The mild and herby Brazil, the spicy and sweet Samurai, the mixed-blend of curry and ketchup, and the regular sauces that you could find internationally were all available at a Fritland chain. The creativity and funky atmosphere that a mere chip chain was beyond the two’s imaginations.
The two sat down with trays of thick-cut potatoes and preferred sauces, indulging more on the latter than the former.
“How are you enjoying the frites?”, a middle-aged man called out from the till.
“Great, great.”, Cay sounded louder when he said ‘great’ the second time, the man satisfied with a smirk on his greasy face. His red uniform stained with oil and pride.
In no time, Judas finished his meal before Cay, who had been engaging on his frites continuously. The two left with greasy stomachs and a hearty feeling. It felt right to be exploring Brussels like that.
Unsurprisingly, imitations of the Mannekin Pis were displayed on sides of buildings as they trailed along busy cobbled streets. There were bookstores catering locals and tourists who spoke English (or at least understand it) and independent performance that were later halted by the authorities, but then continues to operate. A lively city in which a diversity of people could enjoy at their own pace.
They entered the Gran Place. Busier than ever without the familiar faces of Jack and Ella, probably guiding other tour groups, people were pouring in and out from any available pavements. The clanking of impractical high-heels on rocky grounds and sunglasses hiding eyes from the enjoyable sun, most of them had difficulty hearing the accented tour guides’ introductary and had to tip-toe in an attempt to catch what he or her was saying.
They spotted a Flemish church that had not been single orthodoxically design, the Church of Our Lady was the place of worship for Spaniards, although not exclusively. Inside, a local preacher was in the middle passing teaching from the bible, evidently from The Book held in his raised right hand. People, mostly tanned-skin and middle-aged, were listening with absorbed enthusiasm, believing it to be holy to be engaging in a proper manner in the house of god.
The shops within the galleries of Saint Hubert displayed world-renowned Belgian chocolates, the prices so. People sitting on aluminium chairs outside of the cafes, sipping their hot coffees and chai only to be eyed briefly by passers-by. The exits of any galleries were met with busy roads and passing cars; the walkers greeted by other walking in the opposite direction.
There were graffiti in every known and unpopular street, it had not been long after Cay obtained a collection of photos. Judas was relaxing from the pace of his walk, encouraged his companion to walk further away from the center of activity and to the west side of Bruxelles. There, signs indicating a Muslim community were displayed, locals with Arabic features walked along the littered pavements. Elderly women with burkas haggling with store owners in a foreign language and kids were seen running rampantly outside of a large white church with a Neo-Gothic design.
The church did not fit within the Islamic community, giving Cay a sense of unfitted curiosity. Brussels was a mixed of communities that tolerated people of all races and religions, however divided the communities were.
They sat on one of the dirty benches where the kids were near. A man had been tearing small chunks of bread, feeding a flock of pigeons and stared at them with an immersed look.
With only limited time in Dorset, Jenna suggested to arrive at Poole early. The vibrant city has been undergoing structural developments in the past decade: symmetrical and Eco-friendly buildings were seen under construction near its’ harbor and lorries carrying locally-sourced raw materials into their vicinity.
The bus driver had been kind enough to overlook their invalid bus tickets (“You can only get on Blue buses with those ticket. But never mind, I’m in a hurry. Hope on!”, said the old driver with a quizzy but cheery look.) and soon the two were at the city with the sun still high enough for daylight visibility.
The harbor was an abundance of activities: stages for musical bands were being set up on a weekly routine, local stores selling street seafoods, and teenagers still on their uniforms walking dangerous near the water. Sail boats at Dolphin Quay had their sails withdrawn and there were boat owners drinking bottled beers, laughing heartily at one of their jokes tossed into the mix of conversations.
The two sat on the ledge next to the quay, fried churros on their hands and energized by caffeine, they joined in on the lively atmosphere.
“We still have some time left, don’t worry.”, Cay needlessly assured Jenna.
Looking at his girlfriend, he wondered how much similar the two have been becoming for the past two years. Intrinsically, they spoke the same language without having to speak out. She was more beautiful than he was handsome, what did he do to deserve the woman that he had ever wanted?
“Cay, I have something to tell you.”, with a look of seriousness, she kissed him by the lips.
“I love you.”, she added coquettishly.
“I love you too, honey.”
“When can we have more moments like this?
Cay had not been expecting the question, but answered:
“As long as we’re together. Lasting moments like this won’t be the last.”
Jenna felt a cringed but let it out with a hardly-restrained laugh.
“I love it when you’re like this.”, he caressed her left face with his hand.
The two felt even more drawn together and moved closer for a full embrace, the sun setting just in front of them, so bright its’ orange shone intensively but also welcomingly. The two spent the rest of the time sitting, their churro half eaten and the paper bags holding them have been nearly permeated with oil.
The bus came just in time as they bough a bottle of water just to keep hydrated for the long journey back home.
The love between the two had grown ever more honest and they linked hands while on the buses and train back to the town where they met originally. The darkened sky painted with a soothing dark purple, and the stars showered themselves with warm brightness to whoever rose their head and gazed upon the celestial eternity.