Christmas dinner at David’s was just as I expected. A lot of Christmas pudding, and a lot of chicken. We were wearing Christmas hats, and we were all together, enjoying it. Nobody expected Mark on that evening. Everyone figured that Peter’s attempt to get me back together with Tom had worked. However, they were wrong.
Everybody looked slightly uncomfortable with Mark, but I was happy he had decided to come to the party. Usually, I know they would say he is not my type. My standards of men had been very high all my life, and they knew it.
My new attempt to change was this: to choose a kind person.
The room was loud and full of laughter and enjoyment. Since my long time in England, I had never had such a good time. Usually, it was expected to spend Christmas with our parents, or inner family, but our new tradition was born.
We would spend December together and maybe see our parents later. My mother lived in Venezuela with her husband and my little brother and my father lived in Italy…single, but doing what he pleased with women. Thinking about it: my father was just like Tom.
My skin crawled when I thought of Tom. I had sex with him, we were supposed to be over, and now my body wanted more. I stopped. We were done. I had a new person in my life, and I was happy with my choice!
When Mark left to use the toilet, Alejandra sat immediately by me.
“Well, I like the doctor…what happened with Tom? Peter told us you…” Alejandra looked pretty and expensive in her Christmas jumper. Lui also looked nice. They were wearing matching outfits.
“Nothing happened between me, and Tom. Also, Mark and I are very new so please, don’t spill the beans tonight. I don’t want him to…
At that moment Matt entered the room. He said hi to everybody and then sat by my side. I looked at the table annoyed. I was told there wasn’t going to be a Houben in this dinner.
“We invited Matt. Hope it is fine,” said David, I smiled slightly towards him, and then straight to Ale. I mouthed “wtf”
“Hi Annie,” he said, I looked away. I am not talking to him.
The night continued, and we drank wine, and we ate. Mark seemed to be enjoying himself, and everyone had accepted him as one of us. We were like a group of nice alcoholics, who played music, and were into films. Mark, of course, was a little bit of a fan-girl over Redhome so he got autographs and pictures with all the guys so he could show his co-workers.
As it was presented time, I saw Peter quickly take away Tom’s name from a gift-bag and handed it to Mark. Mark who didn’t expect anything for Christmas so he blushed, he opened his present and inside: a pair of my blue Victoria Secret panties. They had been missing for months!
“Well, thank you,” said Mark. “I doubt they will fit me though.” He said. His entire face was red and he looked at me. I was dying inside. He passed them over to me. “Do you want them?” he asked. I took them away immediately.
“Of course!” I yelled. Everyone had lost it, they were laughing.
“Why is everyone laughing?” asked Mark. Oh, sweet summer child. I just grabbed his hand. “Don’t worry about it, they are crazy,” I said.
As everyone was handing in some presents I gave the guys mine. I bought Peter a very aged whisky, then David’s gift was an automatic tuner for his guitar, and for Barry and Ben: CD’s of their favourite bands. Lui was the last, and when he opened it, he almost cried. It was a Gromit mug which would change of colour with warm water. Lui was happy, and it was his dream mug. I remember talking about Wallace and Grommit when he was staying in my home, and he passionately loved it.
My gifts varied from Jewellery to alcohol, to…condoms, and a vibrator. I knew they were going to be very naughty with my presents. The girls were the same, and in total, I think I had spent around 300 quid on presents for everybody.
The most expensive gift I bought was for Mark. I had bought it on the same day but…I knew he would like it. Mark opened his gift, and he had no words for it. He only grabbed my face and gave me a full-kiss. Everybody around us was surprised. Matt looked a bit jealous.
“It is the painted I loved from my cousin exposition…how did you know!? How did you get it? It wasn’t even for sale!” “Thank you!” He gave me a peck excitedly “Thank you!”.
“Ohh you’re almost gutting, please!” said Ben. I hadn’t heard him speak in a long time so I was happy he was finally speaking to me.
“Come on Ben, don’t be a grump!” says Peter. “They are a cute couple!”
Ben just sighed and walked off.
“Don’t mind him. Valeria was off to Venezuela to see her parents so…he is grumpy. He misses her.” Andreina said.
“When are you seeing your parents Annie?” asked Mark. I shrugged my shoulders.
“ I have no idea…maybe next spring,” I replied. I had not told Mark they were divorced thinking about it.
“May I join you?” he asked. I blushed. He wanted to meet my parents!? We basically knew nothing about... “I have always dreamt of travelling to South America,” said Mark, fun. I blushed again. That is the reason…it is too soon for us… “I mean. I need to know where my girlfriend comes from.” I blushed even harder. I hear Ale whisper “es su novio!?” to Andreina, Andreina looked as confused. I needed some air!
“Yes, you can join me…of course,” I said. I slowly stood up. “if you excuse me, I have to use the toilet…heh.” I said. I then went to the balcony and died there. Well. I didn’t die. I just became very worried about Mark and me. Mark joined me.
“Are you okay…I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I said something wrong. I know I was giving you time…but I know what you want, and I know what I want. I don’t think why we should hold ourselves when it comes to our newly born relationship.
I kissed Mark immediately. I wanted to be his girlfriend. Seems unreal but…fuck it. Why the hell no.
Later, we just sat by the fire with everybody else. Everyone was telling their sex stories, and yes, we were just like that. We hated speaking of politics or pop culture, so our inner and bodily desires were what counted.
“Annie, so I saw in the daily mail that you had an affair with the Swedish guy actor, is that true…?” said Luz, taking a sip of vodka. I looked towards Mark, he seemed very interested too.
“What do you think?” I asked. Luz nodded, and then looked at Mark.
“This was much earlier than she started dating you eh, don’t be jelly!” she said. Mark blushed,
“I don’t care about her past. I care about our present…” Mark said, holding my hand. I had a heartthrob. Jesus.
“I like this one!” says Luz, having another drink. “So what is it then? Did you…? or didn’t you?” she asked.
“Everything in the article is true. Well…partially true. I didn’t know he had a fiancee then.” I said.
“Oh well, that’s in the past! Lets drink” interrupts Peter, we start drinking again.
After two hours of pure drinking, and fun, I was totally gone. Not horny, just gone. Everyone was just as drunk, including Mark.
“Tell us about your girlfriends Mark. Like we know nothing about you!” yells someone. I was lying my head on his lap. He was caressing my hair.
“I haven’t had many honestly. But I remember this particular bad experience with a girl once. I was sixteen at the time. I was totally in love with this girl. I was spending time with my family in Barton, and one day I simply fell in love. I believed at the time she was a nymph. She used to go for naked swims in the river…so one day I met her and…I don’t remember well, but she was my first one. We spent the whole summer swimming in rivers and…just…being free I guess, and one day…the last day of summer, we had sex in some bush in the wild…and that’s when I realised we were doing it on top of poison ivy. My whole body was covered in horrible rashes and…somebody had stolen our clothes! Well. My mum forbade me to continue seeing her. Never saw her again. I just remember being in pain really, but…I really never had a broken heart.
I had never heard that story but I couldn’t imagine a young Mark. I couldn’t imagine his responsible ass doing it in the wild. Maybe we all had our wild sides. I held his face and approached him to me, kissing him fully. We were so drunk. I felt so in love. Then the thought of Tom slipped onto my brain. I stopped kissing Mark.
“I need to use the toilet,” I said, then went to the bathroom and washed my face. YOU. YOU stop thinking about Tom. I leave the bathroom and Matt was outside.
“Hey Annie,” he said. I was going to ignore him but I spoke.
“Hey, little kid,” I said. “How is u doing?”
“I am sorry Annie. I have thought of all I have done, and its utter bullshit. I was a terrible boyfriend and a terrible friend. I lied to you and…I was a terrible brother as well. I mean, I did fall for you, a lot, but I didn’t deserve you. I never did. I started pursuing you to piss off my brother and found myself in love. This made me a terrible person, and I kind of manipulated you. I do hope we can be friends. I miss playing tennis with you.” Matt said. I just put my hand on his shoulder.
“Mattie. Yes. Friends sound amazing.” I replied. Maybe this was a good idea. Maybe!
I returned to the living room to find Peter naked. They were playing naked poker again. Mark was red, laughing his ass off. He continued saying “Where am I!? Where am I!? What is this!?” laughing.
Suddenly, all of them kissing, perhaps going a bit further? Luz kissing Andreina. David and Peter grabbing them. This was going to become an orgy? We were really young for this kind of bullshit! You don’t start doing an orgy until 30!
Mark had seen enough. He stood up, and I followed him, soon, I realised why he left: he needed to vomit.
“You alright?” I asked Mark to clean his mouth.
“I’ve never drunk this much since…my first year in Uni.” He said. “Are they…you know?” I nod, Mark cleans his forehead. “I want to go home…” Mark said. “I think this is a little bit too much for me.”
“Yeah. It is for me too. Let's go.” I said we walked towards the main room again.
“Welcome to the family Mark. You can serve what you like…” said Barry, kissing Ben. Everyone was naked. What the actual fuck!
Suddenly, Andreina got to me and started making me naked.
“Annie! come on!” I started laughing like crazy but noticed Mark was uncomfortable.
“I’m tired!” I said.
“Booo,” says Andreina. Peter grabs her waist and pulls her to the group. I saw Ben coming towards us.
“ I also need to leave before I do something crazy,” he said. “Val is not here…”
I see Barry, and he is now kissing and touching Matt. Never would have seen it coming. I shipped them together, though. Better them together than with me.
We took a Uber home, and Mark drunkenly kissed me all the way there. When we arrived at the apartment, we left the Uber still kissing. I pulled his tie close to me, and I bite his lips.
“Good night, Annie,” he said. “I will come to see you in a few days..”
“In a few days…?” I said. “Come inside with me…”
“Annie…” he kissed me again, “I will come and see you after work. Okay?” I nodded.
I then walked inside the building and went to my apartment.
In my wet dream, I was having sex both with Tom and Mark. Both men holding me in their arms. I woke up in the middle of the night, humping my pillow. Maybe it was time for me to get a sex toy?
The next few months were sublime. Sarah Vaughan was the usual singer I was listening at the moment. Absolutely Jazzy and peaceful. Nothing lacked in my life. We sometimes don’t realise what we have, but I knew exactly what I had, and I was happy. Really happy.
Maybe being really in love made me feel like I was the owner of the world. I had received a promotion at work, and Mark and I felt as if we were made for each other. The way we thought about many topics were similar, and we had the same intellectual abilities. What else could be expected from a Doctor?
Perhaps my life was becoming way too predictable, and I didn’t like predictability, it made me feel unsafe. It reminded me of my cheating father and his poor taste in women. Predictability was like the recipe for chaos. I felt as if something bad was going to happen soon. I tried to keep bad thoughts away.
I had gone to Ben’s wedding in February, and Tom was there with a new girlfriend. I didn’t mind him. I ignored him as usual and maintained my distance.
I remember that during one of our many dreamy nights together, Mark had told me that he loved me. He smelled clean, and his face was preciously shaven.
“You have the prettiest brown eyes I have ever seen Annie. Your hair. I love how it falls onto your shoulders. I love how your long black hair is always down. I love how you don’t use too much Makeup…” He said first.
I remember I slowly looking at him and smirking.
“Tell me something I don’t already know,” I said. Mark blushed a little bit and grabbed my fingers.
“I love you Annie Picadersi. That you didn’t know.” He said. I blushed, and I jumped on top of him. It was the first time he had told me he loved me in our three months together.
It is probably worth mentioning we hadn’t had sex once.
On top of him, I started kissing him passionately. His hand entered underneath my blouse, then he grabbed my breast , and he stopped. His face looked like he couldn’t believe what he had done. I kissed him again and held his other hand to my right breast. Mark looked at me confused, and then smiled broadly, he finally understood what was meant to happen within us.
Mark kissed me slowly holding my body against his, he was really hard. I had never felt such virility from any man. Mis naughty fingers are making me naked while I am over the moon. Jesus Christ, finally!
I need to admit I had been out earlier, I went to see some friends and drunk a little bit too much. I decided to go visit my boyfriend that night so I could just sleep at his place with him. Why the hell not!
My hand ventured inside his underwear, and I slowly stroked his erection. His lustful look was what I was waiting to see for ages. He finally got rid of my shirt and underwear, and we were almost ready. I made him naked, and we just looked at each other, impressed, and horny.
Mark’s body was I need to admit, thinner than I expected. The downstairs department was one of the most sizeable ones I had seen in my short experience with men.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked me between kisses, and I nodded shyly. He turns my body over and then goes down on me.
I was already so wet that I probably was going to orgasm by just feeling his tongue. I held myself and I tried to hold it for longer. I wanted us to have the big O together. In sync. It is probably lame because women can have more than one…but I just wanted…
Well…All of that for me…relaxing way too much and falling asleep.
The next morning I felt stupid. I had missed the opportunity by falling asleep halfway there. Mark was asleep with his PJs next to me. He had managed to dress me up, and I was not surprised. I have a very heavy sleep.
Then I had the crazy idea to have morning sex. Whatever we had planned to do during the night was going to happen in the morning. I went to Mark’s bathroom and I filled the bath. I then fed Mark’s dog and ate cereal for breakfast. I returned to the bathroom and dropped a bath bomb.
Mark’s bath was probably not going to fit us both but…I had an idea for that!
I heard the springs of the bed. This meant Mark was finally awake.
“Mark…” I called onto him. He enters the bathroom and I noticed he was really nervous. “Do you want to come in…” He looked at my naked body and gets rid of his PJs.
He said nothing. He just went into the water with me. We were side to side touching our knees. We were probably too tall. Mark started laughing. I started laughing too.
“This is so odd…” Mark said.
“Yeap. Didn’t expect we were so big” I said with a smile. I moved towards him. “Maybe I should climb onto your body…”
“Annie…” He responds naughtily. My eyes are looking at him as he was my prey…. he kissed me.
A bark. The dog starts barking. Then we hear steps outside. I moth “wtf” at him. Mark sighs.
“Should I go and see?” he said, we then hear….
“Mark!? Are you here?” its the voice of a woman. Mark’s expression changed and looked as if he is dying or something.
“Shit,” He said. He moved his ass from the bath and jumped out. He then looked at me and he was covered in glitter and soap. “Stay here” he whispered. I looked at him confused and he left me in the bathroom.
I submerged myself in the bath. Annoyed.
“Hi, mother…” I heard him say. “You could’ve called…”
“Well I did but you were not picking up the phone!” The woman said. “You’re not alone, are you!?” she said in a laugh. I heard some back and forth between both, and I decided to leave the bath quickly. I picked up a towel and covered myself. Shit. I was approaching the door when she opened it. Shit again. She looked at me and she smiled broadly. “She is gorgeous MARK!” she yells impressed. I blush and I wanted to die. I guess this could’ve gone horribly but it didn’t.
“Hello, nice to meet you. I am Annie.” I said. The mother smiled and hugged me.
“Thank you for making my son so happy…” she said. I was naked. It weirded me out. She then realised what she had done and blushed. “Oh…sorry!"
“Mother…what are you doing here…?” asked Mark carefully. His mother just smiled.
“Well. I had to meet her…you didn’t want to bring her over yet but… I couldn’t wait any longer. I am Mark’s mum (she said to me) His father and I were in town and I decided to come and see you both, dear (to Mark and I).
“I’m sorry Annie…” he said blushing. I just laughed it off.
“No worries. I just wish I was wearing clothes when you came by…” I said. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you!” I said.
“Likewise dear! Likewise!” Marks mum said with a smile.
She was very posh and gave me some Hillary Clinton vibes. I am not sure why but I always expected her to be a stuck up bitch but…she wasn’t. She was a splendid person.
She was warm and nice, just like Mark. She might be slightly old-fashioned but not in the Boomer way.
That night Mark and I went to dinner with his parents, and they loved me. I mean I am as charming as Mark so It was to be expected. They asked me about everything there was to know about me and told me about their huge house in Bath. They also told me a little bit about Mark’s sister, Felicity, and their many hounds.
Then I met Lui in the pub the next day. He had told me we had to meet up and Mark and I met him up there.
“Nice to see you both,” said Lui. “You look like twins!”
Mark and I looked at each other, and we realised we were both wearing red we laughed.
“How are you Luigi, mate?” Mark asked.
“Doing alright. Doing alright. I just came here for information. I heard you’re moving to Switzerland Annie. Is that true?” I smiled and nodded. Mark grabbed my hand. “We decided to go together,” said Mark.
Luigi looked surprised because we had only been dating for three months but Mark and I had decided we needed a break from England. Mark was doing research at the University Hospital in Bern…and my promotion from work had me there also for the year. At work, we were trying to build a larger network.
I went back to my apartment alone that night.
A few weeks later I was saying goodbye to my co-workers and we ate a lot of cake. I wasn’t leaving forever but we liked free cake. The person who I least expected to show up was Tom, who belonged to a completely different department. He had come back for work after his business wasn’t going very far…and that’s what I heard from the rumours.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving…” said Tom, walking by the multitude. He seemed like he had been exercising and his natural glow looked great, he was wearing a leather jacket and his hair was tidy. Everyone knew we had been involved together, so there was an air of weirdness around us.
I had not seen Tom since we slept together before I started dating Mark. He had been the last person I had sex with…He kissed me. He kissed me and I have a fucking boyfriend! He knows it. This is fucking sexual harassment!
“What the fuck!” I yelled at him. Everybody was surprised, Tom caressed my face. “My goodbye kiss.”
The air in the office was tense. I wanted to kill him.
“Okay…” said Richard breaking the tension. “You can go now Tom…I guess.” My boss said.
“I am not leaving. I…I have a present for you, Annie.” Tom said I was just standing there uncomfortably. He takes a book out of his jacket pocket.
“I wrote it. Please read it.” He said. I took the book. Not really saying anything. I was tense, angry, and I felt abused. Tom was such an asshole!
Tom left after that. Everybody surrounded me to see if I was okay, and Richard said he was going to have a talk to Tom’s supervisor.
I told them it was all an act and not to worry about it. He was doing it to wind me up. Personally, I had no idea what he was trying to do that day. I also had no idea he had become a writer, and I was decided not to read the book.
The book was called “Hunting Season” and I had no idea what it was about…perhaps I had to donate it. I had no idea.
Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Once the book is finished I think I will do an audiobook version of it! 378Please respect copyright.PENANAtLWkVZTME3
There are still around 15 chapters left (I think).
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