Nu waved Vandal over and walked into the room he had come from. "Thanks for the weapon," she said with a smile. "It makes me feel a lot less helpless."606Please respect copyright.PENANAUT8ywRIkbQ
She looked around the room, the source of the water not being obvious at first. "You said you found water?"
Vandal motioned to the sink and turned on the tap for her. Fresh, clean, cold water poured out into the bowl. Nu had never been so happy to see water in her life.606Please respect copyright.PENANAQKTPwWPI7f
"Thanks," she smiled. "Now remember, I'm nowhere near as powerful as you or Senshi so I'm sorry if it doesn't work." She took one last look at Vandal's damaged hands and wrist and then closed her eyes, concentrating.606Please respect copyright.PENANAdts9ZmsXuL
Mama? Are you there? She sent her thoughts out, searching for her mother's spirit. I need your help. Please.606Please respect copyright.PENANAYlF4w3G7uv
Her birthmark burned slightly, the sensation familiar. Her mother had found her.
Opening her eyes now, she dipped her hand in the water and it pooled like a huge water droplet in her palm. "The water's really cold," she warned Vandal as she touched his wrist with her watery hand.
The water spread along his hand and wrist as if it were alive, spreading it's refreshing coolness across his burns. Not bad, Nu mused as she watched the water rejuvenate the skin and the toxins from the Umbra's saliva. After a moment, the water receded back onto Nu's hand, leaving Vandal's skin slightly reddened but healthy.
Nu breathed a sigh of relief that it had worked. Her birthmark was starting to really hurt from the effort, but she had to take care of everyone else - not to mention herself.606Please respect copyright.PENANAxG9DyeHFqI
Vandal looked at his hand impressed and Nu blushed. "It's nothing special, really. It was all Mama's doing. I just helped channel her."
"Channel her?"
Nu looked away. "I can't use elemental forces like everyone else in my village can. My mother lends me hers sometimes. Granna says I can communicate with her through the Aether, which is my affinity." she touched her birthmark gingerly with her free hand, wincing at the strange tingly feeling. "Mine is the only birthmark that hurts me when I use it, too. I don't like the way it glows and burns me...
"But enough about me," Nu continued with a smile. "Can you send in Jayden, please? I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up."
Vandal left, and Nu touched her own leg, letting the water spread and heal her burned ankle. She didn't let the skin fully heal - she had to save some of her energy for the others, after all - leaving her leg tingling with slight pain and the skin still slightly blistered and red. As long as she could hold her weight on it, she was happy. Nu wasn't unfamiliar with burns - Mag used to accidentally burn her all the time when they were young.
While she was waiting for Jayden, she dipped her hand in the water bowl again, allowing the liquid to replenish itself in her palm. Thanks, Mama, she said in her thoughts, and she felt her mother's presence smile.
Healing Jayden was trickier. His burn covered a large area around his torso, and it was very inflamed.
"I'm sorry, I can't do any more," Nu apologised, letting the water flow back onto her hand and into the sink. Jayden's skin was still red and it looked sore, but his wounds were clean and it looked as though it would heal nicely, the skin around the main burn already beginning to mend.
Releasing her hold on the Aether made Nu feel exhausted very quickly. She fell forward, unable to keep her footing through the sudden dizziness that overwhelmed her.
"I'm sorry," she explained as Jayden caught her and helped her to her feet, "it takes a lot out of me."
Nearly forgetting to turn off the tap, she shakily walked back to the main room, leaning on Jayden for support.