It's just 6am and I am already pissed off. C'mon! I did not even do anything to him except to ruin a little his night. And it's for the sake of the neighbors! They were to loud last night! In case Jake Brian Jackson didn't know, there is a word called PRIVACY!
I close my window and my curtain to make sure that Mr. playboy can't see me. I take a bath and get ready for school. As I go downstairs, Bea is already there eating eggs and bacon. Yep She ate here.
"Good morning sis!" She greeted me while munching her food. "I would like to thank you for ruining the night of a certain someone." She smiled at me this time we do some victory dance which creped out my parents.
"Would you please don't do that when were here? And what happened last night?" My mom asked us while handing my breakfast.
"Nothing special. It's just hard to sleep if someone is moaning like a maniac." We both said in unison. LOL hahaha! I swear we are the twins.
This time I ride in Bea's car on my way to school. "So what happened last night? they suddenly became quiet." Bea asked me while driving.
I told her everything about last night and snorted I swear I almost grab the steering wheel coz she's laughing so hard.
"Anyway, changing the topic, do you know that you can't have your hair that long? It's in the schools policy." She's worried as she looked at me.
"I know. It's not like I never cut it. I just a super great shampoo that can make your hair long in just weeks." I shrugged her off. "Besides it's already 19 years."
We entered the Clarkson Academy and we saw Brian with a cheerleader. His arms was on her waist and he is whispering something that made her giggle and blush. Lo and behold! Jake Brian Jackson in action! He sure can control them in every single thing that he do.
"You're eying my brother again." Bea closed her locker and smiling smugly at me. She giving me the "I know you Like him look"
"You are so wrong in every single details that you are thinking now!" I said to her as she laugh her butt out.
"Sorry honey but I have morning practice today. go to the class on your own." She waved me goodbye.
I was on my way in Mr. Bean's class when Brian stop me in my tracks and pinned me in the wall. He was looking at me with his lustful eyes as if he was ready to devour me. I on the other hand was tranced at his eyes but I brushed it off immediately.
"You need something?" I ask him.
"You look gorgeous." He whispered in my ear.
I felt chills all over my body. how does he do that? No no no Reid. it is time for a little payback.
I cling my arms on his neck and look at him seductively. Oh boy I was good at this. I whispered to his ear. "I know that already baby." I traced his chest which made him flinched. I closed the gap between us not were only centimeters and our lips will touch each other. I bite my lip and put his arms in my waist. His eyes darkened. I can see he was eye raping me. When he was about to grab me in full contact of his body I whispered to him again. "That's for waking me up so early today." I left him with a wink and he was left there in the school hallway with a boner. He dashed to the comfort room passing me as I let out a little chuckle. You mess with the wrong person Brian.
Never. Ever. Try interrupt my Slumber.
Brian continued to pissed me off all week long! Like when we met in the hallway he grabbed my ass which let out a small gasp from me and earned a smirk from him.
In the cafeteria, he seated next to me and chat with us (I mean Bea) then when he was about to leave he forced a banana in my mouth. I mean what the hell was that!
During English, he kept on poking my arm until I asked our teacher to make him stop doing that which earned him a detention hah!
He kept on following me in the corridor and when I asked him why is he following me he just shrugged and that: " My mom said follow my dreams." Ughh! That pick up line is soo old already.
He even smacked my forehead when we crossed each other in the hallway!
What the fudge is wrong with him!?
Bea and I are having a movie in their house when Brian got home.
"You guys are coming to the party tonight?" He asked us while opening the fridge to get something to eat.
"Who's hosting it?" I asked him.
"Captain Jock." Brain said as he continued to munch on his food.
"what?" I was confused. who the hell is captain Jack? does he mean Captain Jack Sparrow? I would love to be in that party but no ones in the mood for costumes since it's not yet Halloween.
Bea slapped my arm playfully. "Captain Jock means the captain of the basketball team." OHHH!!! Captain JOCK! hah! good thing I did not blurt it out. that would be embarrassing.
"Were going. what time will it start?" I said to them.
"It already started about an hour or two. and you two are already fashionably late." He said as he go out and go ahead of us.
"Let's go change then. You got something to wear?" Bea said as we go upstairs.
"I'm new here. none of my clothes was seen by any of you here."
Bea and I arrived around 9 in the evening at Captain Jocks house. why they are partying? Basketball team got the new uniforms for this year. Bea wore a Yellow dress that was above her knee in length. While I on the other hand wore a pink long sleeve dress and and black high heels. The dress ended in between my leg length.
When we enter Bea got herself a guy already while I on the other decided to sit on the bar corner and drink lightly. Few guys talked to me while sitting their, maybe around twenty-four or more. I met some of the girls I know from school and decided to join them on the dance floor. That's where I bump with Brian who was at that moment kissing a blonde girl while having two more girls in his arms.
"Wow." is all he could say when he saw me.
I smiled at the three girls. " I see you got yourself quiet handy tonight." I was talking to Brian this time.
"Uh... yeah.." He looked away.
the three girls backed away and said to call them if he need them.
"so... wanna dance?" He asked me to make things flow in normal conversation.
"Were already at the dance floor Brian." I grin at him. Do I make him nervous? What he was doing is so cute. I mean uncool.
"yeah... hahaha.. I can see that... now that... you mention it." then he passed out.
carried him and put him in a chair. Kidding! As if I can carry him he's too heavy. I swear I tried but it's no use! So some guys put him in a chair. I texted Bea that we need to go home because his brother passed out while Brian's friends are snapping a photo of him.
"Hahahahaha! He said he can do it but looks like he did not!" His friends are talking to each other. I learned that Brian participated in a game earlier which involves drinking different kinds of alcoholic drinks and he won with 13 empty litter bottles. He should not drink that many besides, it's only Thursday. We still have class tomorrow. Tomorrow. I smiled at this knowing that what will happen tomorrow till shock Jake Brian Jackson.