"My dear,the child hurricane," Mum said coming into the room.
"You're going to be late for your first day of school if you don't wake up."
"What time is it?"I groaned stuffing her head under the sheets.
"7:15,honey,this shouldn't-"
Aneira jumped out of her bed and ran to her bathroom,"I'm going to be late!"She yelled splashing cold water on her face and scrambling to her closet.
"Dear,Aneira,it's morning,where to you have to be?" My Mum asked impatient and irrated already with her secound and youngest daughter,Dona.
"I have to meet my friend!"Aneira asked slipping her skirt and knee socks on.
Her Mum eyed her suspiciously,"Hm,why?"
"I'm meeting my friend at the cafe!"
I buttoned her blouse,tied her hair up,slung her backpack over her shoulder,and bolted downstairs.
"And who might that friend be?"
"Ughh,it's just Dwyn,ok?"
I slipped her velcro shoes on and bolted outside.
"Take your sister with you."My Mum said kissing her goodbye.
"Really?"Dona,her little annoying sister pouted.
Aneira glared at her and pouted as well.
Mum rolled her eyes and pushed Dona outside,"Stop your pouting and get on your way."
I sighed and walked around the cobblestone towards the vineyard,within that the Cafe.
Dona looked back at me as I made my turn and exceeded the other way crossing the bridge wrapped with flowers,with a roof over it's head,flowers blooming like dots of paint and vines wrapped around the posts like arms daring not to let go.
"Where are you going?"Dona glared.
"To the Cafe,stop being a pest."I said still looking straight forward.
She said nothing but I could feel her eyes digging into my brain like daggers.
I stepped in as the bell gave a jingle. There were pictures everywhere of paris,england,ect. It had brick walls and my favorite person worked there,of course my best friend as well,Dwyn. We usally ate here together after school but today she had a extra shift and no break.
"Hi,may I have your order?"Dwyn asked squinting her face up and pearcing her lips,with a manly vioce.
I laughed and sat down at a nearby table,"Just the usual."I replied with a sigh.
After a few minutes she came back with two hot choclates and two stuffed and powered donuts.
"Mmm."I said licking my lips and taking the food from her.
"So what you been up to? Anything about the H-A-I-R?"She whispered leaning in.
"I don't see why you insist spelling it out and whispering it. It's not like there's anyone else here."I said rolling my eyes.
She sat down,her brunette hair swaying from her two french plaits.
"Okay,so what has been up?"She asked her mouth full of jelly and smothered with powder.
"Nothing,just a annoying little sister and now school."
"Okay."She said wiping her lips,"How about the you-know-what??"She said with a grin.
"Fineee.."I said annoyed,"It's normal,there's nothing up,okay?"
"Aww,nothing?"Dwyn asked disapionted.
If you want to know what Dwyn keeps asking about,it's my hair. Of course it's normal,orange hair,but beneith it all,hidden away is a gold streak of hair,I've never had a problem with it,but Dwyn is determined something cool will come up,obviously not.
I stand up to help her with the dishes.
"Nope,nothing."I looked at my phone,7:58.
"Lets start heading to school now,we don't wanna be late."I said opening the door to feel a gust of wind.
After we had made our way up the bridge we could see the whole school,in front was a courtyard with kids arriving before the first bell rang. We made way to the door,a tall,brown,wood,door,and swung it open.Inside were squeky,white floors,the auditoruim right infront of us,with the same exact doors. To the left was the front office and a sign-in table. To the right were a wood bench,classes,and the lunch room.The classrooms wrapped around the whole school. There was a driveway,half-way piont between the gym and some classrooms,out side and between was the add-on lunchroom. On the secound floor were our specials. On that level was the playground and soccer field as well.
We walked in and made our way to the lunchroom.
Right then I felt a tug of my hair,"Wha-?"I ask in confusion turning around.
"Oh,hi Ms.Aneira~"Alis echoed grinning.
Hi Guys this is my second book here,I hope you like the 1st chapter. If I made any mistakes please tell me! Thank you!