The ground started shaking waking senshi from her restless sleep as she stood up only to fall over again and hit her head hard against the floor causing her to black out.
Senshi groaned a couple hours later her eyes fluttering open as she sat up in a flash, she looked around frantically her eyes wide in shock as she was surrounded by rock and spiders. She stood up weakly before spotting magpie passed out near her, senshi walked over and crouched down shaking her shoulder gently.
She got no response so she did it again but harder magpie gasped sitting up and almost head butting senshi “what the...where are we? Was I dreaming?” She asked, senshi rubbed her head and stood up quietly “I don’t know...” she mumbled.
Magpie eyes her before realizing something “where are the others?!” She practically shouted. Senshi whipped towards her “shhh” she hushed her pointing to all the spiders, magpie’s eyes widened.
“We need to get out of here. Now.” Senshi snapped, magpie nodded firmly as she stood up.
After a while of walking something caught senshi’s eye and she raised an eyebrow walking in that direction “hey, where are you going?” Magpie whispered following her quickly.
Senshi crouched down picking up a sorta flask type thing her eyebrows furrowed in frustration knowing what it was, she tossed it behind her magpie juggling it before catching it and glancing at it.
“Put it in your bag, we’ll need it” she said, magpie looked at her confused “what is it?” She asked. “A healing potion that brings back the sends that person back to their world..we have them back in Alavaria.” Senshi explained gloomily.
Magpie shoved it into her bag before running to catch up to senshi “why would we need this? And why would your realm have them?” She asked, senshi growled “why do you ask so many questions.” She snapped.
Magpie glared “Alavaria has them because people always get stuck in our realm when their meant to go somewhere else. And. Because I know some people here want to go home.” Senshi explained continuing to walk magpie following not to far behind.
“Wait...if it sends you you remember anything?” She asked, senshi frowned not answering.
Senshi clenched her fists walking faster magpie trying to catch up “hey! Answer me.” She snapped, senshi growled whipping the back of her hand across her face in annoyance “NO. YOU DONT REMEMBER A THING. NOW STOP TALKING FOR ONCE.” She snapped.
Magpie stared before raising her hand to where she was just slapped her, her eyes narrowing “what’s your deal?” She growled, senshi ignored her and continued to walk.
“let’s just find the others.”
Senshi continued to think about the potion knowing it was a 50/50 chance that she’d use it. She frowned before magpie spotted something “look! A light!” She said pointing to the end of the cave, senshi looked towards the light and sighed “come on” she said as they rushed out of the cave into pure daylight.
The breeze blowing senshi’s hair, she breathed it in and smiled sadly magpie eyed her before she spoke “where do you think we are?” She asked.
Senshi analyzed their surroundings “definitely not near the’s like the world rearranged itself in a way...” she said confused.
Magpie nodded in agreement as they started walking and senshi spread her wings her legs tired. Magpie walked, senshi flying swiftly in silence as they neared a couple warehouses “Huh...the warehouses aren’t in the same place either...” magpie mumbled.
Senshi raised an eyebrow curiously and glanced around “wait here.” She said before shooting upwards into the air.
She looked around her eyes widened. The whole world was rearranged like they thought everything in different places then they were before but the weird thing was there was multiple pillars that looked to be 15 feet atleast surrounding the area.
“Those weren’t there before...what the hell happened...” she mumbled before her wings shimmered slightly and disappeared.
Her breathe caught as she dropped the speed picking up as she fell, magpie watched in horror as Senshi tried to reposition herself to land safely.
She noticed a railing near her and she grabbed it before sliding under and landing with her elbow on the railing holding her chin like nothing happened, she smiled “well that was fun.” She said.
Magpie’s eye twitched “how was that fun you nearly scared me shitless!” She said. Senshi giggled standing up and walking over to her “calm down it’s not like I died.” She said fearlessly.
Magpie watched her frustrated and confused, she frowned “you could’ve.” She said. Senshi raised an eyebrow “could’ve....but didn’t” she smirked, magpie groaned and facepalmed “I don’t think your getting the point” she said.
Senshi shrugged “no I get what your saying I’m just not scared to die again at this point. I mean I’ve already died once.” Senshi answered nonchalantly.
Magpie clenched her fists annoyed and senshi glanced at her back sadly “well anyways let’s keep going.” She said turning to keep walking before running right into a dog sized spider, she looked up at its thousands of eyes as it peered down at her before they were surrounded by millions, most likely from the cave.
“You’ve got. To be kidding.” Magpie said looking around grabbing her sword. Senshi turned slowly catching sight of them all “so...remember the thing about me almost dying...yeahhhh I take that back we might both die.”