I met new friends after school hours. They were all nice and meant no harm. As far as I can see only, the students who gave me glares are the people who loves to flirt. It is just me but maybe they think of me as a competition. I just brushed them off as I continue to gain new acquaintances in my new school.
My mom was preparing for dinner when I got home. We got sushi and hotpot for tonight. alright hooray for Japanese food! My dad turn the air conditioner so high I felt Elsa presence in our house.
"Dad! It's too cold!" I shouted from the kitchen while I am helping my mom slice some vegetables.
"It's hotpot day! It needs to be cold so we can feel the hot in the hotpot!" my dad shouted back while he was watching television.
After I helped my mom I decided to go upstairs and check my facebook. I got so many friend requests from my new school Clarkson Academy. I was changing into house clothes when dad entered my room.
"Privacy dear dad!" I smack him a pillow. "I was changing undies!"
"Sorry about that. anyway why are you changing into house clothes?" my dad pointed at my holistic figure. "Aren't you supposed to impress our guest on how sensible your fashion is like you always do?" Say what? we have guests?
"I was not informed that we have guests." I said a matter of fact. I crossed my arms in sheepishly manner. "Now.. now... It was you mother's idea not mine. Anyway how's school?"
"Schools fine. Bullying is in losing streak. More like since high school." I smiled at him and hugged my dad. I was always this close to them. They treated me like their own child and love me so much.
"That's great to hear. Anyway, go dress a fancy, I heard we'll have a boy who's at the age as you." My dad gave me a wink. I had previous relationships before but none last. 1 year is the longest actually.
I decided to wear a black dress with long sleeve lace. I tied my hair in a pony tail and leave my bangs to one side. It's a dinner with guests anyway. I was fixing some few more things in my hair when my mom called me to go downstairs to get ready as a family.
After a few minutes the door bell rang. My mom opened the door and we greet our guests when suddenly I was squished by someone.
"Why hello their neighbor! This is so cool!" I know that voice! We instantly giggled at the news. Bea's family is our new neighbor!
The old people just laugh at this as they entered our house. mom and dad accompanied Bea's parents in the house while Bea and me are chatting like there's no tomorrow. Bea is such a nice person. She knows what I want and don't, it is as if she knew me a long time ago, and now; we are officially bestfriends!
When I was about to close the door, a foot was stuck at the bottom part of the door, as I open the door I saw Jake Brian.
"Not to be rude but... What are you doing here?" I asked him. Is he a stalker? LOL He is the school playboy I am not the beautiful to be worth stalking for. But then, why is he here?
"What? you're already bestfriends with my sister and you don't know were siblings?" Jake asked me which made my eyebrows arch. I turned to Bea this time. "You said his name is Jake Brian."
"yes. that's his name." She said while scanning the shows in the television. I on the other hand let Jake enter our home. "Then why is he saying that he is your sibling?" I said as I sit next to her.
"I said that is his name. I never said that it is his full name." A sly smirk was plastered n her lips. They are siblings yes.
"Jake Brian Jackson. Nice to meet you." He shook my hand as I reply "Reid Greene Nice to meet you too."
The dinner was heaven. The Jackson family was delighted by the food and after some few more hours of chatting with each other they decided to go home.
It was such a pleasant night. So Bea and Jake are siblings. I have learned that they are twins but they don't look alike. Bea has blonde hair and quite petite while Brian has black hair and tall, and hot and you know the rest of the characteristics of a playboy.
I was almost asleep when I heard a loud bang from our neighbors room. Who's room is it? is their a robber? where's the criminal? I search for a weapon only to find nothing but my knife card. I opened my window only to see Brian helping a poor light stand to stand again. Then a red haired girl appeared and started to kiss him in his neck. He kisses her back and their tongues swirled with each other.
He undresses the girl revealing a tattoo at her back near her butt. Brian started kissing her from lips to neck down to her breast and nibble her you know what it is and the started to moan. Looks like their parents are not at home?
I am having a Live Porn Show!!! In My Window!!! But of course I decided to spoil their mood hahaha I am so evil.
"People are trying to sleep. keep it down. I thought someone is dying! And keep your curtains close. Nice tattoo by the way" I end with a wink for the red haired girl. The girl blushed and Brian's face was unbelievable. He looked so shocked his eyes almost popped out of his face and his mouth was hanging open wide. After that no more noises was heard but a pure bliss of the night. I am so right to do that.
I feel heavy when I woke up. stupid alarm clock! I slammed the stop button and continued sleeping. When suddenly I felt a feet brushed in my legs. that's when I snapped my eyes wide open. what the fvck was that?!
"Good morning babe" I was greeted by Brian with a smile and wink. he was hugging me. In my room. Particularly in my bed.
"What the hell! Get out!" I kick his butt as he laugh so hard and go back to his room.
"Better lock you window next time sweetheart" He said then left his room.
That was strike two. What is his deal with me? I don't even like him or friends with him and now he is already invading my space! Oh you are so dead Jake Brian Jackson.