Aniera P.O.V.
I got to school early that day as I waited in the courtyard.
I looked over where Alis,Eris,and Anwen usally sat.Instead Eris in her uniform was twitching at her book page refliping the corner over and over agian.Anwen was chewing on her lip nervously standing beside Eris,in her uniform as well.
Though however Alis was standing by the door,in a baggy t-shirt and shorts,she never wore baggy clothes.She also looked tired and her eyes were red like she had been crying.She tugged at her ponytail and bit her nails.She never messed up her nails.
What happened to them?,I thought.
I suddenly felt bad for Alis,Eris and Anwen.What had happened?My thoughts quickly were droven away by Dwyn.
"Guess what?"She said jumping up in down.
"What?"I said smirking and walking over to her.
"I have the day off!We should so go shopping!"She said closing her eyes and smiling.
I laughed and brought out my phone,"Who'll take us?My Mum has to work at the shop today and my sister has homework,Let me ask."
"Okay,I'll ask if my Mum will take us."
Mum:Hi Dear!
Aneira:Can I go shopping today?
Mum:How long?How much money do you need?Remember I won't be there and your sister has homework.
Aneira:Only like a hour or two.Maybe $50?Can't Ms.Jankins do it?Hasn't she been doing it???
Mum:Okay,fine I'll leave $50 on the table,but only for a hour and a half,I'll see who can take care of Dona,if not Ms.Jankins then she can stay at my shop.Who's taking you?And you are you going with?
Aneira:Okay,thank you!We are seeing if Dwyn's mom can take us.'We' as in just Dwyn.
Mum:Okay,love you!
Aneira:Love you too!
"Yay!My Mum said she will let me go!What did your Mum say?"I asked leaning to see her phone screen.
"She said I could because I've been working so hard!"
"Eeeeehhh!"We screamed in excitment.
The bell rang and we went inside,the real suprise though was waiting for us after school.....
Hi Guys!So what do you think the suprise will be?Guess in the comments!!!Since this chapter was so short I will be posting again tomorrow,though I usally don't.;),Bye!!!