AKISE comes across her younger self before she had turned and miserably she watches the dream replay. YOUNG AKISE had simple commoners clothing, her once long brown hair flows in the wind and on her arm is a flower basket that is filled with daisies, feeling excited for tomorrow because it will be her eighteenth birthday. After getting the haul of daisies she walks back to the large cabin she shares with her family; MRS. OSHINO, MR. OSHINO and JACOB OSHINO. YOUNG AKISE walks in to her mother preparing supper, MRS. OSHINO smiles seeing her daughter come in.
MRS. OSHINO: Can you give me a hand dear?
YOUNG AKISE (happily) : Of course! Let me put these in a vase.
YOUNG AKISE goes and finds a vase; once outside she goes to their family well to draw water for it, it's a bit hard for her at first pulling up the bucket, but she manages. Coming back inside she grabs a big bundle of daises and places them in the vase that now sits on the table. Quickly washing her hands in a bucket meant for the kitchen, YOUNG AKISE grabs her own apron and puts it on. Grabbing a knife and some vegetables her mother left out she begins to chop them up.
YOUNG AKISE: What's for dinner?
MRS. OSHINO: Beef stew with honey rolls, I've been preparing the dough since yesterday.
YOUNG AKISE licks her lips for the honey rolls, they were her mothers specialty. Everybody in town wants to know her secret but she simply just smiles and says 'it's a secret'. After a couple hours in the kitchen the sun began it's decent into the horizon, turning the sky into a golden and pink hue, clouds strewn through out the sky. YOUNG AKISE sets up the table as MRS. OSHINO fills bowls with hot stew, the house smelling like pastries as the rolls baked, YOUNG AKISE'S stomach grumbles.
MRS. OSHINO (laughs) : We'll be eating soon Akise.
YOUNG AKISE blushes as she holds her stomach to quiet the noise. Once everything is laid out on the table, bowls filled with food along with steamy sweet rolls on the table, MRS. OSHINO goes outside, picks up a metal rod and clangs it roughly on the giant metal triangle. The loud noise traveled far throughout their property, signaling dinner is ready. YOUNG AKISE sits at the table and waits for her brother and father to walk in, in this time JACOB is 20 years old who has a beautiful girl name SOPHIA and he swears everyday he’s going to marry that girl. And SOPHIA loved JACOB dearly too, they were two peas in a pod, soon JACOB will take over the family farm and fill it with his own kids and start a family soon. Thinking about JACOB he walks in the door, wiping sweat from his brow, he goes to the bowl and pitcher to separately wash his hands and face before dinner. MR. OSHINO walks in ten minutes later, repeating the same process JACOB had, JACOB sits next to his sister and he gives YOUNG AKISE a smile. She’s smiles back and she lightly touches her foot with his as a small gesture. MR. OSHINO sat down with a large grunt and sighs.
MRS. OSHINO (rubs MR. OSHINO'S ARM) : Hard day at the farm?
MR. OSHINO (smiles softly) : Yeah, but it's worth it to come to a delicious meal and eat with my family.
MRS. OSHINO smiles to herself and the family starts to eat.
MR. OSHINO: Mm! Darling this taste amazing.
MRS. OSHINO: Akise practically made it herself, I just worked on the honey rolls.
YOUNG AKISE: Come on mother that's not true, I just helped you, your the one with the cooking skills.
MR. OSHINO: Well whoever did it, I think it tastes amazing, especially when my two girls work together.
YOUNG AKISE smiles at her fathers adoration as they continue to eat.
JACOB: I re-fixed the fence today and made sure to fix other areas that needed it.
MR. OSHINO: That's good to hear son, keep up the good work.
JACOB just nods and goes back to his dinner, YOUNG AKISE grabs the first honey roll and begins devouring it. Enjoying the yummy sweet taste of the roll, the rest of the family finishes up dinner and the two ladies go about and clean up the after dinner mess. After YOUNG AKISE washes the dishes, she kisses her mother and father goodnight and goes to her room and gets ready for bed. She felt more and more excited as she cleans up and readies herself to sleep. Once she’s in a nightgown she dives into her covers and lays on the pillow. Sighing contently to herself she slowly shuts her eyes and tries to sleep, YOUNG AKISE couldn’t wait for the day she will have tomorrow.
The next morning; sun light pools in YOUNG AKISE’S room which gently wakes her up, but immediately adrenaline gets her up and out of bed. Quickly washing her face in a basin, she puts on a pretty; and light sun dress for her special day. She brushes her long curly hair and she puts half of her hair in a loose tail held by a thin bow, ‘perfect’ she thinks. Running out of her room, her family greets her with them sitting at the table looking at her the moment they see her. No smiles, happy birthday’s, any kind of breakfast anywhere, YOUNG AKISE becomes very confused.
YOUNG AKISE: What's going on?
MR. and MRS. OSHINO look at each other briefly.
MRS. OSHINO (patting a chair next to her) : Come sit dear, we-we have something to tell you.
YOUNG AKISE sits down in the chair, dread slowly filling her in what's coming next, 'what's going on?' she thinks again to herself. But everything became silent, no one would say a word, JACOB continues looking down as her parents wouldn't so much as look at their daughter. YOUNG AKISE starts to become impatient.
YOUNG AKISE: Well . . . What is it?
Finally as if just saying that MR. OSHINO breaks out of the trance he was in.
MR. OSHINO: Honey . . . this might come to you as a shock but . . . Jacob, your mother and I (hesitates) we’re vampires.
JACOB and MRS. OSHINO finally look at YOUNG AKISE to see her reaction, and YOUNG AKISE just sat there in silence, to in shock for words. Despite this being the 1700's, townsfolk believe in vampires just as much as they believe in God, and YOUNG AKISE believes them alright, and now she is in fear for her life. She stays silently still and so MR. OSHINO continues on.
MR. OSHINO: Your mother and I got into trouble with some vampires and got turned, this all happened just after you were born. Once your brother turned 18 we told him our secret and . . . turned him on that very day, and we decided to do the same for you.
And there it was, the fear YOUNG AKISE felt finally blooms, she looks at her family and just sees monsters, her heart quickens and despite being silent her voice came loud and clear. YOUNG AKISE suddenly backs out of her chair, away from her mother as she clutches to herself.
Everybody became shock with the sudden out burst clearly not expecting this.
MRS. OSHINO (gulps) : Well, honey it's too late, you know who we really are now. You either have to turn or . . . die.
YOUNG AKISE: Then kill me! I'd rather die then live like you! Killing people to stay alive?
The thought of gulping down human blood made YOUNG AKISE queasy.
MRS. OSHINO (starts to tear up) : Baby please don't make this harder for us.
YOUNG AKISE becomes furious, balling up her fists.
Then she runs from them to her room, locking it and stacking whatever was in the room against the door. Dresser, night stand, a chair, her bed. But despite all the furniture blocking the path her father easily opened the door along with the furniture, YOUNG AKISE turns pale and pisses herself in fear.
YOUNG AKISE (trembles and whispers) : no.
As her father got closer to her, her flight and fight instincts kick in and she tries to run past him but MR. OSHINO immediately grabs her waist with one arm. As he held YOUNG AKISE to his body she fought and twists against him, screaming and crying for help, he grabs her arm and bites on the under side of her forearm. YOUNG AKISE makes a blood curdling scream in pain and fury, MRS. OSHINO starts to cry and JACOB held his mother as comfort, but JACOB felt more guilt for his sister than he thought. YOUNG AKISE lays on the floor, screaming and writhing in pain. She manages to open her eyes but her vision is just a blur as she sees three black blobs hovering over her until she slips into unconsciousness from the shock of pain.
YOUNG AKISE wakes up to nightfall, she was put back in her bed with the covers drawn up but despite the thick blankets YOUNG AKISE felt oddly cold. She turns on her side to see her surroundings, her vision blurs at first but immediately re-focuses, she knew something is off when she can see dust in even the most darkest corner. And the incident before she fell unconscious comes to replay, ‘I’m a vampire’, dread, sadness, and rage boils in her. YOUNG AKISE rips her covers off and goes out of her room, the entire house is dark but she could see clearly, coming into the kitchen area she expects to see her family sitting at the table. But everything is empty which means they weren’t home, YOUNG AKISE comes across a note and reads it, ‘Akise, we went out to get you food. Sit tight and don’t -’ YOUNG AKISE burns the note before she finished reading it.
YOUNG AKISE (mutters) : Bastards.
The fire catches to her hand and burns her significantly, YOUNG AKISE puts out the flame and looks at her hand for wounds. The area that caught fire is bad, showing redness and soon to be blisters but she watches it heal right in front of her eyes. Watching the process freaks out YOUNG AKISE and she quickly blows out the candle to avoid it happening again. A knock comes across the front door, turning to the sound she goes to see who the late night visitor is. Opening the door, YOUNG AKISE recognizes SOPHIA'S face, SOPHIA squints in the darkness.
SOPHIA: Akise is that you? Why is your house dark? Oh anyway, can I come in if it's not too much? My uh . . . my father got drunk again.
YOUNG AKISE takes a closer look at SOPHIA and sees the blacken eye and bloody nose, SOPHIA’S father always had beaten on her because of her mother passing away and how much she looks like her. We were her safe haven.
YOUNG AKISE: Yes Yes! Come in quickly.
YOUNG AKISE holds the door open and as SOPHIA passes by her, the smell of blood hit YOUNG AKISE, she didn't notice at first because of the emotions but she can now feel an insatiable thirst she's never felt before. And it's for SOPHIA'S blood.
YOUNG AKISE (whispers) : No.
SOPHIA turns around.
As much as YOUNG AKISE tries to stop herself the voice in her head becomes louder, 'feed', she slowly shuts the door, making the room darker, at least for SOPHIA.
SOPHIA: Akise? Where are you? Are you okay?
Without expecting it SOPHIA hears YOUNG AKISE'S soft voice right behind her ear.
With ease as if it’s second nature YOUNG AKISE takes SOPHIA’S head and shoves her new teeth in the nape of her neck. YOUNG AKISE moans loudly as the sweet and fresh blood enters her mouth, her taste buds buzzing with this new found flavor. But she didn’t stop, despite SOPHIA’S fumbling hands to let go of her, she slowly droops herself into YOUNG AKISE, who’s latched herself onto SOPHIA like a leech. She finishes off SOPHIA, draining her until she looked like a pale ghost on their kitchen floor. YOUNG AKISE takes a step back and looks down at SOPHIA’S lifeless body, ‘feed’ is all AKISE could hear, but deep in the back of her mind she wants to kneel over SOPHIA’S body and cry. Leaving her house AKISE decides to take a stroll into town, the want of feeding still on her mind and she wouldn’t stop until she’s had her fill. Thankfully all it took is a couple of big men to quench her thirst, YOUNG AKISE didn’t bother to hide the bodies, what’s the point when your a powerful vampire and even man can’t stop you. It took a total of two hours to leave and come back to her home, but instead of going in the house, YOUNG AKISE goes to her favorite tree, it’s useful when she needs to be by herself. She sat on the highest sturdiest branch she found, and manages to climb even higher than she could last time thanks to her new abilities. ‘This is getting kinda fun’, YOUNG AKISE thinks to herself, but then remembers the people she slaughtered and a strong depression grew on her, pulling her knees to herself she wraps her arms around them.
YOUNG AKISE (a tear falls) : I'm just a stupid monster.
She buries her face into her knees and cries, she then hears JACOB scream from their home.
JACOB (faintly) : I'm going to kill the little bitch! She's a monster!
YOUNG AKISE flinches at the comment, 'super hearing comes with the package, great', she continues to listen in on their conversation.
MRS. OSHINO (panics) : Jacob, calm down I'm positive this is all a mistake. She was left on her own when she woke up and Sophia just showed up at the wrong time.
JACOB (furious) : Fuck that!
MR. OSHINO stays quiet through the argument and there wasn’t another word. YOUNG AKISE didn’t hear anything else, ‘they must be done talking’. She settles in her thoughts suddenly, ‘I . . . I am a monster, JACOB’S right. I deserve to die for what I did to SOPHIA’. Guilt came up a hundred fold, then a little voice whispers, ‘but if father didn’t turn you then this wouldn’t have happened’. YOUNG AKISE agrees with the thought in her head and the guilt turns into pure blacken rage, she jumps from the 40 feet tree and lands hard on her feet without hurting herself.
YOUNG AKISE (harshly) : Time to plan.
YOUNG AKISE didn’t know much about her new species but she gave into her plan anyway for the hell of it, she quietly goes to her home; quickly and silently she blocks all the exits in the house. YOUNG AKISE made the blockers metal, testing to see if it hinders them, quickly using her new found speed she goes into town stealing any kind of gun or explosive powder she can use. Making trips back and forth setting up a nice bundle of explosives around the house, making the last trip to find a torch YOUNG AKISE comes back and looks at her childhood home one last time. She’s going to be making the biggest decision of her new found life that will be with her forever and there is no going back. Taking a good few feet back YOUNG AKISE chucks the torch into the explosives and all around the house explodes, she could hear the screams within the house, AKISE gave herself a pat on the back to make the houses exits metal, because the plates grew hot against the flames. YOUNG AKISE could smell the burning flesh, breathing in the scent like an incense, she watches them struggle to get out, but the attempts were feeble. YOUNG AKISE guesses the reason is lack of body parts as she sees an arm on the ground, she couldn’t tell apart who is dying first but all she needs to know is her whole family is in there. (Although YOUNG AKISE didn’t know JACOB wasn’t in the house then). Suffering just like how she suffers, soon the screams stops but YOUNG AKISE doesn’t notice as she stares into the flames, and watching the fire eat everything away. Hearing the crackles, then everything slowly fades away, the heat, the images, the smell of burning flesh.
AKISE jerks awake and instantly looks to her side where a sleeping SAKIKO lays on top of her leg, the credits on the screen slowly go up and disappear. AKISE smiles to herself, despite the horrific dream she experienced she feels at ease, ‘this might be the last time I have that dream’. With that she pulls SAKIKO up to her body more and cuddles up to her, AKISE wishes every night she could dream of SAKIKO and only SAKIKO, to have her in reality and in dreams. When she closes her eyes it wasn’t hard to fall into a dream again, except this time SAKIKO waits for AKISE in a green field, smiling and waving to come have fun, her white hair swaying in the wind as her green emerald eyes smile happily at her.