“You like this one?”, Judas said it as he tilted his head towards the woman behind the glass door.
Her skin was a lighter dark, the appearance could be made out even with just the dim neon-purple light illumination above her. She wore a cropped tight t-shirt with her slim stomach exposed to the air, her hair was wavy and jet black. Her skin glowed, just like her colleagues (or did they used the term?), lined up behind their assigned transparent doors. Her figure would catch the eye of any straight man and queer woman and she has a gorgeous face, but appearance was only the norm in Amsterdam’s line of prostitution.
“Maybe, but let’s walk around more and look elsewhere.”
“I think she’ll be the right one.”, Judas said with a smirk on his face and with an expression that Cay had not seen before.
That caused Cay to feel uncomfortable, not from the growing awkwardness of their crusade but by his partner’s unfamiliar side. I had been hard enough to read his mind, but at least he felt at ease with it. He had to make up his mind soon.
There were people walking pass them, most of them with the same glances at the workers and only a few who laughed in their group conversations. The alleyways were like an exhibition of exotic animals for enthusiastic viewers, the animals stood obedient on the ground or sitting on their high chairs, waiting to prey on the eyes of the spectators and bait them in with their pretentiously luscious eyes.
“Alright.”, said Cay, finally. A man who walked past by him did not here and continued to look at his side.
“Let’s just get it over and done with.”, he added.
“Good, enjoy.”, Judas patted the back of his neck. Cay could sense him smiling behind his back as he walked towards the glass door in front of him.
“I’ll be waiting for you nearby, just call me when you’re done.”
He could feel how nervous he had been ever since laying his eyes on the dark-skinned woman, his right hand formed into a fist when he knocked the door.
“Hi.”, said the lady with the jet-black, wavy hair.
“So, is it fifty Euros?”
“Alright. I’m coming in.”
“Follow me.”, she responded by turning herself towards the room behind her.
As she led Cay into the bed room filled with a double-bed, a small table containing the necessary precautions on the shelf below it, a digital alarm-clock, and again dim lighting surrounding the small room.
“So, what’s your name?”, she sensed the tension inside of him and probably tried to ease him with a light talk.
“Just call me Cay, please.”
They were just a bunch of youngsters with a habit of petty thief and vandalizing public and private property (“I’m just reshaping what I see.”, said Boy A one time when they were throwing stones at the widow’s home at their neighborhood. Shattering any that her house could accommodate.). The gang usually consisted of four people, maybe more, as the only girl in the group could recall.
The group of friends were suspended from the school just fifteen minutes’ walk away from the city centre of Southampton for bullying and injuring a class mate. Goof for the bloke for making fun of our intelligence, said Boy C when they met together after a few days of suspension. Their parents were lucky that the parents of the victim did not file any reports to the police after much pleading from the assaulters’ parents and guardians and even more begging from the headmaster, the latter feared it would cost the school’s reputation. Even worse, his position as the head of the school.
While their parents dragged each of their child to every available school, even as far as Dorset, just to ensure a secured future for his or hers’ future, the kids had only increasingly violated the law even further. Their first thieving happened one Thursday evening at a local convenience store at Nursling, they ended up reuniting again a few streets after being chased by the Indian owner and presented their bags of reward to each other. For the growing and misbehaving youths, they did not once think about the future they would have but lived only at that moment: To enjoy every moment and rejoice when they acquired any amusement from what they did.
To the group, boy A was like a leader to them who always made the next plan was and he was the one who organized the “official meetings” at the disused park near their homes. Boy B was their thug-like member since he was the largest of them all. Boy C was a misfit at class, he had been bullied multiple times before due to his unusual intelligence and sporadic ideas until one day boy A along with the group saved him from the usual bullies. The girl fancied boy A but could not bring herself to confess to him, but silently agreeing with him with each move he made, gradually she became more and more active in the group and the boys eventually accepted her and saw her as an indispensable member.
Everyday, especially when their parents or guardians were not present, they spent most of the mornings and evenings at the park, either just to talk about non-sensible ideas or just staring at the passers-by. In the evening, after lectures from mothers and fathers alike, they would sneak out of home when the adults went to bed and performed the tasks as set by boy A that afternoon. The latter’s plans only grew more ambitious as fueled by Boy C’s suggestions and view, made confident by boy B’s Physical size and feeble mind, and his executions dignified whenever the girl was around. The kids from their past schools were intimidated by their presence whenever they saw them on their side of the roads. afraid of receiving potential harm, they would avoid walking pass their usual route and would rather take an extra kilometer just to reach school or home.
While their activities had not been made known to the public of Southampton, the institutions within the region of Southern England acknowledged their misdeeds and proceeded to deny their enrollment, making it very difficult for the kids’ parents and guardians. Their motto “Never give into this shit” had been carried out with a strict sense that they would not give up and give out on each other, either from after internal arguments or when they were beating up a pleading student from a nearby school.