I stumbled out of the car and looked at the door nervously.
"Okay,dear,goodbye until next time!" Dwyn's Mum yelled from the window.
I smiled shyly and waved goodbye.
The day before that had been awesome. I bought new clothes and me,Dwyn,Anwen,and Eris talked all night telling deep secrets like we were seven again.
I walked up the stone,cold steps and twisted the knob. The door creaked open as though it's henges might give way any secound.
I stepped in to the warmness. I silently approached the kitchen. There Mum was,looking over bills and a newspaper. Her eyes were baggy and her hair was shaggy. She sighed,her hand holding the weight of her chin. She looked down and pulled a zip-loc bag out of her pocket. Inside was a crumbly,dirty paper with fast,slanted letters on it. I was close enough to see the words,but they were impossible to read! It's like they were in a whole diffrent launguage.
"Oh Dear,rydym yn gweld eisiau chi." Mum whispered clutching the paper to her chest.
"Mum?" I asked coming forward.
"Aneira! How long have you been standing there?" Mum said quickly stuffing the torn up zip-loc bag into her pocket.
"Um,enough to be hear you whispering in a diffrent launguage,was it welsh?"
When I was five and Dona was two,we moved from America to Wales. We never learned the launguage but I knew some words.
"Oh,dear,it's nothing to worry about."
Mum wrapped her hands around me and pulled me in a warm,soft hug. I smiled thinking of the last time Mum had time to hug me. A few years ago when I was seven,my Dad disapeered,it was a beutiful day and he was out on the feild working. Me and Dona were playing in her room and Mum said she'd be back from the market in a few minutes. Then it all went down hill,there was a cry and a crash. Mum came in dumping the groceirs on the conter,she picked me and Dona up and ran us down stairs to the basement. There,she brought us to a cellar door,we had never been allowed to use it. She opened it up and inside was boxes and boxes,filled with who knows what. Mum locked us in there and held us close. We heard yells and crashes from upstairs,then footsteps. Mum held us closer and tighter. She cupped her hands around our mouths. After a few minutes we heard a sigh and footsteps again,then there was a slam. Dona wiggled and bit Mum's hand. Tears weld up in my eyes. Mum kissed my cheek and whispered,"I love you,Aneira euraidd."
I smiled. I knew Mum would keep us save,but from what? She rocked me and Dona until it went black,next thing I remember is waking up in my bed and getting ready for school. I asked where Daddy was but she just shaked her head and planted a smile on her face,"Don't worry about it." I never did ask again.
My face grew with confusion at the memory,"Mum where is Dona?" I asked looking around.
"She's with your Grandparents,the one's in England. Don't worry she's fine,but she's staying there for a while."
I frowned,"Okay..."
"Dear," She said cupping my cheeks.
"I called Mama and Papi,remember your Aunti and Pa who live 10 minutes away? Remember Mama and Papi who live across town,just out in the grove?"
She sighed and went to grab something that was standing on the staircase. She came back with three suitcases.
"Dear,you're going to be staying with your Aunti and Pa on the week days and Mama and Papi on the weekends. You're still going to school,just going to be taken on the subway. I don't think you've ever riden on one of those. They're not here in the city,suprisingly,they're in the suberbs." Mum sighed and gave me the three suitcases," You have all of your clothes in there and essentials."
"W-what? Why can't I stay with you? What's happening?!" I cried hugging my Mum.
"Shhhh,Aneira,it's family stuff. I'm going to visit you on the weekends,the journy to Dona is longer and I have stops to make so I'll visit her on the week days." Mum said pulling a strand of my hair behind my hair.
Suddenly I felt a pain in my head.
"Agh!" I screamed clutching my head.
"Aneira!" Mum screamed.
I felt a shreik and could see a blinding light out of my wincing eye.
"A-aneira,we need to go. We're going to be late." Mum whispered.
"M-mum,my hair's glowing!!!!" I screamed.
Mum slapped her hand on my mouth,"Shhhh. Too loud,let me see,I think it's time."
I pulled her hand away,"What? What's time?" I asked.
"Remember your hair? The gold streak?" Mum asked.
I grinned,"How can I forget it? Dwyn brings it up every day."
Mum didn't laugh or smile. She fixed my hair so that my gold strand was showing,"I read a book," She whisperd,"It was something about this situation,it said that when the person or child turned 14,the hair would start glowing,isn't your birthday comeing up?"
"Yeah,May 3rd." I said.
"Well," She said putting my hair back in place,"it's not hurting now,let's leave it alone,we need to make our way to Aunti's and Pa's before it get's late."
We walked out to the car and packed up. As I got in the car I thought I heard a vioce,Aneira~Why are you ignoring me? I know you miss your Dad,he's not dead,I have him......