Magpie's ears rang, and the air held an odd smell of dust and something else. Soon she was able to open her eyes and inspect her surrounding. She found herself lying on the ground, facing what seems like the ceiling. How did I get here? What happened? She slowly sits up, and her head began to spin. Damnit! That was some spell to cause this. As the spinning began to cease, she recalled what happened. My friend! He changed; he used necromancy but didn't tell me why. With a soft groan, Magpie got up to her feet and looked around her. What is this place? Is this an illusion or a different sort of magic? She carefully approached a metal shelf loaded with boxes and plastic bottles and touched the surface with the tip of her left finger, gently poking about it. For an illusion, this is very real. Perhaps a dream instead? She noticed the dust sticking on her finger. Whatever this place is, due to the dust, it hasn't been used for a long time.
Suddenly the electric light above Magpie began to flicker like a candle in the wind. Some candle for light, wait where is the wind coming from? I feel no breeze in here. As she took a step closer to the light in the ceiling, an overwhelming feeling of being watched came over her. Immediately a cold shiver ran through her body. Is somebody watching me? What if my presence is unwelcome here? Without thinking, Magpie jumped back as the light flickered, crouched to the ground and crawled towards a shelf. As soon she reached the shelf the light above her remained dark and heard a soft hissing like a snake's from behind her. A shiver ran down her spine to the thought and quickly looked over her shoulder. A pair of red glowing eyes drilled into her eyes. Is this real or an illusion? Magpie hoped this is all an illusion but also in an illusion she will have to remain cautious or it will cost her life still. She breathed deeply through her nose to remain calm of the situation. Panicking never helps. Aside from the fear pounding in her heart, Magpie has noticed that creature is waiting for her first move.
Few options passed her mind what to do:602Please respect copyright.PENANAa9DDEMkshf
- Try talking to it but senses a clear urge for blood from those red eyes602Please respect copyright.PENANAzzawwpeycN
- Outrun it by taking a sharp left turn at the end of the shelf602Please respect copyright.PENANAUhA2bd7rfo
- Attack the creature head-on with her sword at her belt
"What are you waiting for, Magpie? An invitation?" Spoke a silky soft voice of a man's in the same direction where the glowing eyes are. As her eyes got accustomed to the darkness, she noticed the bright eyes looked human and even familiar.
No! This can't be real! Magpie clenched her teeth and sprinted towards the end of the shelf to outrun. Rapidly she turned sharply to the left to hide at the other side of the shelf. While turning Magpie felt a soft brush of something at the end of her cape and a dark gloved human hand from the corner of her eye. Without stopping and using the acceleration Magpie climbed up the shelf to get a different view of her location and with what she is dealing with. As she reached the top, she paused to catch her breath and threw a brief glance over the side that she climbed up.
Suddenly she heard a soft snigger at her ear that made her heart nearly jump out of her chest. A gasp escaped her lips and turned around feverishly, searching for the origin of the voice. There was nothing.
"Over here, Magpie." The same voice whispered into her ear.
She turned around so quickly that she lost her footing and began to tip over from the high shelf. Suddenly the fall halted in mid-air and felt a cold firm hand holding onto her wrist. She blinked and looked over her shoulder. A dark shadow in the shape of a man stood there. The smoke within the figure moved and wore black leathered gloves that firmly held at Magpie's wrist to avoid falling and the red glowing human-like eyes drilled into her's as their glances met. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." He sniggered and pulled her onto the shelf. "Today may be your lucky day. I have an offer for you." Magpie remained silent and kept staring at the shadow. "As you may have noticed already, this isn't your world. This is a place when the living becomes deceased but you- You're soul emits strong energy with life." He draws in a deep breath and his face comes closer to her. Magpie took a step back but couldn't go further due to the shadow's grip at her wrist. The shadow chuckled amused of her reaction and pulled her closer. With the sudden jolt, Magpie decided to use the opportunity and threw a firm left fist square at the shadow's jaw. She knew her chances were 50/50 of hitting him since he is a shadow it will pass or it hit him like any other person. To her surprise, her knuckles dug into the shadow's odd like surface and hit something hard like bone. He lets her go as his head arches to the ceiling. Quick-witted Magpie leaps over to the next shelf and climbs down to find firm ground under her feet.
As Magpie reached the ground, a peal of sinister laughter echoed all around her. "You're filled with surprises besides life but no matter what you do, you can't escape from me."
Watch me! Magpie grinned to the thought and looked around with scowling large turquoise eyes. Suddenly Magpie spotted across the warehouse a large two-winged door. Beneath it shone bright light that almost blinded her in this dark room. Her heart leapt with relief and new hope. No matter what, she must get out of this place as soon as possible and rescue her friend.
While looking around before focusing on the door again she noticed few possibilities how to get there but they are all risky:602Please respect copyright.PENANAZKBzJQ2ekx
- Just run for it and hope to be fast enough602Please respect copyright.PENANAXGqpIB5Dbe
- Knock over a box at the nearby shelf as a distraction and sprint602Please respect copyright.PENANAU2WRKBB38L
- Without a sound sneak past the many shelves602Please respect copyright.PENANA2YrMmbOj3r
- Talk to it to stall time and walk slowly towards the door
How about a combination of sneaking and distracting? Before she can start sneaking she needs an idea where that creepy shadow is. Magpie looked up and even behind her but it was nowhere in sight. Alright, it's a gamble. She gave a silent sigh and began to crouch while keeping her eyes and ears alert. Silently she drew out her sword and tipped over a box from a shelf across her and leapt behind few further shelves to hide.
"What use will that do, sweetheart?" Whispers the velvet voice to her ear. Rapidly Magpie pulled up her sword with an angered grunt to hit him but she only cut air and rest of the dissolved smoke. Fuck with it! Magpie sprinted without thinking straight for the door. Just as the handle of the door was by a hair within her reach a great unseen force stops and lifts her from the ground. Suddenly a cold gloved hand clutched tightly her jaw and found herself facing the shadow. "You're clever but not clever enough. I've told you, you can't escape from me." He spoke softly and tilting his head in a teasing manner. Magpie wanted to lift her sword to cut him again but it felt so heavy. Damnit! He's cast a spell to avoid me using my sword! She tried to flex her right hand but it didn't respond, instead, her legs dangled a bit with movement. Magpie flexed her toes and ankles as they usually do. Desperate measures for desperate times. "Watch me!" Snapped Magpie and kicked up her right leg to the shadow's groin. The shadow shrieks in agony, the spell around her vanished and lets her go. Without hesitation, Magpie sprinted towards the door and gripped the handle firmly. She pushed and pulled on the door. No time to pick the lock now that I've pissed off some dark magical being. I hope it's not a soul eater. Magpie took a step back and kicked the door in a couple of times but it didn't budge as she hoped.
A sharp hissing filled the room and Magpie knew what it was. Hairs at the back of her neck rose. Quickly she slashed with her sword at the door's lock but it got stuck between the gap and the lock. Shit! Without thinking, she pulled out her dagger from her boot and began to dig the blade into the keyhole. What kind of a keyhole is this?
Suddenly a sharp pain shoots from her back and something warm is running down her back and legs. Her head begins to throb to cope with the pain. Magpie wanted to scream in agony but only a hoarse gasp rolled out due to the shock. She felt how the pain consumes her mind with panic and began to shake her head as if trying to rid it and keep her mind clear. Don't panic, don't panic, Magpie. You've been in trickier situations than this, come on! Slowly she stands up and turns to face the shadow. I'll do whatever it takes to rescue my friend! "For Ignatius!" Magpie called out as she saw the shadow's eyes scowl at her. He stood a few meters away from her and sniggered while waving around her sword in his hand. Magpie threw a brief glance over her shoulder to the door, the sword was gone.
Magpie charged head on to the shadow with her dagger at hand. The shadow swung the sword swiftly at Magpie's shoulders as she was within reach. Magpie ducked in time to avoid it and the air whistled past her ears. Rapidly she swung her dagger towards the shadow's knee and cut into the dark flesh. He grunted in pain and aimed with the sword anew at Magpie from above. Quick-witted Magpie got to her knees as she parried the sword against her dagger. Both blades trembled of the strength and pressure and they glared into each other's eyes with anger.
Magpie noticed her dagger is curved and can't hold the strength up for long. Rapidly she stepped aside and let the shadow fall head-on onto the sword's blade. Instead of seeing how the shadow gets sliced, it made a somersault in the air and landed in his feet. Immediately Magpie charged him and managed to cut his upper arm that holds the sword and jumped back to safties distance. "How dare you wound and humiliate me!" Snarled the shadow and charged at her with the sword tip pointed at her. Magpie was able to dodge the sword but soon felt a small cut at her cheek.
Suddenly there was a loud metallic booming sound and bright light flooded into the warehouse. "No! This isn't over, sweetheart! You are mine!" Shouted the shadow and dissolved itself into smoke. The following sound was her sword falling to the ground. The black smoke headed straight at her. Magpie tried to cut with her dagger but it was all for nought and felt how it drains her energy. Her legs grew heavy and soon everything got too heavy for Magpie to hold it up. She collapsed to the ground and fought against the heavy drowsiness by slowly crawling towards the open door. Her eyes were focused at the bright light and reached for it before everything became too heavy and darkness engulfed her.
Name: Magpie (real name Elyza)602Please respect copyright.PENANAP5v6DjXTYI
Age: 23602Please respect copyright.PENANAvkMAmE2g1a
Sex: female602Please respect copyright.PENANADEfCygrHyD
Race: homo sapien (human) from the magical world called Bhernia602Please respect copyright.PENANAL248HYyBGV
Preference: men602Please respect copyright.PENANAC3fbmE2DNQ
Status: alive but cursed to walk in the land of the dead602Please respect copyright.PENANAwFLVf3PNdt
Eye / Hair Colour: turquoise / copper-brown, short cut to the ears602Please respect copyright.PENANA0fIatxjHLj
Current Occupation: thief602Please respect copyright.PENANA5JQF7pRELL
Previous Occupation: slave602Please respect copyright.PENANAdtZ1FOt4Uo
Strengths: stealth, aiming moving targets, speak many languages, sing, read people602Please respect copyright.PENANAtBfnH9SZNe
Weaknesses: money and birds602Please respect copyright.PENANAf9GC2FeXlv
Motivation: friendship and winning602Please respect copyright.PENANAWJgYZTI4hL
Fear: dying, getting caught and sold as a slave602Please respect copyright.PENANAM4EgG3RzPz
Personality: She is a confident woman but cautious to her surroundings and knows how to get through tough situations when not in chains. Has a love for birds because they symbolize freedom what she lives off. During childhood, she was a slave and doesn't remember much due to trauma and will do whatever possible to avoid that. Magpie is loyal to her friends in her own way and doesn't take orders from others. Magpie knows her real name is Elyza but it only reminds her of her painful past.602Please respect copyright.PENANAVNuIC0bbdj
Moral/Philosophy: avoid killing however possible, everyone has the right for freedom602Please respect copyright.PENANAqQzD5fhdgj
Special Note: Magpie has the talent to become a caster (witch/wizard) but prefers to lead the life of a thief. She scars around her wrists from the chains as she was a slave but keps them well covered with long sleeves, gloves or wearing leather cuffs. Coming from a magical world from the early middle ages, she has some trouble to adjust to the postmodern world (guns, smartphones, electricity, etc.)602Please respect copyright.PENANAYarjKH67xU
Sorry for the late entry ^.^'