They arrived back at the hostel after window shopping in which both did not protest against the idea of walking around the modern but still Roman-looking high streets. David and Carianna were nowhere to be seen, the latter Yoshi mentioned had left after a night’s stay, her bed was later occupied by Melinda, who asked the landlady to move her to this room. Apparently, the space Cay and Judas occupied was the most lively of the rest, it was probably due to Daniel’s outreach to Espanyol-like.
It was not early nor late enough for bed, they began chatting with Yoshi more about his trip, which he said “I don’t know. I’ve never planned ahead before.”. Stating he would either fly to Poland or board a train to Venice, depending on his liking, and budget. Cay was appalled by the idea of one’s inadequate preparation, especially travelling on a budget because he had prepared files and a cost ledger just for the sake of not exhausting their capacity for visitations, and money. Yet, somehow, he admired Yoshi’s daring and swaggering attributes. Judas did not comment throughout the whole conversation.
Cay mentioned to Judas that he wanted to visit some of the museums in Rome, but Judas replied that he had other plans. Cay was a bit skeptical but dismissed it, taking this as an opportunity to travel without considering others, which he rarely did. He never really knew much about the man anyway, and at that time felt appropriate to let him do what he pleased, for whatever reasons.
They all went to bed, leaving Cay to stay up a little while to work on his schedule of the next destinations. He had not been able to finish the detailed plan of each cities to visit, there were to many activities, paid or free, to do. Some things are best left to realise, reading reviews had never help much, from what Cay and Judas experienced after the previous visits. He was relieved by that thought, but nevertheless must plan at least what they will be doing in the next few days. It kept him occupied.
Staring outside, there was no moon to be seen, only a 8-storey high building left by the reconstruction of the 20th century, giving it an authentic belonging within the capital. Even if it was just another premise used to accommodate foreign visitors. Washed fabrics from the evening that were hung out late had been left with only wooden clipper to guard them from the breeze, which would otherwise fell off the washing line. Cay imagined the cheap bad linens to be released like dried yellow leaves dispatched from their mother tree.
He managed to make plans fro tomorrow, without the pressure of Judas’s presence, although the latter did not do much to cause any worries to his schedule. He pocketed his Italian twenty-pack bought recently from a tobacco shop nearby and went out his room, onto the outside street, with the same moist stifling air. It gave him clarity after spending much time in the inviting but stuffy room, to think and to reconsider anything.
The cigarettes he smoked were soon smoked one by one with a reasonably fast breathing, he went to bed in no time, in hope of waking up without the sluggishness of an inadequate night’s rest. As he was half-asleep, the door of the room open, the orange-yellow light from the hallway permeating through his closed eyelids only contributed to the sleepiness. The light footsteps passing through the foot of his bed as he slowly fell into sleep.
Whoever just came in, Cay will just have to greet in the morning. Too tired and comfortable in his own foamy bed to care about this world.
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Cay and Jenna headed off to Frome one morning, she described the place as “boring but in a good way” accompanied by a hill of independent clothing and antique (real or fake) shops.
They boarded the train at about 8.a.m with the ticket of the same orange-side on both short ends, standardized by the government and train corporations. Coffee was needed and Cay was thankful for the modest coffee chain alongside the platform where they departure. They had sushi as well, which both agreed was fresh enough, better than the cold hard rice with days’ old smoked salmon from Sainsburys and Tesco Express.
The journey there was short and Cay felt the lingering dissatisfaction, long trips usually brought him somewhere different with unfamiliar surroundings. Frome was too close to Bath.
It was a short walk from the station to the main streets where several pubs were opened and a fish stall selling suspiciously fresh ocean-caught fish in white polystyrene boxes. They passed through a wall with an artistically sprayed pattern, Jenna had always admired the work and Cay could see why. The passion put into the urbane artwork was recognizable to who willing to linger for a few minutes to stare at, the artist unknown and probably uncared for.
Catherine Hill turned out to be a steep incline with a laid grey brick road, the sides were filled with quirky cafes serving mostly vegetarian burgers and healthy chips, as seen on the menu displayed on lecterns and stands. Shops of clothing and handcrafted shoes just behind the glass façade that Cay could not bring to understand why Jenna did not like were neatly placed alongside each other. The premises selling fake or real antiques were situated on the left side of the end of the incline.
After entering several antique shops guided by Jenna, and uncountable number of photoshoots later, they settled themselves comfortably on a small table beside the glass facade that protruded outwards towards the brick road. They chatted over standard burgers (Jenna liked the vegetarian ones, said they were flavorsome compared to the meaty ones) and sweet potato chips. Tea was a must-drink staple in English culture, although coffee was fine, complimenting with what they just had.
They stopped by the chinse takeaway to say hello to Jenna’s parents. It was Cay’s first actual meeting with Jenna’s father, he had whiting hair tied onto a bun at the back of his head, it looked out of place considering the recent hipster trend of man-buns, as seen on the streets of Bath. He had a solid built not because of his effort spent on workouts, but due to his high and possibly 9-stone body. His politeness betrayed his appearance and Cay was taken aback by the sudden outburst of soft-spoken tone and friendly gestures.
They left the building before being chased down half-way by Jenna’s mother, they were given special chow mien, courtesy of being Jenna’s boyfriend. With the coming dinner settled, they took the evening train and went back to Bath, with the noodles still half-warm, enough to enjoy over pirated movies on Cay’s laptop.
The trip prompted Cay to grow a warm fondness towards Jenna’s parent. A kind couple nearing their fifties and respected by the small but vibrant town, what was there not to like about them?
Cay thought of this as they finish their free dinner, all the while recalling the fond memories of Taiwan with his parents.