I whisked my head around to face the meanest girl I know:Alis McCardy.
She had light blond hair,so light it could be white,she had glowing blue eyes,a brass watch,her nails were nicley polished.Her lips were pouty red and puckered.She was wearing a lace,flower skirt and a white blouse.
Two girls were behind her,the same identical smirks were on their faces.They were wearing matching clothes.One was popping a bubble and the other was carrying Alis's bag and had a book in her hand. Her name was Eris. Though she didn't have a smirk,she rather had a lop-sided smile. Eris had brunette hair pulled up into a plait,tugging away at her lace skirt.The other one equally mean had dirty blond hair and a huge grin.Her name was Anwen.
I sighed,"What do you want Aris?"
"Yeah where's your uniform?"Dwyn said.
"How cute,Eris did you hear that?"Alis snickered.
Eris fixed her posture and fixed her big brown eyes on Aneira,"U-um no."She muttered turning away quickly.
Alis sighed,"Fine.I don't have time for a bunch of weirdos,let's go."
And with a flick of her hand they walked away.
"Do you ever feel bad for Eris?"I asked walking down the shiny stairs.
"Of course not,why?"Dwyn said turning to me.
"I don't know,she just doesn't seem their type she's not....mean."I blurted.
"Hm,I guess your right,but still we don't have time to worry we still have to get our schedules and make our way to class."
"Your right."I cleared my mind of any worry's and stepped up to a women with a uncomfterable bun,sharp glasses and a tight skirt.
Though what if she was different?,I thought,What if she's not like them?No,Dwyn's right,of course she isn't,I thought with a smile.
Hi Guys,this was a intresting chapter to do.I hoped you like it.The third chapter is coming out soon!n u n(that's a smiley face if you were wondering)