It was hard to know who was more surprised. Or the player with the wand when a bullet came out of nowhere from behind the wall and hit him in the back of the head.
before Ifrit could recover from his surprise I leaped forwards. Driving a dagger into his back and kicking the legs out from under him. I leapt backwards and ran for the stairs leading to the battlements. High ground and taking out the guards in the corner guard posts was going to be key to this.
I reached the top of the stairs and dashed forwards. Trying to reach the wand wielding player and finish him off. Only halfway there to trip and fall over apparently nothing. Or was there something there?
As I scanned where I'd tripped the air shimmered and a young girl in her early teens who looked just as surprised as I felt.
As she removed her pink and white headphones I sized her up. she was plainly dressed wearing only grey sweatpants, a black hoodie with pink highlights, her hair tied back in a short bob and burgundy glasses framing her eyes.
She hurriedly mashed the pause button on her MP3 Player she glanced around the courtyard in alarm. her eyes finally drifting back to me.
"Are you ... attacking us?" she asked in quiet disbelief.
"You'd better believe it!" I shot back as I flipped my swordstaff off my back and charged her. Leading my movement with a quick downwards slash.
The girl reacted quickly. Popping the cord off her MP3 and gripping it in both hands tightly she blocked my slash with it. Pushing me back and landing a high kick on my wrist.
I stumbled back, flicking the numbness from my hand. "What's that cord made of?" I asked. My swordstaff was so sharp that if a leaf fell on it it would cut instantly. The cord should have been cut right through.
"I reinforced it so I could use it as a garrote," she said as she launched her next attack at me. The cord aimed for my throat.
"Bad idea, girl," I muttered as I sidestepped and plunged a killer stroke into her kneck.
Or would've if there'd been anything substantial to this illusion. And found myself stumbling forwards. I caught my balance and glanced at her. she was behind where I'd been facing but I'd caught something in her charge that I was willing to bet she was hoping I hadn't.
"Nice try," I said as I noted the step drop behind her to the courtyard below us. I strode forwards, right through the illusionary clone and whipped a dagger from my belt. Sending it flying behind me to where I'd been.
The blade never made it over the wall. There was a spark of metal on metal and it careened off on a tangent. the illusionist appearing behind it. Her garrote held tight between her hands.
"How did you know where I was?" She asked as she dispelled her illusionary clone.
"Easy," I responded as I crouched down to receive her next attack. "I would've heard it if you'd dropped to the courtyard or snuck back towards me. Back towards the corner was the only way you could go."
"Watch that one, (M)Alice!" Ifrit's voice called up from the courtyard. "That kid's an assassin, and he already took down Deep6! Don't let your guard down!"
"Got it." (M)Alice returned. Her face deadpan. Flicking her hands behind her she materialized three kunai in each hand. Leaping backwards she launched them skywards.
I knew what she was up to and dashed forwards. Hoping to close the distance and get beyond the impact range of the kunai before they landed. I glanced up as I ran. And felt my eyes widen in surprise. The Kunai had multiplied while out of my sight and some two dozen or so were flying back at me!
I dove to the side. Flying over the battlements and drawing a grapnel out from under my cape. I threw it and the hooks caught on the battlement. Swinging Back up as the kunai hit the walkway I noticed something again. Out of the two dozen that should have hit I only heard five or six impacts.
"More illusions," I muttered as I flew upwards, flipping over the battlements and landing on my feet and a hand. the other arm outwards with hidden blade extended.
I stood and retraced the hidden blade. My cool and casual demeaner meant to infuriate my apponent.
Who was nowhere to be seen. I smiled and closed my eyes. Little fact. I was blind in one eye in the real world and this had forced me to adapt. I could "see" just as well with my ears to hear what was around me. and I could fight and function in the dark just as well as in broad daylight.
Below me I could hear the sounds of fighting in the courtyard. Beyond that the sound of ifrit walking away. His footfalls almost as light as a cat's. Beyond that someone was walking on the east walkway. And....there!
I dropped to my knees. As something whistled above my head. Right where my throat had been and snapped my hand out. The heel of my hand hitting something hard.
(M)Alice materialized in front of me with a cry. Falling backwards with a serrated dagger flying from her hand.
Flipping lightly onto her hands she leaped back a couple paces and reached into her hoodie pocket and drew more kunai. Was there any limit to what that could hold?
"How did you know?" she scowled at me.
"I just discovered something about your illusions," I smiled cockily. Flicking my wristblade in and out. "You can make me see whatever you want. But you can't change what I hear in the slightest!"