in god probably sooner than him as well. They met regularly on Tuesdays and Sundays, it was unreasonably naive to attend church activities just to see her, Cay ridicule himself. He was religious, but at the same time religious to the exploration of girls.
He had a group of male friends, almost the same age as he was, which were boyish in their own ways. His female friends were far more limited at school than in church--- He used the ones from the latter to establish his confidence. His female friends consisted of Jul, Mandy, and Lisa who was Qun’s younger twin sibling. It was not until a few years later he met more, for now he was satisfied with the circle of familiar faces he grew to like.
Lisa really showed the characteristics of a younger sibling, despite the twin sisters were only born a few minutes apart. She was the cheekiest among the group and would sometimes bother the rather shy Cay, who preferred not to be touched my females his age. They had been involved in angry confrontations between each other before, only to fall out in a friendship and mended it again. The biggest reason why he took interest in her because of how much he wanted to know about her twin sister; Her actions at least justifiable because of the pardon made by Qun’s presence.
Saying the he liked her was a little bit too much, Cay blushed at the thought during some nights.
He started going out with his friends from church nearly months later. Realising how fun it had been to do stuff with friends, he found every reason to see them, as a group, of course. He was still nervous when it came face-to-face with only one person, friend or stranger. However, the trips he made to church influenced his school life, classmates began noticing his self-confidence during his last year of secondary school. He spoke with girls more, a bit straining but acceptable.
“Let’s talk somewhere, in a café (or “Mamak” restaurant).”, Cay’s motto to his invited friends.
He was frivolous of yet at the same time enjoyed phoning and texting his friends about the next meeting schedule. He became a sort of “go-to” person when the group of church youths solidified their relationships, there was always non-alcoholic drinks to be consumed and topics to be exchanged. Cay was steadily rising in terms of self-confidence and self-grooming (he was still considered ugly to some of his classmates).
He would not have a meaningful life, he thought, had he not go to church. He felt in debt with his faithful god and to his Christian friends, he was sensitive to anything good to him at that time. He felt as if he could take on the whole world by himself, that was before he even got engaged with flirting.